Prydwen server blues


Loyal Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Its Saturday morning / early noon and about 60 / 70 albs have planned a Relic Raid .. everything goes smooth and we didnt even see one keep guard .. we bash down the 1st door in a matter of seconds and are on 2nd door .. Guess what happens. LD ZONECRASH :puke: :puke:... Guess you arent even surprised anymore about this. However we were just 70 .. and midds at that time would just be starting to gather up and get rdy to leave to defend . SO WHY DID IT CRASH .

Some ppl say som1 pulled the plug and let zone crash to save his relics.
Some say its just fucked up servers and Goa is still incompetent to do a thing about this . Or just cba and soak op our money. I think its a bit strange that when midds relic raid excaliber its all fine and it never goes down even with 200 ppl in the area. So midd frontier has one very crappy server or something else is going on here. ( although i just think its crap servers ).

So we still pay the same ammount as US players do . However we get screwed with costumer service and even something vital to the game as Good servers to support the general theme of this game "Major Realm vs Realm war " inst there for us. And where is our promised herald

So plz PLZ GOA fix the server .. just buy 100 new ones for all i care . You have been collecting our money long enough and its time to give us something back ! . We dont ask for much we JUST NEED TO BE ABLE TO PLAY THE GAME !

Anyway was great effort from the albs. Especially from Moeni who was the mastermind :clap: .. Hope we have better luck next time.

*********************PLZ SIGN FOR BETTER SERVERS***************


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 24, 2003
well i dont like u albs to have our relic but this is not fair :/ to bad guys really!!


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 7, 2004
Use the same servers as Excalibur.. they seem more stable than ours.. :/


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
that'll teach you to do morning relic raids! :p

on a more serious note, prydwen server kinda sucks atm, crashes seem to be too common :(


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Albion sucks.



Lvl 4x zerker, savage or something good.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 3, 2004
Never happens when mids make a relic raid on albs. Quite amusing, don't you think?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
2nd Alb relic raid and 2nd zone crash that I've been on in the last couple of months.

I can only conclude that since the software works (?) the hardware doesn't.
Therefore the fault lies with GoA as I perceive it. Please fix it or I'm gone.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Dreami said:
Never happens when mids make a relic raid on albs. Quite amusing, don't you think?

u guys got IRC we got shitty servers for our zones? :p


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
it s fun when mids try a RR on alb with 200 ppl and like 100-200 alb that defend there are no zone crash...
then alb try a RR with 70 ppl no defence and zone crash still lol..


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 15, 2004
zone crashed twice and was rolled back when we took and defended Fen last week... they have promised new hardware and installed it elsewhere so why are we still waiting on Pryd?

When a company buys new hardware isn't it better economic sense to order it wholesale rather than buy it piece by piece?

The lag in Emain is making rvr almost impossible as well. I shudder to think what's going to happen when Frontiers arrives if GOA don't get their act together

All this coupled with the fact that there is no budget for advertising in the UK makes me wonder if GOA actually want to host English servers...


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Dreami said:

it was a joke, i am not an IRC freakazoid, infact, never used it so i have no idea what goes on there, just what i hear here.

although i do remember u PE guys saying it was ok to 'blab' in guild IRC channels, not that i agree with either. AND those screenies are from like, ages ago?

not going to argue (no use with the PE faithful coming off with their ololo pwned, anyway), ur comment was stupid, so i followed it up with one of the same mentality.

/signed, sort the feckin server out :|


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 3, 2004
nuky said:
it was a joke, i am not an IRC freakazoid, infact, never used it so i have no idea what goes on there, just what i hear here.

although i do remember u PE guys saying it was ok to 'blab' in guild IRC channels, not that i agree with either. AND those screenies are from like, ages ago?

not going to argue (no use with the PE faithful coming off with their ololo pwned, anyway), ur comment was stupid, so i followed it up with one of the same mentality.

/signed, sort the feckin server out :|

Umm, there was nothing wrong with my comment, because it was a raw fact.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Dreami said:
Never happens when mids make a relic raid on albs. Quite amusing, don't you think?

Not at all. midgaard have always been runned on slower mashines, i must say this is the first time i can say it have been to our benifit. Midgaard prydwen have extreme laag in toa zones and there by are long behind the other realms in numbers of high ML and number of artefacts. Midgaard frontier have always been laaghell in large scale warfare and the lack of proper upgrades shows more and more since the lack of uppgrades and a more and more advanced game engine does not work well at all.
The hardware that where topnotch in 2002 and worked fine with Classic is *NOT* suiteble for the 2004 version of the game. What have happend (i belive) is that the old servers (from large servers) have been setup as the "new" toa servers on the less populated server clusters. (prydwen and camlan for example) cost effective yes. but FFS! they where replaced with new wizzbang hardware on the larger servers cause they dint have the capacity to handle the load there and now with the more advanced game engine they aint suited for more than 8v8 fights even on the less populated servers.

