

Fledgling Freddie
Jul 19, 2004
Mmk i have been reading the posts just now after the weekends action in thid.i usually play hib as a light eld "Asein" is the name, i also played mid pryd, so i finally decided to role a shade(Greif play ftw), i roled a SB "invy" and while being in stealth u get to see alot more of the trends of thid, Now the way i saw it was ofc mids came down in numbers continuosly, while albs stayed at CK like ***** and had clerics etc on the walls healing everything, and i must say hats off to the hibs, there were no more than 10 at most at ne time while there were atleat 30-35 albs 15-20 mids and yet they continuosly put up a fight. And apart from the zerging yellow/blue con avalalion cannon fodder there were a few very good players, the following were noticable to me ne way
- Bottlus -(armsman)always unstealthed me and hits like a truck
- Doux -(friar) good player
- Dontplaywithfire- (wizzie) because he owns :p

also i had a few good duels but most i got added on which is a serious annoyence, so if ne one is up for duels i wouldnt mind doing a few


Loyal Freddie
Dec 1, 2004
I think you forgot to mention my bard skillz leading my hibernia realm mates into battle :cheers:
7 Deathblows and 4 Death's in 4 hours.
Oh and about 400 more kills to my title :)

Aracia teh Bard


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 19, 2004
lol nice work mate were u the red bard or the one grped with captainhook the BM, there was one other i seen but forgot wat it looked like just remember being mezzed alot :p


Loyal Freddie
Dec 1, 2004
Red Bard :)
oh and lol at the infil called qqwtfnoob or something like that, all i see u do last night was add.:twak:


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 19, 2004
ya i remember you, your grp had haec etc, i was loggin near the time ye came on but i remeber i had a duel with a scout at apk and ye didnt add n1


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 31, 2004
really skilled there Aracia zerging my SM!


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 19, 2004
yo hamro ne sign of latuvuu wats he playin these days aint seen him in awhile, good player would`nt mind duo some day


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 12, 2004
Jorof said:
I think you forgot to mention my bard skillz leading my hibernia realm mates into battle :cheers:
7 Deathblows and 4 Death's in 4 hours.
Oh and about 400 more kills to my title :)

Aracia teh Bard
u did a fucking DD train assist on my lvl 21 sb yesterday and killed me QQ

U and a champ in red ..fuckers :p


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 24, 2003
Ronso said:
u did a fucking DD train assist on my lvl 21 sb yesterday and killed me QQ

U and a champ in red ..fuckers :p
Aracia doesn't mind ganking soloers, but if you add when they're killing your realm mates then he'll /rude spam you.

I wish I was that elite :p


Loyal Freddie
Dec 1, 2004
BlitheringIdiot said:
Aracia doesn't mind ganking soloers, but if you add when they're killing your realm mates then he'll /rude spam you.

I wish I was that elite :p

Oh so your the sb that adds.
Got any other tricks ? no ofc not.
Simple reason why the rude spam, it's justified imo, had about 5 ppl with me (hibs) ran to mb mids on one side albs on other, mezzed them all killing them, then 2x infils get me, 1 x sb get my eld and another sb get my other caster .. it's bad enough we are fighting 3/4 mids and 5/6 alb that aren't stealthed. but more adds more every fight. your just the one i could target before i died to stealth zerg tnx.:m00:


Loyal Freddie
Dec 1, 2004
Oh and i only gank soloer's if i think there stealthers :)
I've tried my best to leave other soloer's, Friar called Duox and skald called Lullah, sry but my other grp mates dont share teh same idea's


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 12, 2004
woah ..im not giving out about any thing ..was just saying hi ! u actually kiled me with an insta dd train assist and i thought it was funny :p

I dont mind being added upon in thid because there are still new players joining the game and thid is designed for new players to get their first taste of rvr there and to learn so not everyone is going to know the daoc unwritten rules of the road ..

i dont care if i get added on in thid ..I only got to thid for downtime while waiting for an arti to pop or set grp to log on .

was just saying hi :)


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 24, 2003
Jorof said:
Oh so your the sb that adds.
Got any other tricks ? no ofc not.
Simple reason why the rude spam, it's justified imo, had about 5 ppl with me (hibs) ran to mb mids on one side albs on other, mezzed them all killing them, then 2x infils get me, 1 x sb get my eld and another sb get my other caster .. it's bad enough we are fighting 3/4 mids and 5/6 alb that aren't stealthed. but more adds more every fight. your just the one i could target before i died to stealth zerg tnx.:m00:
Bullshit, in the fight where you /rude spammed me (the only one where i was out of stealth anywhere near you) you had 1x SB (guess what i can PA and then re-stealth!!11), I PA'd the caster, restealthed and then came back and PA'd you (though i cocked your one up). Oh and the inf that appeared attacked me.

