PvP server?



Can someone breifly explain the Pvp server or whatever it is to me please?
Just the general jist of it or even a like to whereever.



From what I have gathered fromt he americans it is like normal server but all the fronteirs are gone and you can also team up with other-realm people. Something like grouping with kobolds, lurikeens, britons and such. Aslo the main focus is killing other people rather than monsters, though you kill monsters too. I also hear that before level 10 you cannot be killed by other players. So maybe its like living in the frontier :)

Sound a barrel of luaghs :)


pointer - the frontiers are still there ;-]


The realm organisation disappears.

You can group with anyone else from what is normally thought of as 'another realm'. Guilds can also contain members from any realm.

You can attack any player over level 10, or any player under 10 with his flag off.

You get xp for killing players.

You lose con (but not xp) for being killed by a player.

Relics are owned by guilds instead of realms, they each give a bonus as today, but only to the guild that posseses it. Guilds have to store the relics in a keep they have claimed to maintain ownership.

You can use equipment from any other realm where appropriate for your class.

You can enter the 'home zones' (non-frontier) of realms other than your own.

DF is always open to everyone.

Classes that are 'well thought of on PvP servers' include pet classes (esp enchanters), assassins (esp sb's), skalds, and bards.

Classes that are often refered to as PvP gimps include archers, pure casters without pets, and pure tanks (except maybe heroes).

Note that stereotypical view on which classes are uber/gimped is no more likely to be correct on pvp than on rvr servers.


I was thinking of going for the bulk standard spearo or zerker....
But I am thinking maybe shadowzerk will be good....

I hear most peeps go for enchanters cuz u can set the pet on peeps from the safety of houses..... Apparently chanters can kill low lvl purps (on their own terms) Still think playing a chanter may be a bit dull.

Perhaps still the ultimate class to play would be a healer or bard.... You are always gonna get grped this way and safety in numbers may be the key...

Its either going to be

Spearo ---- or --------Shadowzerk

cant decide.

But I think spearo...


a group friendly class will get you much further on the pvp server then say an assassin class (sadly tho this ain't just for the pvp server but thats anoter discussion). so either that or a class that can solo good for me :)



I wonder if we'll see a plethora of assassin classes here as hibernia got a plethora or rangers in its own time... They'll whine to no end about having a hard time to level, will bug their guildmates to group 6 of them in every xp group then will sell them a bit later out of despair...


Most of your PvP questions are answered here

It is worth spending some time flicking through the Andred and Mordred forums at VN to get a feel for the gameplay to see if its something that grabs your imagination (if you can filter out the zillion flames ;))

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