PvP Survey (yes, another PvP thread!)


Generic Poster

Oddly enough, it seems like there're more carebears here, then gankers. If this is true the PvP server could turn sour. Of course we have to consider all of the players who don't post on forums and the French and German players.

I suspect the Euro server will be better, or at least less of a gank-fest then the US one. Guilds should be more stable, hopefully with English, French and German speaking guilds in a 3-way war. Unlike the US situation with a couple of Uber guilds, owning all.


1- Do you think EU will be better then US PvP?
2- Will you be a Carebear or Ganker?
3- Which realm will your main class come from?
4- Do you plan to Powerlevel and Ding!50 within one month?
5- Will you /kiss Lurikeen, when no one is looking?

For all you Carebears and other honourable players, it's time we started working towards a solid community, in preparation for the PvP server. If a role-playing guild, which:
- Secures lowbie areas against the PK threat
- Punishes it's own members for ganking lowbies.
- Upholds virtue, honour and organic foods.

If it sounds like a guild for you, drop me a PM or leave a message in here and lets work on it ;)


Bahhh been there done that for 4 years in UO.. I been a pk , an anti , a "I dont care but if u touch my mates we will rape you the rest of you UO life" , and what not. It will all be about getting the uber char the fastest and then gank everyone in sight or gank everyone in sight who ganks everyone in sight..its a fact of life.. Might try it if they put up BG's there , so diff classes from diff realms can team up , might be fun , but besides that I dont think you will be seing me there , atleast not untill I ding all my 10 chars 50 or close enough for them to RvR ;) And me not being a power lvl'r that might take a year or two


1- Do you think EU will be better then US PvP?
1- No clue

2- Will you be a Carebear or Ganker?
2- Ganker

3- Which realm will your main class come from?
3- Hibernia I think

4- Do you plan to Powerlevel and Ding!50 within one month?
4- Of course?

5- Will you /kiss Lurikeen, when no one is looking?
5- No... Am I ?


1- Do you think EU will be better then US PvP?
1- Yes

2- Will you be a Carebear or Ganker?
2- Carebear until im good enough to gank

3- Which realm will your main class come from?
3- Albion

4- Do you plan to Powerlevel and Ding!50 within one month?
4- If my school burns down

5- Will you /kiss Lurikeen, when no one is looking?
5- I do anyway


I dont like Zerg rvr, l hope pvp brings some diffrend in that


1- Do you think EU will be better then US PvP?

Maybe, If t has a decent population, it might.

2- Will you be a Carebear or Ganker?

Well, That depends, since everyone is "equal", who is the enemy?
There's been the split via language barrier sugested, but that doesn't sound too good, I'd probably not go out of my way to Gank people, but if the guild I'd be in had a defined "Enemy" , I'd probably gank them.

3- Which realm will your main class come from?


4- Do you plan to Powerlevel and Ding!50 within one month?

No, I don't get that much time to play games, It's taken me 4 months to get to 39th lelel.

5- Will you /kiss Lurikeen, when no one is looking?

Hmmm, now that's thought :)


Originally posted by Generic Poster

1- Do you think EU will be better then US PvP?
2- Will you be a Carebear or Ganker?
3- Which realm will your main class come from?
4- Do you plan to Powerlevel and Ding!50 within one month?
5- Will you /kiss Lurikeen, when no one is looking?


1- cant tell untill its too late :)
2- I'll be easy and random, but the rest will depend on the guild CoC really
3- Hibbieland, i love golfcars :)
4- will do me best
5- /kiss Norsewomen ??? surely. Ill be a cheeky Celt Rock star :)

The Exile

1- Do you think EU will be better then US PvP?
1- Ofcourse

2- Will you be a Carebear or Ganker?
2- Both

3- Which realm will your main class come from?
3- Midgard

4- Do you plan to Powerlevel and Ding!50 within one month?
4- I will try

5- Will you /kiss Lurikeen, when no one is looking?
5- Ewwww


Originally posted by Generic Poster

1- Do you think EU will be better then US PvP?
2- Will you be a Carebear or Ganker?
3- Which realm will your main class come from?
4- Do you plan to Powerlevel and Ding!50 within one month?
5- Will you /kiss Lurikeen, when no one is looking?

1. Probably, but mainly because you'll already know a large number of the people involved

2. PK I think (why switch otherwise...)

3. Hibernia (Warden)

4. Well 2-3 weeks was the aim (yes i am a student, and yes i have no life)

5. hmm, not a big fan off luris.


1- Do you think EU will be better then US PvP?
2- Will you be a Carebear or Ganker?
3- Which realm will your main class come from?
Midgard or hibernia.
4- Do you plan to Powerlevel and Ding!50 within one month?
5- Will you /kiss Lurikeen, when no one is looking?


Re: Re: PvP Survey (yes, another PvP thread!)

Originally posted by Dannyn
1- Do you think EU will be better then US PvP?
2- Will you be a Carebear or Ganker?
3- Which realm will your main class come from?
Midgard or hibernia.
4- Do you plan to Powerlevel and Ding!50 within one month?
5- Will you /kiss Lurikeen, when no one is looking?

5- Will you ever leave Jexas box ?
/Dannyn hesitates


1- Do you think EU will be better then US PvP?
No idea, i havnt heard much about US PvP
2- Will you be a Carebear or Ganker?
Carebear, i may go after a few select targets
3- Which realm will your main class come from?
Not sure, whatever i feel like creating on the day
4- Do you plan to Powerlevel and Ding!50 within one month?
5- Will you /kiss Lurikeen, when no one is looking?

