Hi peeps!
I was just thinking of what Quake 4 would be like and i had a few interesting ideas and i thought i'll see what people make of them!
Its inevitable that there will be a Q4 even if its not the games that are going to be revealed by id at quakecon. Quake is too much of a brand for it to not continue. But what is there left to do with the 1st person genre that isn't already done by modmakers? It needs to be something HUGE!!!!! Something that a small group of dedicated hobbyists cannot do.
I think Quake 4 should be a MMORPG!
Imagine a world created by id's unmatched art team. It would have cities with amazing demonic cathedrels, monsters as imaginative as the bots found in Q3, blood red skys, alien countryside with bizzare natural phenomina, intricate dungeons crammed with the leftovers of previous adventurers that had been mauled by demons last seen in Doom. Who wouldn't want to explore all that?
If any team could deliver a world like that, id can!
I think this could be huge, and could work now thanks to ever improving internet speeds!
What would other people like to see? Do you think it could work? Is it a bit too ambitious? Can you have the action assiociated with Quake work with the social structure of Ultima Online?
What do you think?
I was just thinking of what Quake 4 would be like and i had a few interesting ideas and i thought i'll see what people make of them!
Its inevitable that there will be a Q4 even if its not the games that are going to be revealed by id at quakecon. Quake is too much of a brand for it to not continue. But what is there left to do with the 1st person genre that isn't already done by modmakers? It needs to be something HUGE!!!!! Something that a small group of dedicated hobbyists cannot do.
I think Quake 4 should be a MMORPG!
Imagine a world created by id's unmatched art team. It would have cities with amazing demonic cathedrels, monsters as imaginative as the bots found in Q3, blood red skys, alien countryside with bizzare natural phenomina, intricate dungeons crammed with the leftovers of previous adventurers that had been mauled by demons last seen in Doom. Who wouldn't want to explore all that?
If any team could deliver a world like that, id can!
I think this could be huge, and could work now thanks to ever improving internet speeds!
What would other people like to see? Do you think it could work? Is it a bit too ambitious? Can you have the action assiociated with Quake work with the social structure of Ultima Online?
What do you think?