No doubt a Bodhi pleaser:
E Embattle Guest May 28, 2003 #1 No doubt a Bodhi pleaser:
O old.Fweddy Guest May 28, 2003 Thread starter #2 it is almost impossible for researchers to install the Linux system on Microsoft's Xbox game console Click to expand... Now there's a surprise.
it is almost impossible for researchers to install the Linux system on Microsoft's Xbox game console Click to expand... Now there's a surprise.
S Scooba Da Bass Guest May 28, 2003 Thread starter #3 Someone need to tell the researchers about mod chips...
O old.I_Am_Glen Guest May 28, 2003 Thread starter #4 ^agree but it is almost impossible for researchers to install the Linux system on Microsoft's Xbox game console Click to expand...
^agree but it is almost impossible for researchers to install the Linux system on Microsoft's Xbox game console Click to expand...
N Nos- Guest May 29, 2003 Thread starter #5 Thing is it's so far from impossible it'd need a radio telescope to see what impossible looks like so.... :/
Thing is it's so far from impossible it'd need a radio telescope to see what impossible looks like so.... :/