Quake 3 Netcode 1.27x




Im looking for some help and I know the 1.27x patches have been debated before but I think this problem is significant enough to warrant its own thread.

Basically, I think that the new netcode in 1.27x is completely fucked up. I seem to get awful packet loss and lag, although my ping is unaffected. Now I cant pin this down for sure, because (as is usually the case ) I have just completely formatted my HD and installed WinME (formerly Win98 updated to the hilt), so it is possible it could be related to this. However, given that so many others are complaining about it, I am sure it has something to do with 1.27.

One theory I have seen floating about, but no-one is actually certain , is concerning the new commands to implement the "125mhz" mod, so that high pingers have the same advantages re jumping etc as low pingers. If you are listening requiem, have you any suggestions??



hi m8
if you crack the sound thing tell me, if i crack it i will tell you.
going to try 1.27 h next week if i can't get the sound fixed on 1.27g.

[Edited by venturer01 on 13-01-01 at 08:41]


Quorthon, Barrysworld Quake3 CTF servers have been having some pretty nasty ping spikes when using another ISP such as BT, Nildram etc so might be due to that.

The 125Hz settings are server side enforced on vanilla Quake3 1.27, if pmove_fixed is set to "1" on the server then all players are forced to use 125Hz physics. It can't be disabled client side on vanilla Quake3 1.27g (although 1.25 had a cg_pmove_fixed command), default value for pmove_fixed is "0" so majority of servers will be running with that setting. If you start a single player game or load a map at the console for offline practice then you can try pmove_fixed as you're running a local server. A quick cut and paste from id software's documentation which is also in the Connection Tweaks section of the guide at the foot of this post for future reference:

/pmove_fixed - Typically the player physics advances in small time steps. When this option is enabled all players will use fixed frequency player physics, the time between two advances of the physics will be the same for all players. The actual time between two advances of the player physics can be set with the pmove_msec variable. Enabling this option will make the player physics the same for all players independent from their framerate. [Enforced Server side]

/pmove_msec <milli-seconds> - Sets the time in milliseconds between two advances of the player physics. [Server side]

The only new cvar that can be altered client side is cg_smoothclients, that helps with extra prediction when other players have packet loss, their rate too low or cl_maxpackets too low. Again all explained in Connection Tweaks section of the guide at the foot of this post.

If your connection settings are in autoexec.cfg then be aware that autoexec.cfg is only called once but that for some strange reason in 1.27g q3config.cfg is now executed on each map load. This means that any q3config.cfg settings could be used after a map load rather than the ones in autoexec.cfg. Note that this isn't a problem with 1.27h so it's best to upgrade to that version if possible.

Hope that's of some help at least =)

Connection Tweaks - http://ucguides.savageuniverse.com/Quake3/connection.html

[Edited by Requ!em on 12-01-01 at 20:13]



About the cg_smoothclients feature - when i enter this into the console it gives a command not recognised line. Does g_smoothclients have to be enabled on the server before the cg_smoothclients will be available to us? I would have thought that even if it was not enabled on the server then the command would still be recognised (but useless)???



The command cg_smoothclients will only be available once the cgame QVM has been loaded at least once, when you've loaded a map or been playing. It's not part of the executable and won't be available from the console if you're displaying the main menu (unless you've set it in a config or played/loaded a map once of course =) ). The server side g_smoothclients defaults to enabled so majority, if not all servers have it enabled at this time.

[Edited by Requ!em on 13-01-01 at 15:30]

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