Quality group



Just a quick post to say thanks to all the people involved in one of the most comical nights ever playing this game..

Raaf, Zandax, Regnor, Ambulance, Simius, Coilla and a certain big bad level 50 tank (by now anyways :))

On the face of it, we were just killing trees in the usual 'grind em out' fashion.. But in the group chat there was banter the likes I've never seen before.. I actually lost track of my xp bar at several times and was shocked to reach my 46 mini-ding.

Anyway, like I said, thanks guys. This game is more fun for the likes of you.



Coilla told me about it, hope you didnt have to much fun and stop comming to DM with us :)


Hey goldenbone reminds me of a couple of good tangler groups we had!
Had some fun particularly getting further and further pissed and then trying to mezz them. Im sure at times i was counting 30odd mobs but that might have been due to my impaired vision :)
I know there have been lots of negative posts about albion but i have to say ive meet some great people and had a great laugh.
In a way i dont want to ding 50

Adrianicus 49 sorc



I remember that night well adri..

Tangler pulls and late night drinking dont mix particularly well.. as you so ably proved to me on that occasion. I seem to recall the mezz getting sketchier and sketchier with every drink you consumed..

Im glad you mentioned that session though because a similar thing happened.. You stop looking at your xp bar and the time and just thoroughly enjoy the game and the company.

Brilliant, absolutely priceless :)

And Sibanac, fear not.. Im sure there'll be many more trips through dartmoor. Its always fun and we seem to be raiding it every other day at the moment ;)


Aye twas a good night.
And it is good to be able to forget the exp bar, although an all too rare occurence for me atm.
Hey i know my mezzing was getting worse and worse :) adds to the thrill of it hehe.
Take care m8 and look me up if u ever need a drunken mezzer :p


to second

Less of your cheek bubblewhore :)

Im always about mate, gimme a nod if you're at a loose end.


It was indeed a pleasure. I don't think I've ever laughed so much in my 49 levels. The fact that the xp kept rolling in was a nice bonus.

Thanks guys for proving to me that it's the people that make the game, not the game itself.


BAH! I spend 20 mins in the group once someone left and bugger me excal was under attack! Not cricket. God doesn't want me to have fun. :(


twas a great group indeed, prolly not the best xp iv ever had but ill be hard pressed to get better banter and it certainly took the bordom away from twees :]

if only them damn hibs hadnt spoiled it by showing up at excal, i was .6 from level, .6 and the call to arms goes up. everyone charges to excal and im left ther with no group .6 till i can slam and soloing cos the hibs couldnt even put up a fight at excal.

baaaa illl have my revenge on u hibernia, mark my words <shakes fist in general direction of hibs>


Yep best fun ive had in ages :clap:

At one point i thought you were all gonna die as i couldnt get to the heal key as i was laughing so much.

Like simius said it really brought back the reason why i play this game and not single player rpg`s.

BTW the big bad tank "Alatar" aka frog lord hit the big 50 at 2am after much frustration and crying over how long the last 0.0001 took.

<Phoenix Guard>


Hehe, I congratulated him last night on his attaining the big 5-0.

I just didnt want to mention his name.. his ego's already enormous as it is :)

Although I will say that his one man act is probably the best own party mez Ive ever had. I could bearly hit F8 at various points in the evening for laughter.

Glad you all enjoyed it too, refreshing to see some good ole' positivity.

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