Q3 Players Ruining The Game



Q3Test is shite! Why do I say this? The lagged lightening gun? The slow gameplay? The currently disappointing teamplay? No, it’s because of a proportion of the players ruining it for me and any other half decent player. Certain players on the Barrysworld servers can’t accept that people are actually better than them. I’ve been accused of cheating on a number of occasions in the past, but it has just been one comment. However I was playing yesterday and somebody (who admitted that he was using an alias) accused me of cheating, and said I fired and moved faster than them. I said I wasn’t (knowing that wasn’t much point trying to prove that I wasn’t because people like this are so thick and narrow minded that they just won’t see sense) and was just going to leave it at that, but whoever this person was would not leave it alone. He couldn’t see how he died in every fight we had, and had to put it down to me cheating. The fact that through the whole game he had no armour, while I generally had around 150, had no bearing on who won each individual fight. No, it had to be me cheating. Apparently it’s not just me who’s cheating, Yedi is as well. According to this person Yedi uses hacked models. So, that’s (imo) the two best Barrysworld Q3 regulars both cheating.

Then today I’m having a good time playing some games, and a player called Puke came on and went on and on that I was cheating. I was so pissed off after this that I lost my next game (and I’m still pissed off now – hence I can’t structure a decent sentence or argument). I asked Puke today if Sujoy was cheating, because when I played him on the final few days before he left he beat me. Puke’s response to this was that Sujoy is crap. It would seem that Puke’s philosophy on life it that anyone who can beat him is cheating, and someone not in the country to beat him is crap. No doubt when Sujoy comes back Puke will be accusing him of cheating.

I’d just like to say to these people who are accuse me (and Yedi) of cheating: Will you please take your head out of your ass. If you can’t take loosing will you not join a server that I’m on. I’m playing Q3test to have fun, not to have an argument with some pathetic idiot about cheating just because they’ve got no idea about skills or tactics. I really enjoy playing Q3, but this is spoiling the game for me. I’m not interested in assessing how good other players are or arguing with players, I just want to play the game and enjoy myself. If anyone wants to stop me doing this, will you please not join servers which I am playing on.

I just hope John C sorts out the timescale problem soon, or any decent player will be forever plagued by idiots who have no interest in playing the game and improving. They just want to ruin it for anyone else who is good.

Right, I’d probably go and have a game of Q3test now but Puke has ruined it for the day and I don’t feel playing. Thanks Puke (you fucking retard).


LOL! How many times have i seen this sort of rant before?

There is only one thing to think in such circumstances, take the whole damn thing as a complement. At the end of the day, all the regulars know the truth and thats what counts. Who gives a sh*t what these part-time players think they know about the game?

I know many players (most of them retired i think)who were accused of cheating (me being one of them) in the Q2 era, and i know from experience that any regular player that get accused of cheating is just a damn good player.

Hats off to you sir - smile and reap the compliments.

Regards From Trojan1


Hey I managed to kill Yedi
...pity he fragged my about 10 times to my one lol
but he is good..chased me around the map for ages!

Was an excellent game and I saw no evidence of cheating. I have discovered setting the frame sync rate to max improves your chance of hitting as what you see is actually there (its in the system configuration bit)

BTW...Hi! The 5th in a row monthly LAN Party by RoWeb is open for bbokings. It's a 35 player LAN Party happening in Amesbury, 5 mins from Stonehenge and the A303 on the 29 - 31 Oct 99.

There are prizes from Gamers.com and Cavedog.com as well as the usual mixture of Games, films and drinking the bar dry

If you are interested all details are at http://www.roweb.co.uk/lanparty

Hope you can make it!

aka CrimsonHaze


So this is where the almighty Courier hangs out. I should have guessed you were a barrys player.

BTW come back into wireplay, as I want another kicking.

BTW, I was watching you when in spec mode, and your just a good player, not a cheat.

Hoo hum


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