Question about Champ level abilities


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 26, 2005
I seem to be asking loads of stuff recently :D
Aaanyway, it was said in 1 of my earlyer thready about champion spells not stacking with other spells and that they work the same..

As a ranger i thought this was odd, seeing as the only spells worth getting would be self buffs (no bb) and of those spells i would HAVE to spec in a spell i already have (the 2 options are STR and AF from the top)

now iv since done all my champ lvls (nerf me) and iv found that the AF buff does in fact stack with my self buff, which is nice, i havent tried the STR one as yet but i will when i have

Now someone said to me yesterday that this was a bug and they are gonna fix it.. but the champ level spells are supposed to be additional abilities i can have on top of my own... why should they not stack with my self buffs o_O
so my question is .. are they going to make them not stack with self buffs? and if so are they conna change it so u get the buffs in a different order? or am i gonna have to spec 1 buff from the top that is of no use to me to get the STR/Con and base dex buff.. or is this all wrong and they will stay just as they are ???


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 26, 2005
just thought of something.. maybe they only stack with self buffs (ir target: self) and not with (target: realm) ?

because i buffed a caster earlyer and af buff wouldnt stack with her af buff.. but she went and got the af buff for champ lvl and it did stack..

if this is the case then well done to mythic imo for giving us something that doesnt include self buffs as a bonus we shouldnt have.. (like friar and pally chant did)


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 25, 2004
They still stack on the current US patch (1.81) as my sm abs buff from the viking line appears to stack with my caster one.

So nothing to worry about for 3-4 months yet in any case.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
I guess the AF buff is on the same table as the alb cleric spec AF, and not base af. The other buffs should be base for str, dex, con, and spec for str/con and dex/con and should not stack with either selfbuffs or conc buffs (just like your selfbuffs dont stack with conc buffs, and alchemy buffs dont stack with either).

They arent meant to give you superpowers, they are meant to give you weaker versions of other classes abilities - i.e. you can buff some but if there is a real buffer class available you are better off using those buffs.

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