Lo all
I would appreciate it if people would try this server out and give me feedback.
The server is a dual processor beast it has 512Mb RAM and SCSI drives, it was orginally ment for a news server but a change of plan ment I could use it for a possible project.
It is connected at 100Mpbs and is about 1 or 2 hops from the UK backbone or LINX as its called so connectivity should be smooth and fast with super low pings for all those whose PPS with LINX access.
My Connection: Blueyonder Cable Modem provided by cable london
Average Ping on server 20 - 25 lowest 8 very little packet loss
Hope some of you can spare some time
I would appreciate it if people would try this server out and give me feedback.
The server is a dual processor beast it has 512Mb RAM and SCSI drives, it was orginally ment for a news server but a change of plan ment I could use it for a possible project.
It is connected at 100Mpbs and is about 1 or 2 hops from the UK backbone or LINX as its called so connectivity should be smooth and fast with super low pings for all those whose PPS with LINX access.
My Connection: Blueyonder Cable Modem provided by cable london
Average Ping on server 20 - 25 lowest 8 very little packet loss
Hope some of you can spare some time