Crapsticks. Youtubed around and the most likely fix would be a real pain to do. I've just re-assembled my PC to get it working and I don't fancy another job with a fiddlier bit of kit that I've never opened before. Gonna try these guys. They look like the most reputable local company I've seen so far...
If you don't try.... You'd have to ensure Sony repair rather than replace. Even if they don't agree to do it for free, they do out of warranty repair for £60 I believe, with a 3 month warranty on the repair.
Well they pick it up for you via UPS and deliver it back, turnaroud is under 10 days and you get the work covered by warranty.... I'd trust Sony more than a 3rd party tbh.
My friend had this with a ebay purchased original and for £60 he ended up with a reconditioned slim model, he did not use the BC so this was a bonus to him.
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