


Try this annoying puzzle:
U2 has a concert that starts in 17 minutes and they must all cross a bridge to get there.
All four men begin on the same side of the bridge.
They must all get across to the other side within 17 mins.
It is night.
There is one flashlight.
A maximum of two people can cross at one time.
Any party who crosses, either 1 or 2 people, must have the flashlight with them.
The flashlight must be walked back and forth, it cannot be thrown, etc.
Each band member walks at a different speed.
A pair must walk together at the rate of the slower man's pace :-
Bono:1 minute to cross
Edge:2 minutes to cross
Adam:5 minutes to cross
Larry:10 minutes to cross
For example: if Bono and Larry walk across first, 10 minutes have elapsed when they get to the other side of the bridge.
If Larry then returns with the flashlight, a total of 20 minutes have passed and you have failed the mission.
There are no trick answers and it can be done, but you will get very close every time, took me about 30 mins. As usual you'll kick yourself when you work it out.

Teh Krypt

Larry and Bono go across (10min)

Bono comes back (1min)

Adam and Edge go across (5 min)

Thats it. All been across..

Teh Fonz!!1

Oh man, Bono will miss the concert though :(

People have paid upwards of $200 to see him dance about. This thread has ruined my day.

Teh Krypt

Originally posted by Teh Fonz!!1
Oh man, Bono will miss the concert though :(

People have paid upwards of $200 to see him dance about. This thread has ruined my day.

So :p

The puzzle was to get all four men across, right?

Thats exactly what I did. :D

Teh Fonz!!1

Oh so you don't care about the fact that the concert will probably have to be cancelled with refund because the lead singer didn't show up?

That's just sick man, plain and simple.


OK smarty pants..get across and stay there :)

Teh Krypt

Originally posted by Teh Fonz!!1
Oh so you don't care about the fact that the concert will probably have to be cancelled with refund because the lead singer didn't show up?

That's just sick man, plain and simple.



Teh Krypt

Think I got the real answer? :D

Don't see any otehr way, usualy good at these puzzles ;)

Need more of them on OT!!1


you've got to leave edge behind on the other side...

bono takes edge over (2m)

bono comes back (+1m)

the two slow pokes go over (+10m)

edge comes back (+2m)

bono and edge go back (+2m)

total 17m

Teh Krypt

Originally posted by Fingoniel
you've got to leave edge behind on the other side...

bono takes edge over (2m)

bono comes back (+1m)

the two slow pokes go over (+10m)

edge comes back (+2m)

bono and edge go back (+2m)

total 17m

My theory owns yours. Dose what the puzzle asks and saved a few mins. ;)


one of the DAoC developers posted a puzzle in a thread about a technique for making more masterpieces (the technique is bull :))

the puzzle is:

you have two jars of marbles, 50 in each.
One jar has 50 black marbles, the other 50 white.

You are allowed to rearrange the marbles between the jars however you want (but you can't throw the marbles away :) hehe)

When you have finished rearranging, your are blindfolded, spun round and pick a marble from a jar.

If it's black, you die, if it's white you live.

How do you maximise your chances of living? and what is that chance?

(it's not a trick answer, tis a real puzzle)


Originally posted by Teh Krypt

My theory owns yours. Dose what the puzzle asks and saved a few mins. ;)

I'm sure the U2 fan lynch mob will take that into consideration when they don't get Bono dancing around on stage.


Heh, Im almost daft enough to try the more-MP technique :p

Teh Krypt

Originally posted by Fingoniel
one of the DAoC developers posted a puzzle in a thread about a technique for making more masterpieces (the technique is bull :))

the puzzle is:

you have two jars of marbles, 50 in each.
One jar has 50 black marbles, the other 50 white.

You are allowed to rearrange the marbles between the jars however you want (but you can't throw the marbles away :) hehe)

When you have finished rearranging, your are blindfolded, spun round and pick a marble from a jar.

If it's black, you die, if it's white you live.

How do you maximise your chances of living? and what is that chance?

(it's not a trick answer, tis a real puzzle)

Simple. Tip the white marbles out, put 1 back in. Lay the rest on TOP of the black ones in the other jar.

100% Chance of living if your not dumb :p


Er.. I guess arranging the white marbles at the top isn't allowed :cool:

Teh Krypt

Originally posted by old.job
Er.. I guess arranging the white marbles at the top isn't allowed :cool:

OMG. Everyone stop changing the rules! :p


another one:

There are three boxes on a table, one of them has a prize in it, the other two are empty.

You pick one box.

I open one of the other boxes (showing that it's empty) and remove it.

You then have the option to switch your choice to the remaining unopened box, or stick with the one you've chosen.

Which is more likely to get you the prize and why?


Originally posted by old.job
Er.. I guess arranging the white marbles at the top isn't allowed :cool:

I forgot to mention the guard shakes the jars before you pick...

but you actually had the right answer Krypt...

putting one white marble in one jar
everything else in the other jar

chance of winning = 50% chance of getting the jar with one marble
50% chance of getting the mixed jar

if you get the mixed jar you have a 24.5% chance of picking a white - giving you a 74.5% chance of living.


Originally posted by Draylor
Heh, Im almost daft enough to try the more-MP technique :p

that's the 'make hinge brackets until you don't get a masterpiece for about 40 tries, then make items' :)


I know - utter bullshit as you said - but ..... ;)

Teh Krypt

Originally posted by Fingoniel

I forgot to mention the guard shakes the jars before you pick...

but you actually had the right answer Krypt...

putting one white marble in one jar
everything else in the other jar

chance of winning = 50% chance of getting the jar with one marble
50% chance of getting the mixed jar

if you get the mixed jar you have a 24.5% chance of picking a white - giving you a 74.5% chance of living.

Whooo!1 :D


Originally posted by Fingoniel
another one:

There are three boxes on a table, one of them has a prize in it, the other two are empty.

You pick one box.

I open one of the other boxes (showing that it's empty) and remove it.

You then have the option to switch your choice to the remaining unopened box, or stick with the one you've chosen.

Which is more likely to get you the prize and why?

noone answering this one? shame :)

old.The McScrooges

Depends whether or not my chosen box has the prize in it.

According to the puzzle there is only 1 remaining unopened box, the one left on the table.


Sorry Fing , just can't move my brain out of the 'you know wether you've won or not allready mode'.

If you allready have the prize, swapping gives you a 0% chance
if you have an empty box ,swapping gives you a 100% chance??

If you remove your commonsense, surely it's just 50/50 ,you are just picking between 2 boxes?


You have a 1/3 chance of picking the correct one to start with.

2/3 chance that it's in the other two boxes.

Since they remove the one of the other two that is _definitely_ wrong... it's a 2/3 chance (from the beginning) that it's in the box you _didn't_ choose.

So you're better off swapping :)


1 - prize
2 - empty
3 - empty

If you pick 1 you'd lose if you switch.
If you pick 2 or 3 you'd win if you switch :) (as they'd remove the other empty one)

Search on google for the Monty Hall problem (I reworded it to make it more difficult to find stuff on it :) it normally involves doors, cars and goats...)

old.The McScrooges

You need to re-word the question.

3 boxes.

1 is opened, shown to be empty and removed.

Then I have the choice of switching my choice to the remaining unopened box (box -singular)

So the box in my hand is open then and if it has a prize in it, I'm not swapping.



There are two empty boxes... if you're holding an empty box they remove the empty box you're not holding...

i.e. if box 1 is the prize, 2 and 3 empty

if you take box 2, they remove box 3

if you take box 3, they remove box 2.

if you take box 1 they remove either of them.

Your chances of winning are increased if you swap - it's all to do with events not being independent :)

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