Pve good or bad ? fun or booring ?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 13, 2004
would daoc be a better game without pve ?

do you feel it is fun to level your character to 50 ?

do you like pve more then pvp ?

do you want a coooop server in europe ?

do you think spellcrafting is good / bad for daoc ?(able to make opted templates etc)?

do you think toa is a nice addon or just a way for mythic to get cash ?

do you want a no toa server ?

what u say ? pve lovers and rvr fr34kz ;/


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
> would daoc be a better game without pve ?

ofc not.

> do you feel it is fun to level your character to 50 ?

yup, love it. done it 7 times

> do you like pve more then pvp ?


> do you want a coooop server in europe ?


> do you think spellcrafting is good / bad for daoc ?(able to make opted templates etc)?

dunno, but its made me lots of cash

> do you think toa is a nice addon or just a way for mythic to get cash ?

yes to both

> do you want a no toa server ?



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
duact said:
would daoc be a better game without pve ?

No, you might as well play counter-strike or some other FPS if DAoC didn't have any PvE
duact said:
do you feel it is fun to level your character to 50 ?

Its kind of a sliding scale, the lower you are generally speaking the more fun it is as you've still got to 'learn' how to play your character properly.

duact said:
do you like pve more then pvp ?


duact said:
do you want a coooop server in europe ?

Maybe, while I don't much enjoy the FoTM emain based RvR I am a fan of keep based RvR - i'd probably do what most people did on Call - roll a toon play for a few days then realise its boring and go back to Excal.

duact said:
do you think spellcrafting is good / bad for daoc ?(able to make opted templates etc)?

Good, but there are flaws in the way its done. If they hadn't allowed players to cap everything with 99% suits they probably wouldn't have needed to put in ToA bonuses to make it so. Also I don't like the way 2h users are peinalised by losing out on a slot.

duact said:
do you think toa is a nice addon or just a way for mythic to get cash ?

I'd say cash, i'm still annoyed that they didn't properly beta test it all in the name of 'keeping it a surprise'

duact said:
do you want a no toa server ?

Not really, w/o ToA bonuses you'd just go back to 'Tank' RvR only and maybe a few PBAE groups camping the rooms above MG's


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 1, 2004
would daoc be a better game without pve ?
Nop, you need to go through something boring to feel more proud of your final achievement.

do you feel it is fun to level your character to 50 ?
Leveled 2 chars the hardcore way, first char was a real pain .. soloing bluecons in varulvhamn :mad:, second was ok.

do you like pve more then pvp ?
rofl, no

do you want a coooop server in europe ?

do you think spellcrafting is good / bad for daoc ?(able to make opted templates etc)?

do you think toa is a nice addon or just a way for mythic to get cash ?
Cashfarm :|

do you want a no toa server ?
Not if i have to go through the pve grind again ;o

what u say ? pve lovers and rvr fr34kz ;/[/QUOTE]


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 23, 2004
duact, you´re a noob. Let´s start with that.

PvE is good, RvR is more fun, Camlann PvPers like you a elitists and so on.

hi btw ;)


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
would daoc be a better game without pve ?
No alot of encounters, dungoens, mob bosses are fun, pure xp'ing is boring tho'

> do you feel it is fun to level your character to 50 ?
Not really, but at times it can be i guess

> do you like pve more then pvp ?
Genaraly no, but it''s preaty mood dependant,

> do you want a coooop server in europe ?

> do you think spellcrafting is good / bad for daoc ?(able to make opted templates etc)?
Well, was a cirtian charm to pre sc' "hunting for your items, semi returned with toa..but not quite..dont mind Sc tho'

> do you think toa is a nice addon or just a way for mythic to get cash ?
Toa is more than anything something new to do, but it has greatly increased the time from cha creation -> end game, wich in my case is RvR, not that you cant rvr without toa, but it does give you a competative edge.

