Darkness Falls Legion raid saturday 3 june 13.30-UK.
- /bg will be on Kurios-e, meet @ merchants inside DF.
- Raid will be done in two parts: First LEGION, then the rest of the bosses including Beliathan if its up.
- First loot session will be right after Legion. Second session will be after the raid in CS Excal. Seals are randomed in packages and considdered a bonus, if you win seals you can still roll for a item.
~ Note: All depends if Albs have DF.
- /bg will be on Kurios-e, meet @ merchants inside DF.
- Raid will be done in two parts: First LEGION, then the rest of the bosses including Beliathan if its up.
- First loot session will be right after Legion. Second session will be after the raid in CS Excal. Seals are randomed in packages and considdered a bonus, if you win seals you can still roll for a item.
~ Note: All depends if Albs have DF.