Uhmm anyone here skilled in law might look if we can start a groupclaim for the patetic level of support and performance we get for full price.



Fledgling Freddie
Mar 30, 2004
I think it was a well organised relic raid. And i think it really doesn't matter that albs did that, it could happend either with mids/hibs. And the success of the raid isn't matter anymore, because noone knows that the mids were able to defend their relics. But when te server was back online, some albs were logged at the relic keep alone, to 30 guards, and some of them logged to apk.

And a second strike is pointless because the early raids built on surprise.

The main problem, is this server has become unplayable because it crashes down, on a keep or relic raid now.
I'm now just wandering what will be on second friday news, on

I think we deserve more because if we count that only 1500 player pays average 12EUR/month thats, 18.000 EUR/each month.

But maybe we could be still happy beacase our server still can handle fg v fg fights.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
BimboBane said:
Not at all. midgaard have always been runned on slower mashines, i must say this is the first time i can say it have been to our benifit. Midgaard prydwen have extreme laag in toa zones and there by are long behind the other realms in numbers of high ML and number of artefacts. Midgaard frontier have always been laaghell in large scale warfare and the lack of proper upgrades shows more and more since the lack of uppgrades and a more and more advanced game engine does not work well at all.
The hardware that where topnotch in 2002 and worked fine with Classic is *NOT* suiteble for the 2004 version of the game. What have happend (i belive) is that the old servers (from large servers) have been setup as the "new" toa servers on the less populated server clusters. (prydwen and camlan for example) cost effective yes. but FFS! they where replaced with new wizzbang hardware on the larger servers cause they dint have the capacity to handle the load there and now with the more advanced game engine they aint suited for more than 8v8 fights even on the less populated servers.

Uhmm anyone here skilled in law might look if we can start a groupclaim for the patetic level of support and performance we get for full price.


I have to read the EUALA and all other agreements you do when playing DAOC but can probably come up with something :D

Although this isn´t US... We can´t sue ppl and companies for every little thing like they can


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
xxManiacxx said:
I have to read the EUALA and all other agreements you do when playing DAOC but can probably come up with something :D

Although this isn´t US... We can´t sue ppl and companies for every little thing like they can

Nope but EU pulled a nice litle stunt and gave us customers larger protection for services bought over the internet last year. I have spent the last hour or so to try find it. AND if it a LAW they can write what ever they want in EUALA and anyother documents they like they still have to follow it.



Fledgling Freddie
Apr 16, 2004

oh dear, as if RvR wasn't crap enough at the moment. This doesn't exactly inspire you to fight for your realm tbh


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
goa dont like early morning raids, deal with it.



Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
BimboBane said:
Nope but EU pulled a nice litle stunt and gave us customers larger protection for services bought over the internet last year. I have spent the last hour or so to try find it. AND if it a LAW they can write what ever they want in EUALA and anyother documents they like they still have to follow it.


Ah I know what you are talking about. Should have it in my books somewhere.

/me goes and start looking


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 1, 2004
remi said:
goa dont like early morning raids, deal with it.

So, what are you implying? Some sort of if(zerg.realm == 'alb' && raid == 'rr' && time='early morning') { crash(); } elseif(zerg.realm =='mid' && raid=='rr' && time='early morning') { crashMaybe(); } code?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
Daedalus said:
So, what are you implying? Some sort of if(zerg.realm == 'alb' && raid == 'rr' && time='early morning') { crash(); } elseif(zerg.realm =='mid' && raid=='rr' && time='early morning') { crashMaybe(); } code?

soemthing like that yus ^^

crashMaybe() got same "randomness" as other things in daoc? fun stuff ^^


Loyal Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
Daedalus said:
So, what are you implying? Some sort of if(zerg.realm == 'alb' && raid == 'rr' && time='early morning') { crash(); } elseif(zerg.realm =='mid' && raid=='rr' && time='early morning') { crashMaybe(); } code?
yep i think thats about right ;p


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 26, 2003
Dreami said:
Never happens when mids make a relic raid on albs. Quite amusing, don't you think?

we don't have any class that can petspam ;O

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