Quartestaff Bows out for the last time


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Well its been a good 3 years, but alas i finally reached that pinacle point tonight where i just wasnt willing to carry on anymore. It wasnt New Frontiers, i actually enjoyed the last few days RvR, ToA did make me angry with the game but i lived with it best i could. The final decision was just that after 3 years of playing i have got and was going nowhere, for those of you that did know me well, back when i played Quarterstaff and Knighthood, will know the insane amount of characters i have made and deleted over the years , the realm switching in my early days and all the other whining i did and frustration and anger of that bloody Friar. Managed 4 lvls 50 , but each one either eventually deleted or retired, i could never find something i was happy with. I guess really, my indecision was the thing that done me in the end. But hey ho, i talk to much <As people in the guilds i was in will know lol>.

Would like to say thanks to a few main people i knew over the years b4 i stop my account and posts on freddys.. Bladean - one of the most irritating but best Paladins i had the pleasure <or is that misfourtune lol> of knowing during my time in Daoc, Jimmythepost - Very nice bloke and a pleasure to know , Bes/Dharma - Amazingly kind and helpful chap who did more for me than i could pay back, same too for Jaem/Starvald/Lasercry. Solofriar and Salty for all thier adivce over the years. To the whole of TDF and KOTRT and Guards of Avalon <Even u Asyveth hehe> and many more i knew in Alb. Well thats about it, i took up to much space now. Good luck to you all and have fun.

Quarterstaff lvl 50 Friar (x2)
Headoverheals Cleric
Stunsong Minstrel

Cheers :drink:


Part of the furniture
Jan 9, 2004
Bugger. Who is going to get my yellow tourmalines now you have gone?

Only really got to know you during the last few weeks but I found you to be great fun and a bloody good player. I hope you take a short break and decide to return so Hanky can once more tell you "SHE IS MOIST".


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
ill come back if u let me join synergy and pl my scout to 40 m8, other than that , lol not a chance

pity though i missed collecting tourmalines for u lol

<Btw seriously , u guys offer to l me to 40 and ill come back lol>


sigh :/

notice the extreme lack of bye posts, either im hated or its cos the majority of people who knew me b4 i quit didnt know Quarterstaff lol :p

oh well <once again ill come back if u guys pl me to 40 - hint lol>


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 2, 2004
BB m8y.... enjoy RL.... and c'ya in a few weeks when the need for a DAOC fix becomes too hard to resist :)

standart is... about 26% resist chance = 74% comes baq to DAOC pretty fast :flame: So C'ya soon m8 :fluffle:


Dec 22, 2003
Bye :(
Any friend of Beeks is a friend of mine :D


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Tilda said:
Any friend of Beeks is a friend of mine :D

Ewww I was wondering who got his vibrating black nobbler all gooey the other week :(


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Im kind of in limbo atm..
Im waiting on news on something , but its still 90% quit :p

if not, it better be before you do you ml7 raid eggy lol


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 7, 2004
Heh never seen ya, prolly ingame :p but i'll give ya a /wave to the big flying sheeps in the sky anyways ^^


Loyal Freddie
Feb 18, 2004
you will be back

hehe brother in arms,

remeber you leveling my friar 20-24 on frogs near hurbury and yeah i admitted y taught me most of playing in daoc.

but it will be a sad day when y depart it was great fun playing with you and you deleting your level 50s for y to shout up jimmy guess who, i started another char or i am back from mid or hib land.

well i can only hope ill get a pm in the game with the words guess who.
all the best in real life m8 you still got my e-mail so e-mail me now and again sometimes.

your m8 and mine jimmythepost :(


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
jimmythepost said:
hehe brother in arms,

remeber you leveling my friar 20-24 on frogs near hurbury and yeah i admitted y taught me most of playing in daoc.

but it will be a sad day when y depart it was great fun playing with you and you deleting your level 50s for y to shout up jimmy guess who, i started another char or i am back from mid or hib land.

well i can only hope ill get a pm in the game with the words guess who.
all the best in real life m8 you still got my e-mail so e-mail me now and again sometimes.

your m8 and mine jimmythepost :(

<sniffle> :D


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
jimmythepost said:
hehe brother in arms,

remeber you leveling my friar 20-24 on frogs near hurbury and yeah i admitted y taught me most of playing in daoc.


Sorry albion, seems it was my fault :D ^

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