question about 1 hand spec (hero)


Fledgling Freddie
May 22, 2004
lo :) well im ending to lvl my hero, and now come the time that i have to think seriously about how to spec him.

he will be 50lw 45 shield 36 1h rest parry

Question is im a luri hero, and in template i will have when 1h/shield mode 25% str and 15% dex (100 str 90 dex), question is if being a luri with high dex by default, if having that stats in template, would be better for me to go pierce in 1hand weapon as is (dex/str) based or if would be better to go blunt/blades (str based).

I will use champion 1hand weapon in whatever line i take, so will not use legendarys etc if i go pierce, so will just make thrust damage, checking resists tables, seems that albs/mids healers classes are weak to thrust, but then about numbers seems thrust is the one that have more resistents classes (7) while slash and crush only has 5.

Well looking this overall what you think would be the best? :p

Ta a lot in advance for the help :)

Laterrr :)


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 17, 2005
I think it's totally upto you, although your gonna have more WS from going blades, but in both lines - any utility falls of a chain, which I doubt you'll be using much anyways - Don't get me wrong, they have uses such as interupting, but thats where the utility stalls, and going on the growth rates I wouldnt use them much, both lines fall low of each and one line offers you hinders/bleeds and the other below par damage but decent to-hit ratios. If im playing a class specced 50 LW, I'm using Anni & Side Chain 99% of time anyway - So how you spec doesnt really matter a huge amount, becuase with LW spec you've got multiple options open to you anyway.

Adlatus Hellbringer

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2005
The only time i would go s/s spec is if i was going to solo a lot. After seeing the monsters movie and how effective traitors is i decided to make a new s/s temp for my elf chimp. I specced him 50 shield 50 pierce and 28 valor, his temp was pretty good with both dex and str overcapped etc and traitors. He blocks like a mofo and traitors procs a lot making it a lot of fun in 1v1 combat however in grps he is severely limited in his dmg output etc and util. A luri hero is the best defensive char in the game if specced right however i wouldnt recomend going 50/50 in a grp... 42 shield is enough to slam and then do sum serious dmg with ur lw.


Fuck the Tories!
Dec 27, 2003
in my opinion there is no need for s/s heroes anymore, with wardens getting shield spec. better to go 50 LW 42 shield 39 parry rest blades, at least then you will make a better BG'er than a warden, parry is very much underestimated in rvr, if the assist train cant hit the BG'er through high parry and high shield then its all good, add to that the 50% evade RR5 ability :)


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 5, 2004
yepp have to agree on that:)
Was s/s a long time and it was unbeatable in pve was har to get me down in pvp...meaning i lasted long, but i seldom killed anyone with it tbh:p


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
ebenezer said:
yepp have to agree on that:)
Was s/s a long time and it was unbeatable in pve was har to get me down in pvp...meaning i lasted long, but i seldom killed anyone with it tbh:p

hmm... if he's in a guild that can provide him a spot in a rvr grp then yes, 50LW, 42-45 shield rest in parry is the way to go

if not...
considering the numbers of heroes in rvr now he will hardly get any group so i think 50 blades, 45 shield, 36 parry and ml10 warlord is the way to go for soloing at low rr. yes you may have troubles with casters but you cant expect to kill just everyone at rr2-rr4 :)


Fledgling Freddie
May 22, 2004
ta for the responces :) (not be able to responce earlier because freddy been down for me).

Tbh think mostly of responces went out of topic :p as i werent asking if go s/s or not :p as i say in 1st post i will be 50LW 45 shield 36 1h rest parry, question was if the 36 1h go to blades or pierce, about the template i will have capped str for lw, but having capped str and 90 dex for when using shield wanted to know what was it better, if go pierce or blade for when in 1hand mode (for when soloing or when in pve).

As varna said surely going blades or pierce for 1h doesnt matter but well i were posting to ask about that :p not about if go lw or s/s.

Still ta for the responces :) if anyone see any other point why 1 would be better than other post it! if no one can find any then maybe will go for blades as varna said if im going to have more WS going like that.

Ta again :)

Laterrr :)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Twin said:
ta for the responces :) (not be able to responce earlier because freddy been down for me).

Tbh think mostly of responces went out of topic :p as i werent asking if go s/s or not :p as i say in 1st post i will be 50LW 45 shield 36 1h rest parry, question was if the 36 1h go to blades or pierce, about the template i will have capped str for lw, but having capped str and 90 dex for when using shield wanted to know what was it better, if go pierce or blade for when in 1hand mode (for when soloing or when in pve).

As varna said surely going blades or pierce for 1h doesnt matter but well i were posting to ask about that :p not about if go lw or s/s.

Still ta for the responces :) if anyone see any other point why 1 would be better than other post it! if no one can find any then maybe will go for blades as varna said if im going to have more WS going like that.

Ta again :)

Laterrr :)

i got your point... but you didnt get mine

soloing with 36weapon, 50lw and 45shield means you have almost zero defences in LW mode... and so and so defences in 1h mode.

i soloed my hero from rr2 to rr4 and i know what i mean (been 39blades/42shield/50LW/6parry and then in 1.82 i respeced to 50blades/45shield/36parry)

regarding blade/pierce... go blade and use battler in 1h slot and for LW go malice crush and champweap slash - dont know if heroes can still get SoK as pierce LW.
and this isnt the only argument against pierce... with blades you can cap str/con instead str/dex in template and as RA's you can get augstr3 and mopain3 instead of augstr3 and augdex3 for better offensive capabilities


Resident Freddy
Jan 16, 2004
If u wanna solo in rvr there's no other viable spec than 50LW/CS 42 shield 34 1h 20 parry or 50LW/CS 45 Shield 36 parry 3 blades.
But trust me sacrificing all that 1h spec to get 45 shield (aka tactics) really doesn't give u any edge.
I would altho reccomend the 1st one, with 20+11 parry u got more than nuff parry and with 34 blades if u need to pull off some reactionaries u got nuff ws to do it.
Also 1st spec works wonders in fgs too.
Ofc go Warlord cause u won't get a BG spot in any group.


Fledgling Freddie
May 22, 2004
lo :)

ye anioal missed your point there :) i see it now (tbh if dont saw it before was becuase atm i dont thought in solo as hero, looking there is so much casters/high rr tanks around atm :p ), about your spec by 1 way i like it, but then for grouping i prefer to have high LW, but well if i find myself unable to find any group around, maybe will give it a try to your spec.

About Gahn, i really like this spec you said "50LW/CS 42 shield 34 1h 20 parry", surely what i will do is try and reach rr4 grouping around, and then in rr4 maybe will respec to that spec.

Btw just 1 worry :p, i have a decent template going on tho, but then i find myself unable to add + parry in it, so question is 20 parry alone would be enuff? (i will have +85 quick in template as lurikeen, dont know if this will help to parry more). And about shield 51 composite is enuff?

Again ta everyone for the help :)

Laterr :)


Fuck the Tories!
Dec 27, 2003
well with your 2h out and low parry you will get eaten alive 1v1, thats why i said 39 parry rather than 39 blades, also your best chain in LW is the parry reactive :)

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