> do you want a no toa server ?
Not really, a none toa none si none df, would be fun tho, at least for a while ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 6, 2004
would daoc be a better game without pve ?
Don't be a rodney!

do you feel it is fun to level your character to 50 ?
No. One Lv50 char is enough for me, I struggle trying to level more then one char because I can't handle the lame, boring grind.

do you like pve more then pvp ?
Yes. Never liked the fact that it takes time to organise an fg raid only to see it wiped out in seconds. I've always seen rvr combat ending way too fast.

do you want a coooop server in europe ?

do you think spellcrafting is good / bad for daoc ?(able to make opted templates etc)?
It's a good move, but just introduces elements and features that make chars even more powerful making 1v1 fg vs fg encounters end even quicker.

do you think toa is a nice addon or just a way for mythic to get cash ?
ToA is what AoS (Age of Shadows) is to Ultima Online. A failed, lame attempt to keep people subbed to the game. It's single handedly the worst expansion I've ever seen & experienced in the mmorpg's I've played.

do you want a no toa server ?
Would be nice, but for them they'd have to support two rulesets, and there's no chance of that happening. Same thing has been asked for years in Ultima Online where people wanted a pre uo:r server because the game was better u before that.

what u say ? pve lovers and rvr fr34kz ;/
I like cheese.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 19, 2004
yes good
no no no cos I do know you want one :clap:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Never really liked PvE in DAoC, but then again the game would be pretty silly without any.



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
PvE is as good or boring as you make it.
If you sit in a spot and pull a couple of mobs, kill it, pull the next mobs, kill them etc without any kind of party chatter then it's going to be very dull indeed.
If you have some kind of buzz going - either lively group chat or (my favourite) dangerous pulls where if things go wrong, the party can get wiped out then it's just as exciting as any other aspect of the game imho.
DAoC without PvE would be a bad counterstrike mod and would have died years ago. Without investment in a character you don't get the same level of attachment to the game and you certainly wouldn't pay for it month after month. I know I wouldn't.

Do I prefer PvE or RvR?
I prefer a mix of both. I enjoy RvR but not 8vs8 stuff. I enjoy PvE but not camping a spot for hours.

Spellcrafting is alright but you shouldn't be able to cap everything or even most things from it. I reckon if you took out overcharging or made 28 imbue points the OC maximum it would fix a lot of the problems.

Would like a Co-op server but not sure I'd make it my main server. I love my guild too much to leave.

ToA is mostly fixed as far as balance goes. A couple of bugs still to iron out but other than that I think it's a good expansion (although it should have stayed in beta for another 3 months at least). I have to laugh at the RvR fans who complain at being forced to PvE so they can RvR again. I don't have any artifacts on my main, I'm ML1 with a SI era spellcrafted set. I run out with unoptimised guild groups - frequently less than a full group and more often than not with several people lower than 50, not a buffbot in sight and I'd say we win more fights than we lose. Recently we killed a group of RR8 hibs twice in a row and our group consisted of 2 armsmen, 2 pallies a cleric and a reaver. No CC at all and the only buffs from our enhance cleric.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 19, 2004
> would daoc be a better game without pve ?


> do you feel it is fun to level your character to 50 ?

1st lvl 50, many hours of fun leveling, many more hours of frustration.
2nd+ lvl 50 there are a few fun moments amongst mostly level grind

> do you like pve more then pvp ?

Some PvE encounters I enjoy probably as much as PvP, overall I enjoy PvP more.

> do you want a coooop server in europe ?


> do you think spellcrafting is good / bad for daoc ?(able to make opted templates etc)?

If it was not possible to cap it would be better. ToA has made things more interesting here. The trade profession itself (gem making) is a big pain in the ass.

> do you think toa is a nice addon or just a way for mythic to get cash ?

In some ways its nice, in other ways its infuriating.

> do you want a no toa server ?



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
>would daoc be a better game without pve ?


>do you feel it is fun to level your character to 50 ?

it was fun most of the time

>do you like pve more then pvp ?

overall pve, hopeing new frontiers saves pvp

>do you want a coooop server in europe ?

yes, actually considering a move back to Gaheris where I have a retired lvl 50.

>do you think spellcrafting is good / bad for daoc ?(able to make opted templates etc)?

mixed feelings, better with toa since its harder to cap all. as a craft its one of the two you can make a career in and thats good.

>do you think toa is a nice addon or just a way for mythic to get cash ?

i think toa is good except for artifact leveling which is even more boring than soloing to 50.
and hello? ofcourse its made "just" to make cash. what addon isnt made to get mythic cash? even new frontiers is made to keep the cash coming in. its a business.

>do you want a no toa server ?



Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
>would daoc be a better game without pve ?

Definately not, the variety of the game is what I like.

>do you feel it is fun to level your character to 50 ?

First character was frustrating, mostly leveled long hours solo with no buffbot. Thought of giving up many times, but was stubborn and the satisfaction of hitting 50 was immense.