My main concern is exp deaths :p - Its going to make hunting interesting.


Re: Re: Re: PvP Survey (yes, another PvP thread!)

Originally posted by ivan_tribbiani

5- Will you ever leave Jexas box ?
/Dannyn hesitates
I don't need to hesistate before answering that one... The answer is of course "No." :)


Re: Re: Re: Re: PvP Survey (yes, another PvP thread!)

Originally posted by Dannyn

I don't need to hesistate before answering that one... The answer is of course "No." :)

kekeke :p


hi guys,

playing on avalon/ger

let me see ^^

Oddly enough, it seems like there're more carebears here, then gankers. If this is true the PvP server could turn sour. Of course we have to consider all of the players who don't post on forums
and the French and German players.

Well on the german servers a lot of the players, which think about moving to the pvp servers are very social at the end, so long time pk'ing will be reduced on pretty few individuals... [most are planning to only take actions if they get attacked first] and maybe only happen extensively in the bellow levels for the first days, what is currently ongoing, is the formation of big "elite" guilds consisting most of the top players on the three individual servers. [Most of the 1st generation players will return only for the PvP Server] I assume that from the german servers at least each will provide one "super" guild on the PvP server consisting several hundred players in total from all three realms... there are also quite a lot realm allies which will appear as guild and surely a lot of smaller guild-tribes will also migrate over to the PvP Server...

So what I recommend to you guys is that you also start to form bigger guilds and come together quite quick. PvP is planned to happen between the guilds only.. from the german side... I don't know of any guild which is planning to turn completely pk... [this will forseeable only happen as soon as maxed out ppl start to get bored] and ppl are planning to powerlevel a lot in pre-setup groups.... more & less taking the "conquest" guild system as template to get to lev50 in one week playtime.

it will be pretty sure that highest conflict potential will appear between french/german/english players... but I think neitherless if german/french or english speaker... after some weeks the PvP server will turn out quite well.


1- Do you think EU will be better then US PvP?

2- Will you be a Carebear or Ganker?
nor ganker nor carebear

3- Which realm will your main class come from?

4- Do you plan to Powerlevel and Ding!50 within one month?
we will see

5- Will you /kiss Lurikeen, when no one is looking?
well sure as hell i will /kick them :p


1- Do you think EU will be better then US PvP?
2- Will you be a Carebear or Ganker?
carebear upholder of good
3- Which realm will your main class come from?
hibernia (warden)
4- Do you plan to Powerlevel and Ding!50 within one month?
nope i got a life
5- Will you /kiss Lurikeen, when no one is looking?
ewwww thats nasty /kiss norsewoman is more like it


But really:

1- Do you think EU will be better then US PvP?
1- Dont know as I havent played PvP on other servers

2- Will you be a Carebear or Ganker?
2- I will be a "Carebear" and protect the innocent!(If they dont bug me that is)"<Random dude>: Can I get a buff?? BUFFZ!!!
You hit <Random dude> for 251 damage.!
You just killed <Random dude>

3- Which realm will your main class come from?
3- I'm not sure yet, maybe Albion(Mercenary) or some kind of nuker

4- Do you plan to Powerlevel and Ding!50 within one month?
4- No I dont think so. Is that even possible for people?(Collage studendts are NOT people)

5- Will you /kiss Lurikeen, when no one is looking?
5- Lurikeens? Like Aiedeil? sheesh no sir eee, I'll rather give those nice masculine female-trolls a good 'ol liptrick if you get my drift ;)


1- Do you think EU will be better then US PvP?
No, it will turn out exactly like the 'Dreds, and other PVP games like UO. ie the vast majority of the player base with be "carebear" types, although it's more through lack of balls than wanting to stay on the side of right (eg in UO you could guarantee the vast majority of "Glorious" Lords/Ladies would run straight into your Energy Vortex and greykill you, but they don't have the guts to kill a blue). There will be a small hardcore of proper PKers who 'those who know' will have respect for. Unfortunately they will be outnumbered about 30-1 by the gankers, and get tarred with the same brush.

2- Will you be a Carebear or Ganker?
Neither - I'll be a PK hopefully, although I don't have the time to put into it that I did for UO, so I'll probably get bored and quit before I get that far.

3- Which realm will your main class come from?

4- Do you plan to Powerlevel and Ding!50 within one month?

5- Will you /kiss Lurikeen, when no one is looking?
Of course, is that even a question? :)


1- Do you think EU will be better then US PvP?
No idea.
2- Will you be a Carebear or Ganker?
No idea.
3- Which realm will your main class come from?
Hibernia !
4- Do you plan to Powerlevel and Ding!50 within one month?
very doubtful
5- Will you /kiss Lurikeen, when no one is looking?
don't be disgusting.


1- Prolly not, too many germies and frenchies with hairy armpits eww...
2- Ganker.
3- Mid
4- If I dont do that, I /quit.
5- Dead luri = good luri


1 - hmm french people might be there..(I have to hate then its tradition or something)

2 - Random, mainly ganking the people who tick me off

3 - Albion of course

4 - Hmm the pain of getting to lvl50 again, depends if there are any other good mmo games out there.
Thinking about it though it would be good to xp in another realm with a familliar character.

5 - I have a twitch responce to send elementals at all dwarf races (luries being the worst), I cant help it. Funny to watch tho :) thats if I play a theurg again.

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