Quality on weapons



Since the game is down anyway, I will - in my boredom - post some hard data on the effects of quality and enchantment.

Bow 1: 99% quality 16.2 dps hunting bow enchanted to 35%
Bow 2: 94% quality 16.2 dps hunting bow not enchanted

Mob: Green / blue con worms with a slight resistance to slash.

First off enchantment:
30 shots with bow 1 : 0 misses.
30 shots with bow 2 : 6 misses.
Goes without saying: Spend your cash on enchantment, its well worth it.

Mob // bow // average damage // notes
1 blue mob // bow 1 // 181.3 // only 1 mob, high deviation is to be expected
2 blue mob // bow 2 // 179.4 // 2 mobs, lesser deviation, still not reliable

5 green mob // bow 1 // 206.7 // 5 should give a decent deviation
4 green mob // bow 2 // 179.4 // 4 is a bit too few

Conclusion on quality:
Based on the damage on green con mobs, the 99% quality does an average of 10% more damage per shot than the 94% one.

Thats leads me to believe that the 99% will have an advantage over a dropped 89% qua of some 15-25% damage.

Notice that this test is made on a mob with fixed quality on armor, results will be different on other players, but that will not alter the difference in damage.

No intentional critshots were made and are thus not included in the calculations. Neither have i included the damage done by 'accidental' crits, as the deviation will be to high to say anything reasonable about them - although I would expect bow 1 to make better crits than bow 2.


It is quite amazing how ignorant people are about crafted bows :(
Have been offering 97%+ Runewood Longbows for sale, but nope they are not magic, no one interested!! Sell em an 80% magic one and oh yes, please gimme gimme gimme..............

Ran out of gold to fletch any further for now :( but it is worth using even 92% enchanted bows, they are still rather nice :) - hint hint - selling stonewood longbows - buy em here :p


[offtopic]LOL Dunno how but some people are on some sort of ignore list ;)[/offtopic]

Having a very high quality is indeed awesome. Try lvling with an alt with uber quality stuff and you will see that not even purples are hard for low lvlers. But then again how do you know the mob you took Ody (the 2nd one) was exactly the same lvl as the first? A yellow still varies in difference of lvl.

- Pathfinder -

Killing enough mobs should balance out the mob levels :) I don't mind people being ignorant of how good crafted is, let's me sell poo drops that no serious player would ever want :p


I agree that crafted bows are better than dropped bows.

I picked up my new 95% qual Heartwood bow from my guild fletcher last night. This left me with my old 98% Ironwood enchanted bow spare.

Wandered into Tepoks and there was a level 21 scout pulling mobs in the same room as me. It turned out he was using a shop bought ironwood so I flogged him my old one.

Needless to say he will not be buying anymore shop bows again.

He was amazed at the increased hitting power and the reduced miss frequency that an enchanted hand crafted bow gives.

I must remember to order a 98% qual Runewood bow from Ody


Yup I will pay a visit in the near future to Ody for a nice crafted bow. :clap:


But then again how do you know the mob you took Ody (the 2nd one) was exactly the same lvl as the first? A yellow still varies in difference of lvl.

I dont, that is why I killed several mobs. Admittedly there will be some variance in the levels still and there can be some weird 'spikes', but as the result of 10% difference is near to what I expected, I assume that the level- and damage-spreads have been close to the center of their respective distribution (on average that is).

Note also that I seperated the blue- and green-con mobs to lower the variance.


A nice side not is that some people forget that quality is a modifier that is applied AFTER your Dps cap...

So if you're level 30, and have a Dps cap of 8 (I have no clue, just a guess), and you have a 12Dps bow at 90% qual...

Your Dps will be 8 * 90% = 7.2 (not 12 * 90% = 10.8)...

So a 8Dps bow at 98% is WAY better then the 12Dps one...


Originally posted by -Wedge-
A nice side not is that some people forget that quality is a modifier that is applied AFTER your Dps cap...

So if you're level 30, and have a Dps cap of 8 (I have no clue, just a guess), and you have a 12Dps bow at 90% qual...

Your Dps will be 8 * 90% = 7.2 (not 12 * 90% = 10.8)...

So a 8Dps bow at 98% is WAY better then the 12Dps one...

true, but some people have parsed logs and they say that using weapons above your level gives makes you do less damage (some penalty, dunno how much).

havent tried that myself though.


1 of the next patches will calculate the effective dps/af on an item and put it in the shift-I window.

Maybe then us crafters will get some more attention :)

The magic bonus mentioned below you get by enchanting.

Q: You posted some information a few weeks back on how Quality and Condition affect the AF and DPS of items. But months ago you posted something on Quality somehow "double dipping" when dealing with AF and it was a different equation. Which is correct?

A: For a quick rule of thumb, to find the effective AF or effective
DPS of an item it is simply AF/DPS*Quality*Condition. Side note: If you are using something that is above your level, any level caps that come into play are applied first, then quality and condition kick in.

The "double dipping" we talked about before was misinterpreted when we were first discussing it. Quality and Condition come into play a 2nd time during combat. When you hit a location on a defender, the magic bonus, quality, condition, and damage modifiers (if that armor is strong/weak versus that armor type), absorption, and AF come into play.

So if you are attacking someone that has armor that is weak to your weapon type, and the quality, magic bonus, and condition of your weapon is higher then their armor, you will do a significant amount more damage then you would if everything was even.

Put another way – if you have a weapon that is 100% quality, and you hit someone wearing 85% quality armor, first the game checks for plus or minuses to that armor type, and armor level (displayed AF). But after that addition or subtraction, you as the wielder of the weapon will get a 15% bonus. The bonus is then modified slightly depending on the state of repair (condition) of the weapon and the armor.

The short version is get yourself that high quality gear.

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