

The Real Redi

Seeing as Europe is due for its first PvP server around about mid October (this is what i have been told anyway), Theres been concern about the conduct of people on it, expecially the younger players, around the whole 'gank for fun' aspect. Sitting at Bindstones for kills, slaying greys for a laugh, personal vendettas and just plain trouble making will ruin it, unless were being paranoid and we can count on everyone there to act sensibly and considerately towards there fellow players... YEAH! right, like thats gonna happen...

Seeing as all this is long before the event, if anyone has played, plays or know someone who plays on the US PvP servers, can they set a few minds at ease, or reassure the doubters about the state of conduct on them?

I for one would love to try it out, but if its going to be a total bag of kids and lonely no mates massaging they're egos by stomping around, killing greys/greens indescriminately, and ruining the fun (its a GAME, eejits), then i dont think ill bother...

The only way i can see a PvP server work is if it was a strict RP server, then perhaps character traits and common sense would be enough to stop the gank-a-thon that i am beggining to suspect it may become...

I dont want flames (as this rotten site is riddled with 'hardnuts' <pfft!> , the reason i dont come here often), i just want feedback on the PvP situation in the US and any tips that can be given to us yet to experience it...

<crosses fingers hoping its not going to be another UO or EQ>

++Redi, 32nd Merc - Team, 12th wiz - Dil, 8th Cleric++
Order of the Knights Templar
Albion, Prydwen



Lo, played a 30 skald on Andred for 2 weeks. Sorry to say but there will be guilds, so called "RPK" guilds (random player killers) who kills ALL players in their way. This means level 50 players camping prydwen bridge for hours killing everyone in sight, or camping the entrance to camelot/tir/jordheim etc.

Were quite a bunch of these guilds on Andred, so if you are going to play on the PVP server... expect to get killed A LOT (and I mean A LOT more than ever before).

The gold you make will be pouring out of your pockets because of all the healer visits. When you spawn at your bind point after death you have 30 or so seconds to get to safety before you can be attacked again so if killed near bind point RUN FORREST RUN :)

But anyhow, without scaring too much it's still a blast to play PvP. Running around solo is NOT recommended EVER.
Even riding horses is a pain because casters will nuke the hell out of you when you are passing by.

Get into a good guild, journey the land(s) in groups and it's really a blast.

But I can't stress this enough, if you are one of those players who is getting pissed when killed by purple cons... you will leave the server within a couple of days.

I will definately be a hardcore PK'er... that's what it's all about.


I don't really think anybodys experience with the US PvP will prepare them for PvP on the EU servers. The primary reason being the fact its a server for the English, French and German players. Clearly those players/guilds coming from FR/GE are not going to integrate with the UK guilds (and vice versa). The language differences may also be an issue, with the FR/GE guilds communicating in their own language as they do now on their own servers.

So imho, the community will be immediately divided along those lines, and integration will be slow or may never happen. The 'dreds appear to have very few, very large guilds. It seems at the start the multitude of guilds formed alliances, but eventually merged as this is the mosty practical solution in a PvP environment (its actually more Guild vs Guild rather than PvP imo)

You will have to be part of a well organised guild or alliance to survive, I cannot see unguilded people (unless they play universally neutral healing class or such) thriving.

What I hope is that the EN/FR/GE thing will create a dynamic on the server that is interesting, but I suspect that the cultural/language differences may be hard to overcome for many people. This has nothing to do with racial prejudices etc.. its just about the fact that A) the Germand AND French populations will outnumber the UK and B) The UK/FR and GE communities are basically unaware/ignorant of each other until PvP starts.

As for griefers, of course there will be griefers. There are griefers in the game now. All you have to do is look in the RvR Discussusions section to see posts like "Why does a lvl50 kill my lvl26 bla bla in Yggdra" and the inevitable "some1 got owned" responses. Just make sure you are in a guild (PK or anti-PK) which operates effectively and offers you some protection.


I is gonna be an uber 'chanter!

Gonna solo my way, without sleep, to lvl 50 in 5 days (is totally possible with a 'chanter cause we is uber!) and I is gonna run around stunning people lots :)

PvP is gonna 0wn!

But, back to reality...

Yip, PvP will be split more or less into languages. And you will need to get into a good guild quickly.

Remember that class choice is VERY important. ANYONE who thinks they are going to pick a powerful solo class is going to be very surprised when groups gank them on a regular basis.

The best approach is to join the server with 7 people you know well, and choose characters which will make a good group (good balance of offensive and support classes).

Really, the only way to survive on the PvP server is to outsmart everyone else, not to be more powerful, as you can be ganked and make yourself a bigger target.


perhaps we can create a guild called the Prydwen Alliance?

then we can have racial warfare against the French (I hate them!) and the Germans (always good for a fight)

All Prydwen guilds could be in one huge guild :)


PvP is truly a unique experience I play on Andred with a Skald at the moment and played on mordred with a warden before

It can get really messy trust me, but most of what people have said in this thread is spot on


Good discussion so far. I too have been interested in how the PvP will develop here given our currently divided community across Europe.

