Q3 Aimbots ????



Can somebody tell me if aimbots exist on 1.27 patched servers???
As I thought that the new patch stopped people from using them ??

Just wondering cos I've been a bit suspiscious about a player on instagib who slaughtered me, hit me with every shot,, now nobody is that good.....!

If they do exist, is there anyway that you can tell???
What are the signs ?


Yup they do exist. I know this for a fact as I was sent one about 3 weeks ago cause someone wanted me to "lame them" on xsreality. I decided not to do this but I did use them against a few bots (offline) and missed nothing :( Its sad really that people buy a game and come online just to let a program frag people


I remember at my last lan party I hosted, someone, don't really like him, was a heavy aimey user. When me and a few other mates stripped his poota of all aim bots... he was severly in the shit!!! He stood up and said "F00k this crap man! I'm off!"
We where rolling up laughing! :p Honestly, Aim bot users, are loosers! :/


They're pretty easy to spot usually, just spec whoever you suspect, the aim tends to jump around and follow people through walls and such like. Also they will usually shoot straight at the opponent, even with a rocket launcher (ie not at the floor or anything).
I spose if someone was clever they could turn the bot on and off to make it look more like they just have a really good aim, but most of the time players that are really good move like really good players, which cheating llamas don't.


ID posted a .plan update late last week (Robert Duffy actually) stating that a new beta point release is due this week. It will address the cheating AimBot lamers as well as a whole host of other stuff including some new PRO versions of some of the well known maps.

http://www.xsreality.com/ have reviews of the maps, and the look KEWL!


BTW there is a new feature in the beta pr which is 'Auto Update' which will be the method for obtaining what is expected to be the FINAL point release.

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