Public horror chok



twas just an idea I had, what way to scare/amuse unknown people...

1. go to the nearest supermarket (in primetime), wait for someone to say something over the speakers then collapse screamingly on the floor yelling "the voices the voices"

P.S. twas lot of fun <smile>

Uncle Sick(tm)

... you are scary.


It is called 'being mental'.


Originally posted by sickofit...
... you are scary.
It is called 'being mental'.

not true once when driving back from twon in a mates car (only slightly drunk)

we were approaching a bridge chatting
i turned to him and said gees i love doing this
wound down the window and screaamed at the top of my lungs at the women walking under the bridge (with her back to us)
she jumped up about a meter (two foot)
i then wound the winow back up and carried on talking

he was in stiches

mad yes but the voice tell me i am not so it is ok

- Pathfinder -

Two feet would be approximately 62 cm, ie not even 2/3 of a meter :)


erk, you people scare me.

you're all mad, mad i tell you!


*jumps out of the window*


gnehehehehe gnehehehehe

heres another one

go into a shop and wait for the cashier to help out a customer, then take their phone push "storage" (or whatever) and leave it on the table, chances are that within 1 minute some angry storage guy is gonna come running out <smile>'
(haven´t tried this one yet)

the flying cow

a further development on a sick cow joke, WARNINGT requires heavy equpiment, (victim should live on 2nd floor preferably)

take a :cow: and a crane, have the cow hanging in a sling from the crane and position it just beside the victims window, when the person is looking out the window have the crane swing the cow by, do this everytime they look out of the window...

(sick I know)


Heres one real encounter :

After celebrating New Years <for 6 days straight > we were returning to the city..... while we were waiting for red light to change my mate put his head out of the window and started howling <really loud> at bypassing birds ..... after the chits passed us he noticed who was in car to the right of us ---> highway patrol <and they thought the howling was pointed at them>... After checking me <as the driver> and my mate <because hes one crazy nutcase> for alcohol traces <which took about 40 odd minutes> they let us go.

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