>do you like pve more then pvp ?

I like both. I'm not a fan of 8v8 RvR personally, it's too unbalanced and frustrating for non fotm, non high RR groups as you spend ages just trying to get any kind of group together only to get rolled immediately. Running solo is impossible too because of stealthers camping gates and main pathways in groups. I'm a big fan of tactical RvR though, keep takes/defences, my best RvR moments since hitting 50 are keep based. Large scale battles can be fun too, not just plain zerging in emain, but the hure battles we used to have in Jamtland pushing backwards and forwards between keeps.

>do you want a coooop server in europe ?

would be interesting, but would be difficult because of the language barriers between the major server populations.

>do you think spellcrafting is good / bad for daoc ?(able to make opted templates etc)?

I think it was good, but poorly implimented. It made crafting worthwile again, but also made it far too easy to tweek out and cap a character. Like other people have said, it would have been better if they had made it so that it was impossible to cap out everything so choices and sacrifices would have had to been made rather than just being able to cap everything. With Jewelcraft coming in in the future it will be even worse.

>do you think toa is a nice addon or just a way for mythic to get cash ?

I like TOA, there are some nice ideas. Parts of it are very frustrating and it brings out the worst in some people (greed, selfishness, etc) but I like the variety in the encounters (ML5 was a blast ;) )

>do you want a no toa server ?

No. Unless they make thanes uber again like they were in the days of stunguard and no det ;-)



Fledgling Freddie
May 26, 2004
>would daoc be a better game without pve ?

Definitely not

>do you feel it is fun to level your character to 50 ?

Not anymore.

>do you like pve more then pvp ?

If I'm in a nice group among friends, yeah.

>do you want a coooop server in europe ?

Bit hard to say what the outcome of that would be. The population of the 3 other european servers might drop a bit too dramatically.. aside from that it'd certainly be a nice change.

>do you think spellcrafting is good / bad for daoc ?(able to make opted templates etc)?

As far as I can remember, spellcrafting was the first thing that began to ruin the game. I long for the days when even a lvl38 caster could actually do nice damage in rvr.. the memories :(. BAD would be my answer :)

>do you think toa is a nice addon or just a way for mythic to get cash ?

Where to begin... well, it certainly brought some depth into PvE I'm not denying that. However it seems damn far fetched to mix the atlantis mythology with the dark ages. Also the fact that the artifacts are undyable and most of them being bright as hell has taken alot away from the game (atleast for yours truly). I think DaoC was the first of all the mmorpg's out there that introduced the guild emblem system for people. I find it difficult to understand why Mythic would simply ignore this fact while creating the addon.. or maybe they just didnt expect people spend so much time into getting the artifacts, which would mean that ToA is not working as planned.

I honestly dont think any gaming companies exist who actually love their products anymore. The original creators might put their heart and soul into the games they produce, but I bet 99% of those ideas, desires and dreams get turned down by the pigs 'upstairs' who completely lack vision. But just like in every other industry, something like this could not be avoided. So yes, I honestly think that it was just a way for Mythic to get cash. Even though I admit that there might few people who've actually tried to put some effort into ToA.. maybe if we wait long enough, Mythic gives us an addon with uzis and airplanes too.

>do you want a no toa server ?

Definitely. Or even better, a server that'd be halted at the stage where DF was put into the game. No ToA, no SI. I'm sure I'm not the only person who longs for those days, but to be realistic.. the majority of the people who miss those times have already quit. I guess it'd be a really quiet server.

It's very difficult to predict if this would also apply to the no toa server, for I know many people who despise ToA as much as I do. Still it's very doubtful that goa would ever create such a server (even though it would be more than fair to the people with no ToA and slower computers) so I guess we'll never know.. still a nice dream though :)


Great Unclean One
Jan 5, 2004
would daoc be a better game without pve ?
Of course not, what would be the point of that? This is a MMORPG, not a FPS game. It might as well be a Quake Team Deathmatch mod if there was no PvE.

do you feel it is fun to level your character to 50 ?
Yep. If I didn't I wouldn't have 3 50s and another close to it. If you don't like levelling, why play a MMORPG that has levelling in it as a fundamental part of the game? It's like playing golf and then complaining about all the walking.

