Q3 console commands


[A&I]Lilly Monster

Someone please help!! I have just got the latest q3demo version, 1.09, and I cannot for the life of me get a sensitivity to my liking. Having played everything from quake 1,2, Unreal, Unreal Tourney, HL and TFC, im used to a very high sensitivity. The latest q3 demo doesnt allow a sensitivity that high, but it used too. Now im stuck on a low sensitivity to my standards, and i cant change it. What is the console command for sensitivity, ive tried all kindsa stuff to no avail, and whenever i type in "sensitivity 40" for example, it just speaks that. PLZ HELP!!!


Apparently all console commands are now preceded by a '/' so that admins don't type something like "admminpassword testpw" and everyone gets to see it. Also the names have been changed and many commands start with a 'cv_' or a 'cg_' (i think).
http://q3a.pcgame.com/ apparently has all Q3 console commands on it which claims that the actual command is 'sensitivity' so just adding a '/' to the command may work



if you type in the first few letters of a command or cvar and hit tab, q3 lists all the possible commands beginning with that string
(cg_, cl_, com_, r_, sv_ and s_ being good ones to try).

You may need to use page up and page down to view long lists.

As well as sensitivity, try changing the yaw and pitch values (nope sorry, can't remember the vars .. search for 'pitch' in your .cfg file somewhere)

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