Q3 Demo Editting



OMG!!! This is sooooo frustrating.

I have been after a program for Q3 demo's called Freecam for days now. What it does, is allows you to view and record i suppose, a demo from whatever angle you like. As far as I Know this is the only proggy that does it for Q3.

The link for freecam is http://www.machinima.com/files/Utilities/Quake_Family/Quake_III/freecam0-8.shtml
but the server is dead and I cant download it!!

So, if anyone knows and url that DOES not lead to this link , and allows me to download it. I would be as happy as a pig in shit

Alternatively, If there is another proggy that does similar, please point me in the right way.



Quake3 demos can be viewed from any angle you wish, you need a script that controls the cvars. Try the following simple script, exec at console before playback of demo and use F1-F12 keys

//Demo Playback speed
bind f1 "set timescale 0.25" //Slow Motion
bind f2 "set timescale 1" // Normal Speed
bind f3 "set timescale 2" // Speed x 2
bind f4 "set timescale 4" // Speed x 4

//Demo Fov View
bind f5 "set cg_thirdperson 0;set cg_fov 90"
bind f6 "set cg_thirdperson 0;set cg_fov 100"
bind f7 "set cg_thirdperson 0;set cg_fov 120"
bind f8 "set cg_thirdperson 0;set cg_fov 140"

//Demo Player View
bind f9 "set cg_thirdperson 1;set cg_thirdpersonrange 60;set cg_thirdpersonangle 0" //Quake2 Style Back
bind f10 "set cg_thirdperson 1;set cg_thirdpersonrange 120;set cg_thirdpersonangle 0" //Quake2 Style Back Long Range
bind f11 "set cg_thirdperson 1;set cg_thirdpersonrange 60;set cg_thirdpersonangle 180" //Quake2 Style Front
bind f12 "set cg_thirdperson 1;set cg_thirdpersonrange 120;set cg_thirdpersonangle 180" //Quake2 Style Front Long Range

Altering the script to rotate through complete range of angles for cg_thirdpersonangle will allow you to view action in the demo from any angle. Only helps with playback though, if you want to actually edit a Quake3 demo then you'll need a thirdparty utility.

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