pwned 2k3 part2 : RETRIBUTION



ok once upon a time there was this DUEL tournament in hib

now it can come to alb....

the original format went something like this

all entrants seeded by rpts
knockout tourno
entry fee
fight a bit
die a bit

the original plan i put to goa was to have all 3 tournos held on each realm and the winners to meet up in the frontiers somewhere for the duel to end all duels but there wasn't so much interest on the other 2 realms

anyway goa have fubared hibbie xml so i can't do pwned2k3 part 2 on hib just yet....i'm thinking about doing the tourno on alb and then mid...coz swg was delayed ;)

the new format would be like this

same class v class
*tanks tourney + friars??
*caster tourney
*infil tourney
*scout tourney

guild v guild tourno

but two bands of entry rr1-4l9 and rr5+ - like an amateur and pro section if u will ;)

question is ...does anyone in alb give a shit? ;))))

and here was the results and stuff from the last one


/hand up

If you need a co-organiser I'm your man........ :)


Originally posted by deygos

question is ...does anyone in alb give a shit? ;))))

nope :p

now a beach spikers tourney..... :D


Problem is its very hard to organise something like this fairly, for example in the tanks section with so many varieties each spec has a clear advantage over the other sorts which they wouldn't have against the majority of the rest, thrust pole will always beat a merc, a friar will have a big advantage over most plate wearers, but a merc would fair well against a friar. And thats not even getting into the assassins heh

I'd suggest doing it class by class, its longer, specially in albion, but fairer in the long run, then you can go for an overal best of the best or a knock out tournament with best 3 of each.


albs and something that would need this level of organisation, have you seen us flame each other on here?

the arguing over what RAs we can use will take up a good few hours of calling each other tards and noobs, then think about where it would be held- do it in mid before alb m8m dont come to us till we can proove we can 1/ listen to ppl 2/ follow orders 3/ get something started without waiting for 2-3 hours. Maybe hold off till we get e relic back :D

If u do do it soon m8 plz keep a log of all the moaning and arguing, Im sure the hibs and mids would find it entertaining.


lol i'm in for the scout tourny, I have some nasty duel RA's


Guest a beach spikers tourney.....

lol well that can be re-arranged ;]

@Kagato & Herc

yeah this is what i was thinking looking at the alb classes - whether we could do what was done on hib and mix all the tanks into one tourney but then the friar factor pops up

above all the tourneys must b fair, so all who enter should feel they have a chance.

same class v class is cool & aye take the winers of that into a final tourney (as i need 1 winner from each class to face off against its enemy realm equivalent)

what i am asking for basically is opinions because i dont play on alb no more and dont know how the alb classes stack in duels & yep - either all in or all out, no bias

any more ideas?


yeh stick the friars in with the tanks, they'll murder the armsmen leaving the mercs to murder the friars ;)


If we start at range I'll win from all casters, thats not very fair.


yeah but what about cabby v cabby?

also there'll be some classes we can just do in duels. ie on hib there was no chanter tourney, and eldys were restricted to just bolting from range

could do stick fight tho....


Originally posted by K0nah
yeh stick the friars in with the tanks, they'll murder the armsmen leaving the mercs to murder the friars ;)

I can't parry 2h staves :(

don't shielders do better against friars?


Originally posted by old.Zeikerd
If we start at range I'll win from all casters, thats not very fair.
No, you won't. I, and the other matter cabalists with me, have just as good a chance, you know (get in the first unresisted nearsight).

But yes, Deygos, we do care. Thanks for taking the time to arrange this, if you do. :)


Originally posted by K0nah
i can :p

nerf k0nah's +parry

ok ok I get the occasional parry off - but they parry/evade my reflection (gits) :)


Originally posted by Flimgoblin
ok ok I get the occasional parry off - but they parry/evade my reflection (gits) :)

they dont mine - but then 7L6 buys alot of toys (as well as weaponskill) :)


deygos: readin the orignal u allowed charges, i trust that wont be the case this time?

and no alchemy voodoo either?

all RA's & class abilites or not?

i vote quicksilver now he has Reflex Attack - ouch ;/



charges was allowed and was a mistake, no charges this time

no potions crap or buffs etc, procs are cool tho - agreed?

" all RA's & class abilites or not? "

yeah this is the one thing i am slim shady on, no one was nerfed for ra's or class abilities originally and i dont think

its necessary if we do 2 tournament bands : rr1-4l9 and rr5+, that should even things out a bit???

the problem is once u start nerfing peeps then everyone starts calling for nerfs and there is no fair way to do it, some classes are great for dueling and some aren't so im thinking im gonna let peeps do wotever they want with their setup - in other words u know wot the other guy has and somehow u have to deal with it ;]


RA's imo are very bad. They incorporate a lot of simple rr bias tho I geuss it IS what it's about...kinda. As for friars being in the tank variety, well, you ever seen one be a full on healer? ;) They are a tank through and through. Your work out the seeding via rr etc and to work out who goes vs. who, everyone in their seed for that catagory has that as their number. For example, kirennia 1 (of course ;)), abelardus 2 (first cleric name came into my head). Say there are 10 entrants for the cleric part, you then do /random 10...say it comes up with number 7, you then do /random 10 again to work out who they go up against. Do this until everyone is taken. No problem with having the same number coming up twice etc, just ignore it if it comes up a second time.

Then to work out the next placings (say 8 people for ease of numbers), after each duel is won, you do this...

