Q3F n00b



The last time I played a "Fortress" style game was Weapon factory on Quake 2, which never really took off, I never really got into Tribes and I have never played any of the Half-Life games either.

Now, as part of my re-introduction to FPS games (having been hooked on MMOGs for the last 2 years) I noticed that Q3F has been released as version 2.0 beta, can anyone give me the run-down on Q3F and "state of play" as it stands, is it worth joining in as a n00b on the BW servers etc ?


I can try, allthough i've only been playing from Januaryish :)

Generally, there will only be one BW server populated at a time. Obviously now a new beta is out, all 3 are populated, however expect it to die back down to 2servers full. Having not played Beta2, i can't comment on the current balance of classes. I just finnished off my download 10mins ago, unziped it, and of course the pak file in my download is mangled. So the actual important part of the download is f0ked, while everything else in there is fine :mad:

In beta1, the following is true:
Soldier is the most powerful class, however a *really* good player using any other class can beat a soldier. The key defencive classes are the Engie, Soldier and Grenadier. Grenadiers tend to defend by fighting, rtaher than using pipe traps, for several reasons. Firstly, the Q3 engine makes fighting as a Grenadier a joy, and is alot easier than say, tfc. Secondly, the pipes are limited per team, so if you have 2 Grenadiers, both wanting pipe traps, they cna only use 4 pipes. For this reason, i use small pipe traps, however i have them *just incase*, and generally focus on killing with timed pipes.
The Sentrys don't stand up too well against anyone good, with Soldiers and Medics being able to destroy them quickly, and Recons being able to conc and run around them with ease. Because of this, Defence works best when you work together, so you don't really get lone Engie's holding up the fort - You get a team of defenders working together.

There's probebrly a 50/50 ratio fo clanned to non-clanned people on the servers, however i suspect that most of the non clanned people are actually aliasing(unless i see them often with that name and no tag). However with the new beta, there will be tons of unclanned peeps about, so you won't be looked down on. I'm a HPB, with no clan, yet i generally finnish in the top quarter of my team unless i have a bad day(like getting kickbanned by the server for having a -5 score :D).

The game really is perfection, or was, as i suspect the new beta will be even better, Alas, i must stick it on download *again* tonight. Does anyone where i can get *just* the q3f_200.pk3 ? I suspect just the one file, compressed with bzip2 or something would be ~100megs, so it would be nice if i could do that.


Okay I downloaded and had a go last night, some BW server running the Spazball game, which didn't seem too team orientated to me, but I guess its just the particular rules on that game.

Does Gamespy cover Q3F ? I used the internal server search in the game and it took bloody ages, only came up with one BW server after 20 minutes and I've seen at least three on the server lists.

I ended up playing a Soldier, difficult when you only get 4 rockets at start !

Also, I don't know if this is a problem in version 2.0, but the mousewheel refused to work in offline mode, however it _seemed_ to work online ?!

Any clans out there need cannon fodder for their practise sessions ??? :)


Yea, the new game modes don't seem to be that teamplay based :/

Hopefully the various game modes can be split up between the servers, so there's one server only running standard ctf.

Gamespy should, however i would recommend AllSeeingEye, which one of the plebs from the General board should eb able to link you to.

The server details are: BarrysWorld - Q3F (2) BarrysWorld - Q3F (1) BarrysWorld - Q3F (3) - Sniper Limit 1

And there should also be 2 duel servers, however last time i looked, they appeared to be down.
I've not noticed any problems with the mousewheel myself, what did you have it bound to?

I think the 2 new ctf game modes aren't going to be that popular. 1-Flag becomes very DM like, and the reverse ctf just doesn't work with maps like 2fort and well - Reverse ctf is for small maps, with a concentrated D.
And the special maps like spazball, and that one with the objectives, i don't think they'll be too popular either. The only non-ctf map in beta-1h was got_duck, which wasn't played loads, and i have a feeling the same will happen with the new maps/game modes.

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