Also the only reason I attacked you in the first place was because you guys chain-killed my girlfriend who was playing her cave shaman SOLO. I guess I can see the confusion, chain armour... casting dots... clearly a stealther... :p

My comment was meant to be a joke, but nevermind - some people take the bg's way to seriously...


Loyal Freddie
Dec 1, 2004
BlitheringIdiot said:
Bullshit, in the fight where you /rude spammed me (the only one where i was out of stealth anywhere near you) you had 1x SB (guess what i can PA and then re-stealth!!11), I PA'd the caster, restealthed and then came back and PA'd you (though i cocked your one up). Oh and the inf that appeared attacked me.

Your telling me that my grp of 5 allowed u to kill a caster and then re-stealth and then kill me ? no, we were fighting another grp and many stealthers added on us, like i said u were the only stealther i could target in time before i died, could have been to anyone. Oh and sry about the girlfriend, think i only killed her once, so not chaining, but if i notice i've killed a soloer already i try not to kill them again, hard to see which ones are solo or not stealthers are normally unstealthed with them then they stealth when im inc..
Also i said before i can't control my grp, then just tend to go crazy when they see an enemy.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 24, 2003
I feel like I've hi-jacked this thread :(
Jorof said:
Your telling me that my grp of 5 allowed u to kill a caster and then re-stealth and then kill me ? no, we were fighting another grp and many stealthers added on us, like i said u were the only stealther i could target in time before i died, could have been to anyone. Oh and sry about the girlfriend, think i only killed her once, so not chaining, but if i notice i've killed a soloer already i try not to kill them again, hard to see which ones are solo or not stealthers are normally unstealthed with them then they stealth when im inc..
Also i said before i can't control my grp, then just tend to go crazy when they see an enemy.
I only saw one other stealther, and that was the inf who hit me, but I will accept that there may have been other stealthers there provided you accept that I did one-shot the luri caster (in black) and then re-stealthed before trying to PA you! Deal? :p

See you out there (hopefully you wont see me).

- Crite


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Thb all the albs were crap imo that night except the Polearmsman and Traclya the minstrel. If her job was to protect her realmmates from stealthers she did a fucking ace job. All morning i was doing grt until she came along, every one i PA later in the day she was right there next to me to insta Stun and stop them dying <cept the squishy blue con casters hehe>. Hats off to u dear.

Too many Thergs btw... piss off the lot of u :p


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 26, 2005
poor Invy....30-35 albs and 10-15 mids???? and again where u maybe solo as sther and don t u like mybe use run trough thing???? u jumped my Wiz so many times not alowing me root.....so what r u asking for?


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 26, 2005
Jorof said:
I think you forgot to mention my bard skillz leading my hibernia realm mates into battle :cheers:
7 Deathblows and 4 Death's in 4 hours.
Oh and about 400 more kills to my title :)

Aracia teh Bard

hehe u really strong Ara but isn t maybe bit simple with istant amnesia??
Anyway ur really good player with ur other toons even ...
:worthy: :worthy:


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 19, 2004
kiuss said:
poor Invy....30-35 albs and 10-15 mids???? and again where u maybe solo as sther and don t u like mybe use run trough thing???? u jumped my Wiz so many times not alowing me root.....so what r u asking for?

wats ur wizzie`s name, and ofcourse im gonna try kill ne thing i can till i cap out and can get my aug`s etc but mate i aint buffed so i dont one hit alot of things so ofc i aint gonna try get rooted thats just plain obvious


Part of the furniture
Jun 14, 2004
nerf, sb accidentally dinged lvl 25 and I cant find any armor for my new inc dwarf viking!11 :<


Part of the furniture
Jan 2, 2005
Coldbeard said:
nerf, sb accidentally dinged lvl 25 and I cant find any armor for my new inc dwarf viking!11 :<
Contact me in-game and I'll craft you a set :).


Resident Freddy
Jan 23, 2005
May i point out that Fluffatron > all !!!


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