Of course I do intend to experience the new servers, and discussions have already been had in guild about number of people going and classes to be chosen. So far so good imo.

My first thoughts were about bind points and their security, and Ive been informed you can release to city instead which are safezones. So if there is word of a particular town under attack that option is available to soloers and groups alike.

The other big question I had was server capacity. Surely just one will not be able to cope with the load from 8 other independant RvR servers. Of course not all will move to PvP and it will be more congested upon launch. But how is this handled? Will there be times when you just cant log on and have to wait for people to log off?


Will there be times when you just cant log on and have to wait for people to log off?
Almost certainly, in the beginning. When Andred opened it was at capacity almost all the time for the first few days (3500 or so), before it eventually settled down.


PvP is like this:

A big cage fight with no rules.

Change the cage into a big country, replace the 2 fighters with 3500 people, and that is PvP. Don't forget the no rules part!

Seriously, I have played Andred for 1 week now, and I myself have turned over to the evil side, if I see someone, and he best not be an enchanter/minstrel, then he's dead.

I'm not one of those lame grey killers, I'm one of them grey/purple killers.

I don't kill greys exping tho, well, I did once, and I regret it. (Saw a theurgist summoning some pets near salisbury, and I thought it was funny to throw a axe (throwing axe :p) in her face, needless to say she somehow died instantly from 80 damage and left a grave.

I engage purple people if they are walking alone, Level 50 zerk? no problem, dieing is a part of the game, and winning the fight gives a good feeling (and experience/money ofcourse!). Don't forget, a con doesn't determine the fact that people are not just afk -> numlock -> walking to destination. Needless to say some people are just utter morons who can't play there class and don't know what /stick means.

Playing this way I usually, read Usually, get saluted by those people and /send me, You have balls sir. a guild invitation follows short after if they're well mooded.

Enchanters are Kill On Sight for most guilds.

Talking about guilds, PvP mainly consists of guilds, that meaning: You are helpless on your own where you have no alliance posting/factions nor friends to run for help.'

My 2 cents.


Just to address one point:

Yes you will end up with idiot PKers who camp lowbie areas constantly. And yes it does get bloody annoying when you can't go anywhere because some big fookin troll keeps one-shotting you.

But there are still ways around it. If you're getting ganked at your bind point, you can use /release city (I think that's it) which will make you respawn in your realm capital. If you're getting ganked at the capital, release to your bind point. If all else fails, release to your capital, pop off to the porter and XP in another realm.

There's always a way out. Fortunately there aren't enough arseholes to cover all the exits :)


I think the most annoying thing on PvP is all the greys/level 10's nuking eachother in the startertowns, and not to mention the "/send <yourname> j000 faaxxorringg biatch i was exping "#¤(/"&/¤&"/¤&"¤ get a life i keel j00m okokok thx" lamers. Better get used to it. :rolleyes:


I reckon that a lot of peeps on the UK servers are going to gravitate into a few good guilds (which hopefully uphold some sense of honour). I cant wait to be in the mix with all the middies and hibbies from excalibur.

Like a few peeps have said, the language gap is going to cause plenty of rucus. I dont know german, so if I get someone trying to tell me 'please dont kill me Im XPing' (which is a pretty crap example) in german Im not going to know much about it.. I think, but correct me if Im wrong, that english speaking is pretty much compulsory in german schools however so that may not be so bad, dont know about french though..

I cant wait personally. Its going to come with more than its fair share of frustrations but the teamplayers are going to come out on top, and thats my favorite part of the game. Theres far more scope for getting in character as well; you can assume an alignment and play it out. I can just imagine a level 50 wizzie camping a tower in cam hills and getting a nasty reputation for nuking passers by, like some big ole' evil archmage type (cool).

Running battles on salisbury plains.. hiding behind trees in camp forest.. pitched battles in dartmoor (!)..

Bring it on


I for one aint gonna actively search&destroy ppl. But that noted, I WILL be having a pen&paper next to me so I can write down the names of every single one that kills me, so ONE DAY I WILL GET MY REVENGE!



I think the main idea is to level as fast as possible with a good group.

Ideal group (keep in mind that good in PvE isn't that important, it's all about RvR really, group vs group combat) would be something like this I think (notice Hib bias because i haven't played many of the other classes):

3-4 Tanks (Skald, Warden and Hero/Champ/Armsman/Warrior)
2-3 PBAE casters (mana chanter/eld, spirtimaster, ice wizzie)
1 Healer
1 Bard
if there's another spot left fill it with whatever (assassin for see hidden perhaps or maybe a friar/druid/cleric for that extra healing)

I think at first you'll see a lot of little guilds with people trying to powerlevel as fast as humanly possible, these guilds will then merge to form the large guilds seen on the Dreds.

I for one am looking at either a Slam/CS Hero, a Light Ment or a staff/enhance friar to get going with.


There really isn't going to be a problem regarding language on the PvP server. Why? Simple. GOA have stated that the server WILL be an English language server. So if you get someone pleading to you in German to not kill them, you simply can't understand them and you can use the excuse that you thought they were saying "Give me a horribly painful death please".

