Question about mentalist charm



I ran around in odins today when I at one point we got attacked by a mentalist with a charmed glacial mauler?

Now I became very confused cause a lvl 50 told me that glacial maulers are yellow to him and that they then would be to high to charm for a mentalist. That mauler might have been an exception an been lvl 44 and charmable.

The big question mark is I thought mentalist could only charms humanoids. I have ran around with my lvl 8 mentalist trying to charm stuff high and low but only been able to charm humanoids so far. Does this change at higher lvls or was it that the pet that was there was from a sorcerer that had charmed it and sent it attack the mids only? (would fit with the yellow to 50 too, no conspicarcy theory left out)

Someone enlighten me please, I am very very confused.


Guess who!


Who could that have been running round mid with a big teddy? :D

Mentalist charm was full of bugs and totally useless until last patch, now it has been fixed and mentalists can charm a wide array of mobs for their own personal entertainment.
Depending on the level of spell you cast you can charm different types of mobs, the lowest one charms only humanoids for instance, regardless of level however, I often charm Grogans, Loghery men or Daughters of Medb using this low level, low mana spell - often these are yellow con to me so levels 46+

The highest mob I've had under control was a pale horse in Sheeroe Hills (Hib epic zone) and was level 50.

For your information I only have 36 points in light, if I would've gone higher I would be able to charm almost any type of mob in the game and even go for orange mobs n things, although this would be a bit risky as when they resist the charm pulse or when you release them they turn on you... not fun if it happens to be a hard hitting yellow con beasty and I'm a stick weilding, paper wearing wizzie :rolleyes:

Anyways, hope this helps and I hope my nasty pets eat many more enemies in the battles to come :cool:

-ps.- why do albs always pick bloodletters as their pets when they come into emain, I hate hate hate them as pets cos you can't see where you're going most of the time with something that big stuck to the back of you.


Because bloodletters run faster than you can sprint so people can't get away. :D
Basically though mentalist charm is the gimped version of minstrel charm so far as I can tell (given minstrel charm is insta and costs a small amount of endurance but no power, and mentalist is castable (I think) and eats power like oprah in a buffet). I can charm oranges fine, my level 43 managed to hold a level 47 mob for a short period (it attacked me so I charmed, told it to stay and ran off :p).
The creature types are humanoid, animal, magical, and insect. I think you get them in that order, but not entirely sure.

Lafala Arifel

Only the later versions of the charm eat power quickly, so this means charming a humanoid mob (first charm) barely takes any effort at all (regardless of its level). That's why you usually see mentalists with humanoid pets, not because they cannot charm anything else, but because if they do it is less mana efficient.
But even with the later charms, if you're specced in mana too you get a nice power regen over time, so it's still feasible to hold the pets permanently :)


Oh thanks. But another question at lvl 8 with my menta I was unable to charm yellows/blue cause they only resisteted to this get raised later so you can charm yellows or how does it work?


Hmm, I'd rather have my no power usage, small end hit on cast then no cost for tick charm, especially since I can twist powersong with it for fast regen and a charmed mob. :p
As for different levels, minstrels can only ever use their highest level spells as the others are not availble. :p

On the yellows resisting, it's dependent on your level of spec to a large extent (I think charm is mentalism spec?) If you have max spec you should be able to charm yellows without problems and oranges with a small degree of risk. At lower spec you will get more resists though.


Hmm, I'd rather have my no power usage, small end hit on cast then no cost for tick charm, especially since I can twist powersong with it for fast regen and a charmed mob.
Well I didn't know this was a competition to see who has the best charm.. maybe minstrel does but I'll own any banjo playing, speeding Alb that comes near me so it's really no probs, I cast other spells too you see, and these hurt... :clap:
On the yellows resisting, it's dependent on your level of spec to a large extent (I think charm is mentalism spec?) If you have max spec you should be able to charm yellows without problems and oranges with a small degree of risk. At lower spec you will get more resists though.
Well charm is light spec and as I said earlier I only have 36 spec in it and am able to charm level 50 mobs and usually have a yellow con running round with me, also with little or no mana drainage whatsoever as I am always cracked up to the eyeballs thanks to one of my many other talents :p
Oh thanks. But another question at lvl 8 with my menta I was unable to charm yellows/blue cause they only resisteted to this get raised later so you can charm yellows or how does it work?
It's hard for me to comment on this as when I was this level, mentalist charm was so bugged that I could only charm grey humanoids at the best of times and couldn't do anything with them as if I targetted anything else ever I lost control of it. I would advise against using charm at this level anyhow, if you've specced in light you should be able to take out mobs ok anyway, wait till you have a few more points in light to make sure of succesful charms.
Also you don't say what mobs you tried to charm at level 8, at that level you'll only be able to get humanoids and there's not many about at that level (I think even rowdies might be green/grey at that level, can't remember tho) :rolleyes:


Originally posted by Cornell

Well I didn't know this was a competition to see who has the best charm.. maybe minstrel does but I'll own any banjo playing, speeding Alb that comes near me so it's really no probs, I cast other spells too you see, and these hurt... :clap:

Pff Banjo, I play the drum!
As for hurting spells, well you need a nerf! (not bitter at all about being the lowest damage class in Albion :p)

When it comes down to it though I rarely use charm, too much effort to run charm and speed/mana/mez. :rolleyes: Mentalists have an advantage there at least.


where are the humanoids

I have a lvl 11 Mentalist and have the 1st mana crack spell at level 4 (mana) and light at lvl 10, just got my charm animal thingy.

So can i safely charm a lvl 11 humanoid mob? do cumuds class as humanoid?

where can i find a good mob at lvl 11 to charm?


Curmudgeons are classed as humanoids yupyup.. but careful if they are agro to you as if you charm a pet in the middle of agros they'll all attack it and maybe some at you also.

To be totally safe of controlling a pet you can get a blue con or try any yellow really. I wouldn't go by that link and charm oranges no matter what level your light is, interesting tho some points were it was incorrect on many, in theory according to that I can only charm about level 40 mobs but anything up to level 46 is safe with me and between 47-50 I get some resists.

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