Question about infiltrator spec



I am planning on starting an infiltrator, but I am a bit confused about all the spec-lines.

I am not gonna ask you for 'the perfect spec' because I think it doesn't exist (eg. it's different for everyone).

I want an infiltrator who:

* Is good in stealthing (I wanna walk in Thindranki WATCHING the other classes how they play, what they can do, learn something about them, how to defeat them with my main, etc etc)

But what's the deal with that 'auto-train' stealth thing? How does it work? How should I spec stealth to maximize my stealth in Thidranki without spending too much spec-points in that line (don't need stealth from lvl 1-23, just want max. stealth at level 24)

* Can easily take out a caster/healer who's a bit off his group (solo), by using critical-strikes like backstab or perforate artery

* Who can use a fair amount of poisons. What's a decent ammount of specpoints I should throw in venom?

* Thrust or slash? And if I choose thrust, do I need strength? And when I choose slash, is it dex? Or the other way around? I am a noob in this, don't blame me :)

Any help is greatly appreciated!


Autotraining keeps one of your lines at a quarter of your level, without taking any spec points from you. So if you don't spec stealth until after you ding 24, you will have (24/4)=6 stealth for free, i.e. you will have gotten 2+3+4+5+6 free points.

For an infiltrator you don't intend to level past thidranki, I would suggest:
21 Critical Strike (perforate artery/backstabII+followup)
18 Slash (use uppercut->opal slash as anytime style)
18 Stealth
18 Envenom (or less if you can't get your hands on a +envenom item that you don't mind wearing out on a lowbie char - the 18 has in mind that you will get +4 and be able to use the first con debuff poison, if you can't get that maybe swap envenom for DW?)


After BG1?

Well my infil is almost the same, except I have thrust, less env and a little in dual wield.

It's a little academic, as there are so many factors which dictate how effective you are in RvR, especially BG.

Make you sure you have an active healer and wizzy/theug in your group, active in terms of giving buffs and leaving the safety of the keep (too many times people sit in groups, afk, or too frightened to leave the keep, or pk).

Bind at the launch pad, infils die a lot, and usually in the middle of nowhere were you have no chance of a rezz (see above).

I had a group yesterday of 2 infils, a scout, a wizzy, two friars, and arms and a cleric, and with a bit of co-operation and risk taking we pretty much owned BG for 3 hours.

So to sum up, I think we can argue till you are blue in the face about specs, but what effects your performance more will be the group and people you play with.

My RP’s are at 120 in two days which means my allocation of RP’s will soon be gone, which is a shame as I have had great fun away from the XP grind.

The question I have however is; what do I do with my little infil after BG1. BG2 and 3 are not used, and the hassle you get trying to get groups in Keltoi etc. at lower levels, made levelling him a bit of a grind. Are they as much fun in big boy RvR, does he have to be lvl 50 to be effective and does the attitude towards infils change as they grow?


Re: After BG1?

Originally posted by old.Ashgen
Are they as much fun in big boy RvR, does he have to be lvl 50 to be effective and does the attitude towards infils change as they grow?

They can be much fun when level 50, as I am finding out. Im not into the Albion Zerg so you wont find me where the action is, but I tend to solo, as some of the Mids and Hibs have discovered :)

No the attitude doesnt change. If you cant get into a grp then the only way is to start one. At level 48,49 though I did get a few more invites in tree groups, without having to play Kerry (lvl 50 theurg) when the grps wanted pBT.

An Infil is the perfect solo class in RvR, :D get used to soloing is my advice, as you will probably spend a lot time doing it, either XPing or in RvR.

If you can use a buff bott then it makes life a lot easier, 2 buff botts if possible. theurg for EB/Haste and a cleric.

Sharp Thing

Re: Re: After BG1?

Originally posted by old.Kiarra

If you can use a buff bott then it makes life a lot easier, 2 buff botts if possible. theurg for EB/Haste and a cleric.
yes, we want more infil n00bs with buffbots :rolleyes:


The perfect infil =

1 take 1 lump of dough

2 place on smooth surface

3 use a rolling pin and flatten the dough

4 place cookie cutter on dough

5 bake till done :) (sit afk while power leveled)

or you could be original and not role another fecking infil!!!!!!


Originally posted by soullessminion
3 use a rolling pin and flatten the dough

I will not assist any more in this process.

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