problems logging on to prydwen server,
Everytime i try log on my account as usual, and take prydwen server, at the caracter selection screen, its all blank. even tho i have all caracter slots filled,
i tryed restart computer, etc also logged on to my main server Excal, but on same account no problems there everything works as its suppose to, i wondering could it be some kinda connection problem just for me to the server. or have my game gone Awol on me
Anyone that might know some idea , feel free to tell.
Everytime i try log on my account as usual, and take prydwen server, at the caracter selection screen, its all blank. even tho i have all caracter slots filled,
i tryed restart computer, etc also logged on to my main server Excal, but on same account no problems there everything works as its suppose to, i wondering could it be some kinda connection problem just for me to the server. or have my game gone Awol on me
Anyone that might know some idea , feel free to tell.