Quake 4 - what I would like to see!



Hi peeps! :)

I was just thinking of what Quake 4 would be like and i had a few interesting ideas and i thought i'll see what people make of them!

Its inevitable that there will be a Q4 even if its not the games that are going to be revealed by id at quakecon. Quake is too much of a brand for it to not continue. But what is there left to do with the 1st person genre that isn't already done by modmakers? It needs to be something HUGE!!!!! Something that a small group of dedicated hobbyists cannot do.
I think Quake 4 should be a MMORPG!

Imagine a world created by id's unmatched art team. It would have cities with amazing demonic cathedrels, monsters as imaginative as the bots found in Q3, blood red skys, alien countryside with bizzare natural phenomina, intricate dungeons crammed with the leftovers of previous adventurers that had been mauled by demons last seen in Doom. Who wouldn't want to explore all that?
If any team could deliver a world like that, id can!

I think this could be huge, and could work now thanks to ever improving internet speeds!

What would other people like to see? Do you think it could work? Is it a bit too ambitious? Can you have the action assiociated with Quake work with the social structure of Ultima Online?

What do you think?


Not much because i, as many people (i think, correct me if im wrong), know, that ID themselves has said that Quake 3 is the last incarnation of quake.


TBH Quake really got boring after 2.

Team based FPS with more tactics rule now.

Maybe stuff like deformable and interactive environments would be nice.

Imagine this:

Bloke is camping under a ledge with a railgun in the distance. Can't see him but you know where he is.

You unleash a rocket above his head where a gargoyle statue sits. The rocket hits and the masonary comes tumbling down onto the camping bastard and kills him:clap:

Good idea? Yes/No?


as SAS said in IRC yesterday...

"If there was a Q4 i would buy it too piss on the box"


I reckon ID should forget about games and just consentrate on Engines, that way decent developers like ValvE could make Kick ass games (read Half-Life 2) around them.


I think the demand is there for a MMORG combined with a FPS. I know I'd buy it. Maybe I'm just a sucker.


Originally posted by Ono
TBH Quake really got boring after 2.

Team based FPS with more tactics rule now.

Maybe stuff like deformable and interactive environments would be nice.

Imagine this:

Bloke is camping under a ledge with a railgun in the distance. Can't see him but you know where he is.

You unleash a rocket above his head where a gargoyle statue sits. The rocket hits and the masonary comes tumbling down onto the camping bastard and kills him:clap:

Good idea? Yes/No?

This is a top notch idea, I may even be able to get some phrags this way :)

Come to think of it isn't this what 'Red Faction' is trying to do (no idea if its gonna be multiplayer tho)


Quake 4 - what I would like to see:

Something that's less of a drink coaster and more of a game.

Can't wait for Doom 3


I reckon ID should forget about games and just consentrate on Engines
I was under the impression they were already doing this? This policy started with Quake 3 Arena I believe..


blimy for a moment i thought this post was on the half life forum by mistake:)
i think q3 is a very underated game.since i decided there must be another game to play other than q2 a few months ago ive played endless c.s. , quite a bit of q3 ctf and a little unreal t.
c.s initially looks great.it's so , diferent to quake.but after a while i ve begun to realise that , on public servers anyway, there really is very little tactics involved.other than the experienced player letting the n00b's go in front to soak up the fire then wandering in at the end to clean up.oh, and the players with the awm who never move just sit at the back shooting everyone.
more tactics in q3ctf i think.there u got defenders, attackers,even midfield players.i feel there's more speed in q3.if that equates to skill , then more skill also.
not quite the same on ffa q3 servers, where a lot of the maps are tiny and u could just stand in the corner firing half the time and STILL get a reasonable score.maps are tiny? or maybe the models are too big not sure..
it's only let down is it's so computer intensive.i got isdn and frankly it's hard work on q3 sometimes. god only knows what its like on a modem.thats where c.s scores i guess, more or less anyone can play it.(but christ doesnt that show on some servers?)
oh unreal?
sorry just dont get it m8 :)


Originally posted by Durzel
I was under the impression they were already doing this? This policy started with Quake 3 Arena I believe..

Nah, the only policy they started with Q3 was burying quake and finally making another doom :clap:


Originally posted by DAN200
I reckon ID should forget about games and just consentrate on Engines, that way decent developers like ValvE could make Kick ass games (read Half-Life 2) around them.

I thought Quake3 looked shit..


You can't just develop a new engine without developing a game with it. How would you test it ?

Persistent-world FPS's are on the way anyway.


oooh a new buzzword! what's a persistent-world fps?


Q2ctf is still the number 1 team game:)

Only in Q2ctf can you actually get a team game going on a pub these days. Too many Rambo's and idiots play CS, TFC, T2 atm for a actual team game to take place on a pub, which makes them zero fun after a short time.


Quake 2 was the last real change Quake 3 lost its way and if they ever did Quake 4 it would be the same old shit.


I liked Quake 3 for the player models, nothing more;)

Crying shame about the q3 pure server lark though, one of the great things about the quake 2 community was the clan/player skins.
Something that many of these t's v's ct's/ red v's blue games miss:p

You can't beat playing on a server, when your name is flying high across your back, with you clan buds all in with team colors blazing the server, and vitually everybody on the sever has you clan skins:) Bliss.


Yes. But then you get people dressed as Homer Simpson.


Heheh the tent:) thats class.

Ohh and the only anoying about the hommer model, was the box pic.

Not a patch on the flanders model and pic anyway:p


What I'd like Q4 to be like (to humour you):



Incidently, the idea of deformable 'terrain' is shit. It removes all ideals of skill. Might as well just put them in a small textureless box room and call it q4dm1, being able to shoot everything away would make it similar to this, and removes the very point of learning a map.



I like the idea of deformable terrain - only if coded incredibly poorly would it be like you've described. If a wall is essential to the level, make it stronger.
However, deformable terrain would be processor hungry - Imagine trying to decide what happens to a four floor building if someone takes out the ground floor... that'd have to be one hell of a physics model.


I'm not so sure about deformable terrain. I agree with Kez that it would cause problems with learning the map and stuff. I mean, if you actually allowed it somewhere useful, for example to create an extra entrance to an enemy base, that would cause massive gameplay problems. You'd have enemies running in everywhere, destroying your walls and charging through. It would prove to be something of a nightmare.
As a single player device it would be interesting. Actually, has anyone played Red Faction? If you can destroy walls, I would imagine that the designers made it pretty hard to actually do this, for example only providing maybe one weapon that could actually do it. Otherwise it would get a bit silly.


you all realise that ID are working on somwhing other than Doom and RTCW? I mean, the develop that engine and doom3 will be the only thing using it?

Think about it..


They not really working on RTCW since this is being done by another developer. So technically its only Doom 3 but whether this game can make you shit bricks like the original is doubtful. Doom 1/2 used its poor graphics to add scare factors but in this day of FSAA, High res etc I doubt Doom 3 will have quite the same effect.

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