PS2 or Xbox for crimbo?



Thought id enlist the help of u game geeks. My daughter who is 7 has expressed an interest in a game console for xmas this year but isnt bothered whether to get an xbox or PS2. Last time i had one was a pong binatone B&W tv game so i dont really know what would be best. Any ideas plus anyone know a place u can get good bundled deals?



7 year old daughter?

Without a doubt get a PS2, much more games, cheaper games, better games.

XBox is suited to the adult gamer and the pads are gonna be twice the size of her anyway.

PS2 has many games for boys and girls as well as kick ass games for the parents when the kids go to sleep.

If you couldn't tell from my post, get a PS2!!!

As for bundled deals, I couldn't tell you, try the usual places, GAME, EB, Comet etc.. it'll take some shopping around.


Oh yeah, forgot to say :

Ever looked at a Gamecube? That's the one with Mario and stuff and imho much more suited to the younger player.

Does she like Pokemon or does she have sense?


I dont like consoles tbh, i prefer my pc, but iv heard Game Cubes are rather great :D


Game cubes are good for the younger generation. I personally have a PS2 and love alot of the games, although they ar'nt suited for a 7 year old. Ive also been told that X-box is geard for the older generation, but of course there are a few games exception in both cases.


Without question for a 7 year old, go for the Gamecube.

It's designed with the younger gamer in every respect including, kid resistant gamepads.

Don't listen to l33t d00ds, the Gamecube is every bit as powerful as the other 2, just look at the games playing in the store, Waverace for example looks glorious.


With todays media your little girl will soon be expected to wear makeup and go to Gareth Gates concerts and occasionally faint.

Hell, where do you live? Where I live 7 year olds have 3 kids by now!

Other option :

Game boy advance.

(A small handheld SNES basically, tons of fun and good for car journeys cause it shuts them up. Already hundreds of games and classics at that, cheaper games, more kids games, can hook up to Gamecube if you get one in the future)

Bottom line is this, if she is the kinda girl who is really into games get her a Gamecube or PS2. (I'd go for Gamecube)

If she's just getting one to pass away a little time and is not gonna be inviting her friends around to play the latest Resident Evil game she's managed to pursuade her grandmother to buy her without you knowing, get her a Game Boy Advance. The quiet kids on long car journey part of this is just so cool.

Or, you could just get her nothing, you know how you keep telling her to be good or Father Christmas won't come? Well prove it! It's best you do it now whilst they can't beat you up. :D


Must admit, If I was buying a console for my son (5) I'd get him a gamecube, its perfect (plus he keeps nagging me for one, the little monster)

For me? I'd get a PS2.

Wouldn't bother with an XBox as there just aint enough great games on it that I can't (or won't soon) get on my PC.

Cap'n Sissyfoo

For kiddywinks I'd go with the gamecube; the games are far more cutesy and colourful. It also has Resident Evil: Zero which looks rather nice.


gamecubes have the best games out there, starfox has to be the best game ive played since zelda on the 64

Uncle Sick(tm)

Had the same problem a while ago, also employed the OT board to get some opinions.

Santa will bring a PS2.


PS2 all the way at the moment. The only reason I have an Xbox at all is because I managed to get one dead cheap. At the moment it's just a £200 dust-gathering stand for my PS2 :)

Looks like it's gonna stay that way until - me being first and foremost an RPG geek - there is some decent lengthy games (Fable looks shiny) available for it, or Xbox live happens :)


This voices my opinions on Starfox a lot better than I ever could :)


Thanks for the feedback look s like its the ps2 then as her friends has a gamecube she plays on and she has a gameboy advance

Thanks all


Its tuff being a nintendo fan, since everyone thinks your system if for kids.

Not true, stupid dumbass image nintendo some how got.

PS2 and Xbox interest me as much as a brick


You should consider getting her a GC just because of the new Zelda game that's coming, even tho her friend had one. This game is gonna be awesome. Hell, I'm probably gonna buy a GC just to play that game. As a bonus she'll probably get hooked on RPG-ish games too! :)


GameCube might be 'for kids' but ill tell you - its damned good fun :)

Super Smash Bros.!!!11

[EDIT: I have just started playing on my PSX again, and realised what fun it is :) - I found 'Tony Hawks Pro Skater' under the bed and have been playing it while my DAOC sub is cancelled. There's fun to be had there aswell ;) - Whats more, with all these new consoles, playstatopns are CHEAP!]

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