Quake 3 Master Sever



When ever I update the Q3 Master Barrysworld serevr I get a load of Demon, Wire***, Jolt, WON and god knows what other serers come up.

If their a solution to this or are those above to lazy to run their own masters? It does it on other server masters to.



Any one can report to any Master servers, (it is just a line in the server config AFAIK) in the old QW days, who ran masters were limited to one person per region (country / continent etc) and Barrysworld only took over the qw one from Minos, when minos no longer wanted to run it, myabe it is a hang over from that? I really don't know tho so i'll shut up now

The Stranger


You will do. Lots of people register with the barrysworld master.

Options for dealing with this range from the simplest, using your server browser to sort your list into "name of server" order, so it groups all the barrysworld servers together, or creating a filter.

For example, in Gamespy, it would be possible to go (Gamespy --> Games and Filters --> Q3 Arena Filter Settings --> Advanced Options --> Add --> Does Contain --> Server IP --> Text Match --> 194.88.93). Of course this will need updating if BW ever change IP's, or overflow the 194.88.93.x range. You could also have only servers containing the words "barrysworld" listed, or any other filter that does the job.


god u make that sound complicated ! :)

if ur using gamespy select

View->Custom Tab->Add

then on the filtering add one for
"server name does contain barrysworld"
of course u can replace barrys world with the isp ur into.

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