Yes, there will be ALOT of griefers, I know that for a fact going by my experiences of some of the servers (have characters on most servers now).

But it's a PvP server. If you don't want to be killed by other players, don't log on. Or else ignore it and don't let it annoy you, form a big guild, and then gank the people who killed you.


Originally posted by g0ldenbone
Running battles on salisbury plains.. hiding behind trees in camp forest.. pitched battles in dartmoor (!)..

Bring it on

That's nothing compared to the big free-for-all battles that take place in Prydwen Keep and Mag Mel on the US servers. 30 people all trying to kill each other while noobs wonder what's going on.

At one point I saw a lvl 50 chanter on their way through MM. she stopped suddenly in the middle of town and started chain-casting PBAoE. Killed 15 plus grey cons. Obviously we thought "stoopid griefer" until we saw the dead lvl 50 Infil who was stalking her. She had the deceny to apologise to everyone in /b tho which was very cool.

Bunches of fun :)


Sounds like a good laugh if you dont take it too seriously :)

One thing I dont understand tho is what happens to the RvR aspect in a PVP server - I should think everyones too busy killing each other at home - once you hit 20 its probably the safest place to go xp???

What do people play from Midgard in PvP - Skalds n stealthers??

The Real Redi

most constructive!

Thanks all, this is the most constructive thread ive actually encountered on Barrysflame.. ;)

I wouldnt mind hearing from anyone who is actually a member of a PK guild, if any are brave enough to post. Hey, you dont need to identify yourselves or anything, i just want to get all the angles on this PvP situation, so i know what im letting myself in for.

If there are any out there who wish to contribute to this thread, i request that no one flames them for their comments, we all have our crosses to bear, and i would like to know why and what the aims are of such guilds? Killing the same greys/greens over and over offers no reward (bar a few coins) from what i can make out, other than knowing that the player is probably vowing to avenge his death a million times over.

On a lighter note, I see this PvP as the best opportunity to RP a character. If you want to stomp around slaying everything with no reason, then thats your choice. If you want to stomp around, your paranoia of magic getting the better of you, slaying all magic users, or that deep inbred hatred of Luris has you slicing the bits off of a green or grey because they obstructed you, fair enough, its all part of your characters make up and background.

It comes across to me as an incredibly harsh environment where you either have to have cunning & common sense, or a hell of a lot of backup to survive. Im sure there will be the odd Fire Wiz who sits atop a tower in Sauvage laying waste to any that come near, totally secluded, bearing a grudge against all society, and im sure he'll become hated, but its the Trolls Bridge story - hes guarding what he considers his. Great background, but a little dull to play out, id imagine.

I intend to percevere with the RPing, even though im sure ill be buried under L33t D00Dz spamming yells and insults at each other, but remember 90% of these arse-barnacles are under the age of 15, and the attention span of a lot of 15 y/o is kinda short, thank the lord ;)

<addendum: Im not saying ALL 15 y/o are rubbish are at RP and disruptive, im jsut saying its rare that you'll find a 30 y/o acting that way (although equally, im sure theres some guys/girls sat in their bedsit, curtains drawn for the 15th day, straight, screaming at his monitor...). Any one who is interested in RP on the PvP server, post here and then we can work out how many were looking at, and if it will turn out to be futile effort or not... ##

++Redi, 32nd Merc - Team, 12th Fire wiz - Dil, 8th Cleric++
Order of the Knights Templar
Albion, Prydwen



Originally posted by Cedig
perhaps we can create a guild called the Prydwen Alliance?

then we can have racial warfare against the French (I hate them!)

Duh !!!!
Hope there is some irony here, even if my poor french english cannot get it.


PK guilds.... it is about power. i want power, therefore i must kill helpless people begging for there lifes and so on etc etc etc. i hope i see you on the pvpserver and i hope you like green grass ;) :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

aahh :m00:


Now now, I cant wait for that server to come. haha nuking guys when riding horses! omg makes me giggle. I do think it will be satisfying having a bad day at school/work and then come home to slaughter lot's of lowbies just to get som aggression out :p.
Hehe I just want to hit the high lvls quick myself and just attack everything on sight(greys-purple etc). Going to be LOTS of fun! :)

You just killed <insert name>
<insert name> sends; wtf why the hell did you kill me i'm lvl 5!!!
You send; no habla ingles?


if people speak german to me on the server: they die
if people speak french to me on the server: they die

2 rules to live by


I'll be trying the PvP with my current guildies and some other friends. Will be a nice group or two but with no casters so far (no nukers anyways).

Skald, bard, champion, healer, minstrel and perhaps wardens and more. will be a good CC-group but I'm afriad we're lacking some good ol' nuking :)

Anyways, won't be a PK guild. We might however 'claim' a campingspot with threats of quick deaths for the other groups if they don't leave it at once :p

I hope the PvP-server will be fun. Guilds allying to take out those darn PK-guilds and hopefully not too much bindstone camping.

Looking forward to it very much <crosses fingers for a fun time>

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