Since the game is down anyway, I will - in my boredom - post some hard data on the effects of quality and enchantment.
Bow 1: 99% quality 16.2 dps hunting bow enchanted to 35%
Bow 2: 94% quality 16.2 dps hunting bow not enchanted
Mob: Green / blue con worms with a slight resistance to slash.
First off enchantment:
30 shots with bow 1 : 0 misses.
30 shots with bow 2 : 6 misses.
Goes without saying: Spend your cash on enchantment, its well worth it.
Mob // bow // average damage // notes
1 blue mob // bow 1 // 181.3 // only 1 mob, high deviation is to be expected
2 blue mob // bow 2 // 179.4 // 2 mobs, lesser deviation, still not reliable
5 green mob // bow 1 // 206.7 // 5 should give a decent deviation
4 green mob // bow 2 // 179.4 // 4 is a bit too few
Conclusion on quality:
Based on the damage on green con mobs, the 99% quality does an average of 10% more damage per shot than the 94% one.
Thats leads me to believe that the 99% will have an advantage over a dropped 89% qua of some 15-25% damage.
Notice that this test is made on a mob with fixed quality on armor, results will be different on other players, but that will not alter the difference in damage.
No intentional critshots were made and are thus not included in the calculations. Neither have i included the damage done by 'accidental' crits, as the deviation will be to high to say anything reasonable about them - although I would expect bow 1 to make better crits than bow 2.
Bow 1: 99% quality 16.2 dps hunting bow enchanted to 35%
Bow 2: 94% quality 16.2 dps hunting bow not enchanted
Mob: Green / blue con worms with a slight resistance to slash.
First off enchantment:
30 shots with bow 1 : 0 misses.
30 shots with bow 2 : 6 misses.
Goes without saying: Spend your cash on enchantment, its well worth it.
Mob // bow // average damage // notes
1 blue mob // bow 1 // 181.3 // only 1 mob, high deviation is to be expected
2 blue mob // bow 2 // 179.4 // 2 mobs, lesser deviation, still not reliable
5 green mob // bow 1 // 206.7 // 5 should give a decent deviation
4 green mob // bow 2 // 179.4 // 4 is a bit too few
Conclusion on quality:
Based on the damage on green con mobs, the 99% quality does an average of 10% more damage per shot than the 94% one.
Thats leads me to believe that the 99% will have an advantage over a dropped 89% qua of some 15-25% damage.
Notice that this test is made on a mob with fixed quality on armor, results will be different on other players, but that will not alter the difference in damage.
No intentional critshots were made and are thus not included in the calculations. Neither have i included the damage done by 'accidental' crits, as the deviation will be to high to say anything reasonable about them - although I would expect bow 1 to make better crits than bow 2.