I just tried to play Q3A CTF AGAIN using that crappy piece of shit OSP. Can't change maps, callvoting not working, teams locked, /team f doesn't work, etc, etc. A game was just being played with 6 players on the blue team and 2 on the red and none of the blue team could swap because the teams were locked. On a public server? Grrrrr.
I don't care how good an administration tool it is for league games, on public servers it sucks cack. PLEASE take it off or give me rcon, or I swear I will never play Q3A on Barry's World again other than for league games. Can you tell I'm pissed off about this?
Once again a perfectly good server is being WASTED because nobody wants to use it because of all the faults that OSP delivers. As I look now there is one player on the server where it would otherwise be full. Don't believe me? Go take a look at the Demon CTF servers, they're always busy and the packet loss on them is horrendous, but people are willing to put up with it because the game at least behaves itself like every other Q3A CTF server *in the world* does.
I don't care how good an administration tool it is for league games, on public servers it sucks cack. PLEASE take it off or give me rcon, or I swear I will never play Q3A on Barry's World again other than for league games. Can you tell I'm pissed off about this?
Once again a perfectly good server is being WASTED because nobody wants to use it because of all the faults that OSP delivers. As I look now there is one player on the server where it would otherwise be full. Don't believe me? Go take a look at the Demon CTF servers, they're always busy and the packet loss on them is horrendous, but people are willing to put up with it because the game at least behaves itself like every other Q3A CTF server *in the world* does.