(numbers indicate 1st first person chosen, 2nd person chosen etc)

2nd ____Winner
3rd ____Winner
6th ____Winner
7th ____Winner

That way who goes against who is random. If a friar comes up against a pole user, bad luck of the draw but tough. It's the luck of the draw, and if people dont like it, then tough :p

Which abilities can be used if also a difficult issue, probably the most difficult one would be if cleric insta heals can be used as they are on the largest timers. If you want to incorporate them then there are ways around it. For example, in the arena, do the following

Cleric 1st round,
Tank 1st round,
Caster 1st round,
Scout 1st round,

Cleric 2nd round (by which time, all instas should b back up)
etc etc

Comments appreciated, Kir


Simplest thing regarding abilities is to just use the commonest accepted rules, no ACTIVE RA's, just whatever passives you have, which is bad luck for those who've plumped for IP but you have to draw the line somewhere, and this is possibly why the above idea of dividing people by Realm Rank sounds good.

Everything else, if its part of your characters basic abilities then fair play. The only 2 classes this is largely going to effect is clerics, and mercs for dirty tricks.

Theres only 3 ways round it:

1) No timered Abilities
2) Every fight Best Of Three, all duels completed within 10 minutes, or half an hour if paladin vs paladin.

3) All wait for there classes timers to come back up.

Obviously both 1 and 2 are impractical, clerics will need them heals and the duels i've had with clerics they've always used them anyway. And no one wants to wait for half an hour for merc's DT's or the clerics group. So I would suggest making all fights best of 3 and and the 'timered classes' then get to choose which round they do or don't use there abilities on and clerics can try and spread there instants out. It effectively means you get 1 round your probably going to win in and if you lose in that round even with the abilities, well your not going to win that guy regardless.
Theres no perfect way of doing it, but this strikes me as a reasonably fair option.

The rest is all common sense, one or two referees just to make sure rules were followed and record winners, choose somewhere with a Healer, Cotswald probably, and some guest clerics on hand so rounds 2 and 3 can be gotten to immediatly.

Oh yes, and can we do this next month so im RR5 :p


So who am i going to win a duel with using my full Rej and Grp based RAs cleric. I might do a tornament where the cleric is grped with a lvl50 pali and then the pali fights a bonesnapper( or some thing he wont win) and see who can keep the Pali alive the longest. This IMO is a fair way of seeing who the best Rej cleric is.


@kagato - ok well in the hib tourno we did have ra's all up and no one really complained, the idea of now having 2 bands rr1-4l9 and rr5+ is to even this out - anyhow re: ra's just trying to get opinions about them, if the majority don't want'em then cool ;]

the advantage of no ra's is less waiting time - so we either have all ra's or no ra' tweaking or nerfing coz it just adds in unecessary hassle ;] , again i wanna avoid the situation where a loser can say....."i didn't have my ra's up that round so you never rly beat me", if u get beat in this tourno it should b coz u got pwned fair and square ;)

best of 3 could b cool also

remember we're doing same class v class....the only debate is the tank tourno and whether its fair to add friars v mercs/arms/palas or keep'em all apart.

so i dunno if there's some confusion here but its NOT a free for all, so a cleric won't be drawn against a wiz or wotever

like i said before in the previous posts (see uppppp) the idea is that someone can look at the tourno draws and think they have a fair chance of winning, not...o shit i might have to duel a friar later on so im not gonna enter...

the winners from each section could then meet up in a final random draw tourno....for a laugh

@kirennia - random draws are no go for me, they take away the glory of winning the tourno if someone has a "lucky draw" - the winner might be someone who fluked their way through the draw without meeting the best players (hence the need for seeding) - luck shouldn't play such a big part imo

also re the cleric round 1 etc did that on hib, so there was not so much waiting on day 1 as there where lots of fights happening...but in the final stages there was a bit of waiting around for ra's etc...


Originally posted by linkblack
So who am i going to win a duel with using my full Rej and Grp based RAs cleric. I might do a tornament where the cleric is grped with a lvl50 pali and then the pali fights a bonesnapper( or some thing he wont win) and see who can keep the Pali alive the longest. This IMO is a fair way of seeing who the best Rej cleric is.
Linkblack, this is a duel tournament, it has nothing to do with your skill in your role (i.e. as a healer), but how you fare in duels with other chars. Put up with it or don't join.


True i might have got the wrong end of stick looking at the title. None the less i still might try the plan just to see who is the best healer cleric is after all i dont think many clerics chose there chr to duel but instead to heal. All the same thing realy people just want to say that they are best at what they do.
Like Belomar( the miserable git) says put up with it or dont join in.


Originally posted by skilzched
remember we're doing same class v class....the only debate is the tank tourno and whether its fair to add friars v mercs/arms/palas or keep'em all apart.

I'd favour doing it class by class first then the top couple of tanks from each class's RR winners can all slug it out after we've established who top mercs, armsman, friars and pallys are.

As for RA's, its all or nothing really, personally i'd rather have the best of 3 with no actives RA's (thats coming from someone with IP lol).


I'd participate in the scout-tourney. But only if slam+bow is allowed o_O.


I'd participate in the scout-tourney. But only if slam+bow is allowed

yeah not gonna nerf class defining abilities, its what makes a scout a scout etc...

scout duels will start from range anyhow, will b interesting coz u guys can use engage etc

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