Q3 problem


old.Ford Scrote

Three times the game has partially reset itself. That is to say when i go back into the game it has forgotten what level i was up to and reverted back to Tier 2 and shows me having completed the first map.

The first time this happened I had completed the whole bloody thing and the other two times I was up to Tier 5.

2 occasions this could perhaps be explained by the fact i upgraded versions and changed some dll files - but the third time is totally inexplicable cos i didn't change anything!

Does anyone have any suggestions?
i know i can play whatever players i want on the multiplayer game but it ain't the same.


Ford Scrote


Cant help you im afraid but can add sth to what you have said. There definately seems to be a problem with the config file forgetting/altering certain settings. I have manually had to edit out spurious settings from the config file myself where it had set up multiple actions to the same keys/mouse buttons, and to this day the game refuses to remember the player model I set and stubbonly resets it to Grunt everytime i start the game... most annoying


Cant help you im afraid but can add sth to what you have said. There definately seems to be a problem with the config file forgetting/altering certain settings. I have manually had to edit out spurious settings from the config file myself where it had set up multiple actions to the same keys/mouse buttons, and to this day the game refuses to remember the player model I set and stubbonly resets it to Grunt everytime i start the game... most annoying


Right make a copy of your config and call it say quake3config.cfg

If at anytime q3 screws up type:

/exec quake3config.cfg and all your settings will come back

Also if you lose all your tier info check out:

This will show you how to unlock the tiers. You won't have to do them again

Posted by S.A.S


*looking sheepish* err well ive solved the problem of the model resetting which actually had nothing at all to do with the quake config file and a whole lot more to do with the latest gamespy!! I hadnt realised that the new gamespy has an option to set your in game character in Quake 3 that is by default set to Grunt, hence any time I played multiplayer and ran it from Gamespy my model was being set back to Grunt! just changed the model in Gamespy and no more probs :)

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