Question about Infi's Spec point



Hello everyone

i just created a Infi (lvl 6), my friend told me i should have 15 spec point (6 x 2.5), but i only have 12 spec point (same problem to my Friar)

2.5 pre lvl i can have 4 skills at 40-43
2.0 pre lvl i can only have 3 skills at 40 :/

i dont really understant Infi spec point, all i know is from a liitle program called "Pointer" -_-||

Thanks for help
have a nice day ~ ^^ ~


Infs get there spec point luvvin in our next patch - as do friars.

Friars get 1.5x points per level after patch and Inf gets 2.5x instead of 2x (why my Inf has been parked at entrance to Keltoi Dungeon @ lvl20 for like 6weeks)


Ok my good man Bicky here is Lights break down on spec points and what is best to go for on infiltrators, this is of course my opinion and can be edited or corrected by other opinions

ok we initially get 2.0x spec points which obviously is not enuff for a infiltrator as we have 3 core skills and one auxilary skill we need to spec up!

<1st Spec Points allocation>
Ok best thing to go for first is Stealth, now some people leave stealth behind, but to be honest stealth is your bread and butter, its what makes u more powerful than any other class in the world of RvR and if u leave it behind initially u find urself struggling to raise it at later levels. Plus stealth is essential to your Critical Strike moves, at the lower lvls especially, with back stab and all those moves to use.

<2nd Spec Point Allocation>
Ok the next area to put Spec points in is CS, now CS is ohhhhh so important I cry when people they don't spec in it till later levels!! Its is also ur bread and butter and getting the moves are such a buzz because they look sooo cool, keep this to about three quarters of ur level and if ur like one point or couple of points from a new CS move which is worthwhile or part of ur stealth chain then sacrifice Stealth and get the move and make up the stealth point lost in the next level

<3rd Spec Point Allocation>
Ok now this is where people will get heated with me, some people go for envenom on the third skill, but I chose to go with Thrust! Now thrust is good because it relates to the the dmg u do and the basic dmg when hitting with CS. Envenom in my opinion is weak and not anygood in PvE at all, so no point using it at lower lvls until u get to the 30's then start speccing in it alot and its really useful

<4th Spec Point Allocation>
Obviously this goes to envenom, which is a powerful skill in RvR so don't consider specing in it till the mid 20's or early 30's, take like a whole level of spec points and put it into envenom

Now at the present time we cannot get 4 skills to 50 with 2x spec points however the new patch gives us 2.5x and that enables us to get all 4 skills to 50!!!!

This is how it works, pay close attention

40 Stealth- Put stealth to 40 and there are absolutely TONS of items which will bump it upto 50 and its as good as natural 50, so leave it at 40

40 Envenom-With the new patch comes new items and with the new items comes more envenom bonuses, basically with item buffs and Realm Rank points 50 envenom is easy and before u ask YES YES YES envenom buffed to 50 does enable u to use Lifebane so watch out RvR, very VERY nasty poison does upto 100dmg per tick which is like ALOT!

And finally put Thrust to a natural 50 to get the Dragon Fang skill which gives u MAJOR dmg dealing and a 9 sec stun if u evade and trust me u will evade alot!!!

And yeah people will say but Creeping Death gives a stun, but what happens if u miss with it or dare I say miss CS altogether, Dragon fang is that backup and unlike envenom or stealth u don't get the skill even if the items buff u upto 50 :(

Hope this helps PM me in game if u have any queries, I already get a ton of people pming me in game asking about infil spec and things they should do

Oh and one other thing SOLOING IS HELL AT HIGHER LEVELS so don't even waste ur time, I didn't!


36 stealth - +11 items and RR4 for +3 for 50
50 thrust (slash is for gimps ;)) - DragonFang
39/44 CS - PA-chain fully and possible addition to Hamstring chain
38 envenom - with epic armor and DF env+5 jewel, RR4 takes you to 50, maybe above after the changes in 1.51
rest DW - it's nice

Autotrain stealth to 24 minimum (gets you 6 stealth), you can do well enough with low stealth in PVE, just find suitable mobs. Collect points for couple levels before stopping and use them to raise stealth as high as possible. After that, always try keep stealth at your level.

That's 4 skills at 50 at level 50, if you swap jewels and went for 44 CS.


Yeah like I said but in more detail u cheeky monkee Bela!

hehe :clap::clap:


Thrust or Slash ?

