Public Malmohus run a succes



I must say I was pleasantly surprised. I was pretty much sure it would fail, but in the end I was proven wrong.

We started out at stone as planned, and grouping took 30 mins which in itself isnt so bad. We then moved to lair without problems and then to Yar with minimal difficulty. We camped Yar and N spawn while Elrond lead a group of latecommers at lair. After a while I got reports of bad px at lair so I moved 1 of our groups to lair so that we could make use of both spots there. After some further adjustment as we started to make good xp all round, the dragon decided it was time for a snack.

On the way out it managed to slaughter all at lair with the help of some drakulvs. The Yar group then came to res just in time to catch the dragon on the rebound and another 20 people went down. Fortunately some healers survived and ressed all, just in time for our 21:00 cet pickup at entrance. We moved out without any real problems, picked up the late arrivals and after another 30 mins of remaking groups we moved back in.

By the time we got back to lair BaF had taken up residence at Yar so we stayed at lair and tried some speed pulling with stuns and AoE. This seemed like a good idea, since we were killing mobs at good speed and I only got positive comments.

At 0:00 CET we finished off in style by sacrificing ourselves to the beast.

I want to thank all who participated for a surprisingly succesful evening. I'd like to do this again soon.

During today's public malmohus run, we dropped litterally hundreds of pieces of loot and I was mistaken when I thought I could deal with the distribution. There's simply too many people and too much loot.

So here's what we have to do. Next time all loot that's dropped must be handled in the group that gets it or it becomes impossible. This means that some groups will get ALL the loot while others will get nothing. The groups getting all the loot do so because they are the ones with the highest level people in them. Now this may seem very unfair when looked at this way, but there are some things that make it ok. Malmohus is the best xp you'll ever get and that's why we're there. The drops can quickly become more of a burden than a pleasure, once people start fighting among themselves about who's to get this or that drop.

The drops automatically go to the higher levels because they do most damage, that means that once you become the high level person, you too will get the drops. Of course 1 highlevel person in a group full of lowlevel persons wont get any drops and some lowelevel persons in a group full of high level persons will get a truckload, but overall that is how it is. There is not a level 50 person out there that hasn't got the common lair drops in malmohus, so there is absolutely no reason to worry about being cheated out of drops. In time ALL will have what they need from that place simply because so much of it drops and because you'll be spending so much time there. So let the higher levels get their drops and be content with the xp until it's your time to showel in the drops. As a sidenote I might add that most of the lair drops are not really needed before 50 and certainly not before 45, so you arent missing out on much.

There are a few special drops in malmohus tho that will mostly drop from the mob Yar. Golden Alloy great bow and golden alloy hammer are among these rare drops and will be dealt with seperatedly. IF we should be lucky enough to get one of these, then I suggest they go to the highest level person there that needs it, because it's the higher level people that make this run possible and they should be rewarded for it. This only applies to these special drops however; the rest should be handled within groups.

Remember, we're there for the xp, not drops. Drops will come dont worry about it.

I'd like to know what people thought about the run, please reply with any suggestions or comments you might have, so maybe we can make it even better next time.


Does that means you'll do it again next week, Griz? :)


Was nice...

Hmm, network problems during faith :D, but show must go on...

I almost felt sorry :D

Uku, Thane


Grizlas I take my hat off to you - I made very good xp and had a good time, I wish I could have made the start but its very good of you to have a run back for 'latecomers' half way through.

Having only recently specced in them, the demand for my shaman buffs from runies and Solid (Did you get *any* XP mate? I seemed to have to rebuff you every other pull:)) amazed me. So I gained allround - knowledge and XP.

Thanks again, look forward to anything else you choose to run.


yea gr8 succes! i couldn't b their so long time but it was a good experience! w8ting for more information when the next run is up griz :D :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:


Hello fellowers.... and ofcoz Grizlas :D

I was one of the "peeps" attending to the Malm-trip and enjoyed every minute of it. I realy want to say "Job Well Done" to Grizlas for organizing this trip.....and hope the next trip is not far away.

I sure will show up.....

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:


Sounds great, hope it can keep happening. It's a big incentive to get to 40. Great job.


Hehe Doz, yes I made bucket loads, 6 bubbles, I went from 44.7 to 45.3 there, and I kept dying cos I seem to out aggro most of the higher level tanks, can't help being that damn good :p (I die cos even tho I outdamage higher tanks, i aint got the hp to sustain a drakulv bashing too long)

But in a wider note, it was a riproaring success, and I can'r wait to go out there again.

I reckon about a Platinum or more money was lost and probably a shed load of item drops cos there were too many small groups operating and loot was not being picked up.

If you have 2x highest level 8 man groups they will usually do most damage to most adds and will therefore pick up most loot.

My suggestion is 2 high level balanced groups (4/5 tanks, Runie, 2X healer and/orShaman) all around level 48-50 and they will pick up most loot guaranteed.

Again, Griz, this is ur operation, and it was a success, and I got no gripes at all, bring on the next one :p



Looks great :D *sigh* why don't we have such things on Excal? :(
Soon I'll be playing my troll on prydwen again, if any guilds are interested in a low lvl but experianced Thane be sure to call me if you see me on Pryd, being with out guild is pretty boring.

old.Ozird Rinfut

Im glad u made it work out Griz :)

And about the loot, its a mett, always was, always will be. And what suggesting is problably the best way, otherwise u would be there for double the time giving loot away.

Hmm this could be a new nidstand weekly cover... Grizelas tries to wipe out the entire population on prydwen, pull lowbies into Malmohus AGAIN :p

j/k ;)


Let me know when the next one is :) now I got to 40 :D

Lvl 40

old.Max Payne

Well, Grizlas won't be on that much.. I think he has a job now. So the malmoruns won't be that soon I think.

:clap: Grizzie


Aye sorry guys, RL has kept me busy lately. I was planning on doing a run today but I had to give it up.

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