do you like pve more then pvp ?
Yes, absolutely. RvR has become more and more unbalanced (and hence pointless) as time wears on, it's an exercise in futility now for low RRs. I play games to have fun, not to bang my head into a brick wall of frustration, downtime and pointlessness. Which is pretty much how RvR feels...relaxation and fun is why I play and game, and RvR is neither relaxing nor fun IMO.

do you want a co-op server in europe ?
Hell yeah, I'd love a co-op server, in all likelihood I would make a co-op my main server. I just don't care about RvR any more. And I think it's appalling that we pay the same as US players but are denied the choice of gametypes they get.
Talk to people who play Gaheris, and you'll see how devoted they are to that server - I think we should have the chance to develop such a community here in Europe, too.

do you think spellcrafting is good / bad for daoc ?(able to make opted templates etc)?
Hmm. The jury's out on this one. I do thinks buffs make far too much difference to how well your character performs, though.

do you think toa is a nice addon or just a way for mythic to get cash ?
I think it was a very nice expansion overall (tons of new areas to explore, neat items, neat new mobs, neat quests/MLs to do, great graphics upgrade), but the impact of MLs/artifacts on RvR was not sufficiently well tested and it was far buggier than it should have been. Another 3 months' testing would have been good, I'd rather have waited 3 months longer for a less buggy end product. I love PvE but even I think ML3 is an endurance test (although I remember reading that a lot of changes in 1.68 were meant to fix that).

do you want a no toa server ?
Er, no...what would be the point of that? You can't un-invent the wheel.



Fledgling Freddie
May 31, 2004
PvE is booring but u must do it to get good items..


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 24, 2004
>would daoc be a better game without pve ?

>do you feel it is fun to level your character to 50 ?

>do you like pve more then pvp ?

>do you want a coooop server in europe ?
Dont care

>do you think spellcrafting is good / bad for daoc ?(able to make opted templates etc)?
good, now just give us jewelcrafting and able to SC ToA bonuses.

>do you think toa is a nice addon or just a way for mythic to get cash ?
Worst thing that happend to DAoC, Mythic prolly thought it was a nice thing though.... at first.

>do you want a no toa server ?


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 17, 2004
ToA sux, its just a way for em to make money.

i say all servers should be without toa.

well..... shouldnt be fun to start at lvl 50.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2004
duact said:
would daoc be a better game without pve ?
duact said:
do you feel it is fun to level your character to 50 ?
Depends on how you make it. Good groups with lots of banter is fun.
duact said:
do you like pve more then pvp ?
Yes, the current setup is frustrating for low RR players and "non-FOTM" characters in RvR, with higher RR FOTM groups many times more powerful. I'm hoping that NF redresses the balance, but from the comments on VNBoards (if you sort through the pointless whines) suggests otherwise :(
PvP like camlann plain sucks, you get griefers and lowlives on all servers but on Camlann all the tools are there for them to exploit (bindstone camping, greycon greifing ect).
duact said:
do you want a coooop server in europe ?
I'd love it if they implemented one. Wouldn't move there from my main server (Exacl) but I'd probably spend more time there than I do on Pryd :p
duact said:
do you think spellcrafting is good / bad for daoc ?(able to make opted templates etc)?
Good in principle, since it makes standard crafters worth something again, but IMO high level drops should be vastly superior to crafted, meaning that spellcrafting should mainly be used for filling in the blanks. Right now, spellcrafted gear is often better imbue than some of the really hard to get stuff, especially from classic zone, and thats plain wrong. Also, shouldn't be able to cap everything with a full set of SC'd gear, that swings the pendulum towards SC even more.
duact said:
do you think toa is a nice addon or just a way for mythic to get cash ?
It's a nice addition, no mistake, but it's primary role was to make more cash.
duact said:
do you want a no toa server ?
Nope, rather have a ToA enabled coop


Fledgling Freddie
May 8, 2004
]>would daoc be a better game without pve ?
Yes, assuming more PvP oriented material replaced it.

>do you feel it is fun to level your character to 50 ?
10-15% of the time, yes. Thats only due to the company tho.

>do you like pve more then pvp ?

>do you want a coooop server in europe ?
whats the point, might aswell play tetris?

>do you think spellcrafting is good / bad for daoc ?(able to make opted templates etc)?
good, it cuts down on PvE time.

>do you think toa is a nice addon or just a way for mythic to get cash ?
What kind of a dumbass question is that?

>do you want a no toa server ?
id like a server without ToA items, and ML10 for free at 50.

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