I'd like to take time to make a number of thansk specially to the 50 mids who battle the Giant Queen of Tuscarian Glacier for close too 2 hours. You know who you ae, and truely magnificant effort, and a level of dedication to the cause thats been lacking in Midgard for a long time.
To, Thanis, Blejsarus, Svartalf, Frols, Kjel, Grivne, Azuria, and all those wonderful mids who went the hall 10 yards last night.
A special thansk to Smildorf the tireless tactician of Tuscarian Glacier for his endless efforts in tactical pulling.
Congratulation people of Nemesis, Bad Omen, Sons of Nidhug, Foreste Circle, Jormungdur, Crimson Hand and the quests of Faith Alliance. An honour fighting with you all.
To, Thanis, Blejsarus, Svartalf, Frols, Kjel, Grivne, Azuria, and all those wonderful mids who went the hall 10 yards last night.
A special thansk to Smildorf the tireless tactician of Tuscarian Glacier for his endless efforts in tactical pulling.
Congratulation people of Nemesis, Bad Omen, Sons of Nidhug, Foreste Circle, Jormungdur, Crimson Hand and the quests of Faith Alliance. An honour fighting with you all.