Query about GOA



Does anyone know:

If GOA is regulated by a specific body of any sort, and if so who/how to make contact?

Of any other means of contacting GOA apart from Rightnow?

Of any means (anyone out there done so?) of pushing a formal complaint through - either by specific individuals mail addresses or a tag to add to a message etc?

If when they say an account is terminated whether it is 100% completely gone or if (as I would hope for a major PC company) they do actually keep backups?

Thanks in desperation,

one extremely pissed off gimpy terminated infil who cant believe that GOA have nerfed THEMSELVES so badly that they can't even answer simple questions after 2 MONTHS of continuos (and very repetetive) questioning!


GOA have to abide by some rules of Mythic probably set out in their contract I believe.

Instead of RightNow you could try the subscription@goa.com for subscription problems, and yes they do keep the characters stored for a good while after an account has been closed.


Originally posted by Wend
Isn't Goa "owned" by Wanadoo Edition (http://www.wanadoo-edition.com/uk/wanadoo/wanadoo.htm)?

Which in turn is owned by France Telecom. :eek:

Sort of. GOA is in the Wanadoo Portails division of Wanadoo, not part of Wanadoo Edition. Wanadoo is in turn part of the France Telecom group.

Regulated? Well, it's regulated under French consumer law. If you have a legitimate grievance with service that they have charged you for and subsequently failed to provide, you can sue them. I can't possibly imagine anything they could have done to you that would be worth the incredible hassle of legal action, but you're perfectly free to have a go.

As for "account terminated", that depends on how and why the account was terminated. If the subscription ran out, then all your characters are there just as you left them. Even if GOA terminated your account for another reason - payment fraud, in-game cheating, whatever, I would imagine that the account still exists in the database, it's just marked "closed", although it's always possible that they purged it.

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