Thank you Light ~^^~

yes, i want to trian Stealth and CS after lvl 8, but i have one mroe question, i want to be a Infi can kill/hunt Ranger/Hunter/NS and SB, isn't that Slash is better for Studded and leader armor ?

Thanks for help


Don't do it DON'T DO SLASH!!!!

Its pants trust me ur dex will be so high that u will rock at thrust

I can one shot yellow archers and wizzies easy and even take on heroes if I pull off my 3 hit combo with poisons, no one is immune to be honest!

Apart from reds! Which er...won't be red anymore cause I am about to hit 44


Re: Thrust or Slash ?

Originally posted by Bicky
Thank you Light ~^^~

yes, i want to trian Stealth and CS after lvl 8, but i have one mroe question, i want to be a Infi can kill/hunt Ranger/Hunter/NS and SB, isn't that Slash is better for Studded and leader armor ?

Thanks for help

You get PA+CD off on any of those, you win. Slash might have 15% bonus against leather, but it's incredibly easy to get 20%+ slash resists if you put your mind to it... Besides, going slash you'll have hard time against most mids with the 15% penalty to chain.


D'oh >"<

ok, i guess i have to re-create this char.... again ^o^||

Thank you Light and Belthazor, i will go for Thrusting, Stealth and CS ~ ^^ ~


PM me in game when ur higher lvl and I may have some spare stuff for u


Thanks, i will start train later when my friends is online ^^

p.s. my little infi is lvl 7 atm, all spec on slash, and i can solo orange >"<


slash is much better for lvling since it seems almost all mobs resist thrust and slash has better anytime style wich doesnt use as much end as garotte-achilles.
but thrust will give u an edge in rvr with dragonfang


Originally posted by Bicky
Thanks, i will start train later when my friends is online ^^

p.s. my little infi is lvl 7 atm, all spec on slash, and i can solo orange >"<

So was I when soloing at plains - lots of nice mobs which get penalty against leather and thrust gets bonus against them. Only downtime was finding a mob that's separated enough from the rest aggros, endurance regen and the slow stealth movement with stealth autotraining, because hp-loss was usually very minimal.

Slash will make PvE easier after plains, but at 50 base spec, thrust is better without at doubt due to 9 sec stun off evade :D


the reason i want a slash infi is because i will train this infi with a friend, he is thrust infi, Slash + Thrust Infis in RvR should be good :D

we tried 2 thrust infi, is not very good :/
atm i dont know which weapon skill i should choose...
i like thrust, but 2 thrust infi is a bit hard to train together >"<


Stick with slash and thrust combined :)
should be interesting...

What they mean by 'autotraining' stealth is 'leaving it at 1'...

i.e. don't put spec points into it until you're level 24 or so.

(All this about 'finding it hard to put up later' is nonsense... it'll cost just the same as if you put stealth up now and your combat skills up later, except stealth is pretty useless in PvE)

Train Thrust (or Slash, pick one that you like) along with either CS or Dual Wield (I'd recommend CS as DW ain't that hot... but it's upto how you see yourself) or both...

and throw some in envenom too :)
leave stealth till yer higher level.


so i should train weapon skill every lvl till 44-50 ?
and train CS with some poison from about lvl 10 right?
leave stealth skill till 32-36 ?

hehe alot of questions :D


Originally posted by fingoniel
Stick with slash and thrust combined :)
should be interesting...

maybe i should trian thrust, and he trian slash :D
this should be fun in RvR :)
will be nice to have scout with us hehe


Auto train is crap, ignore him, seriously if u wanna get those critical hits off properly or go to the Battlegrounds when the patch goes in in 2 weeks u will sooooo regret auto training it!

Ur spend the same amount of points bar 10-20 points which at higher levels is gonna give u nothing anyway...

I never auto trained Stealth and at level 44 this is how my stats look

45 Stealth
43 CS
36 Thrust
26 Envenom

Thats including items and RR2 add ons!

I hit PvE mobs for 80-150

And in RvR I hit for 550+ on yellow mobs wizzies and such with first CS move 300 with second and 300 with third and then 100+ with Garrote and Achilles heel

Train Stealth, CS and Thrust and ur be fine, leave envenom till higher levels as its useless in PvE

He is entitled to his opinion and what he says is fair but its not how I went about it, it just makes life sooooo much harder for a character that is already really hard anyway


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