


I suppose most of you have characters on both excal as pryd, and i'd like to know

-which server do you prefer (ive got a 50 blablabla on server x doesnt count)
-why do you do so?
-which people do you figure play on which server (profile away wannabee psychologists :) )?


Played pryd and excal in hib and alb on both realms... I overwelmingly prefer prydwen. As to why, the people are just nicer people. A lot less idiots, a lot less people only out for themselves (mainly a problem on exc/alb). Also I just have more friends on prydwen.
Prydwen attracts many more roleplayers, and more of the slow levelling but steady players, excalibur has a lot more people that leap on bandwagons and general are play for the moment rather than having long term goals. OK that's my psychobabble done ;)


Whiners are everywhere but Pryd doesn't have quite as many, so Pryd it is :p

Much more relic activity here as well (well, until DF). At least compared to when I played on exc.


Heehee, I've played every realm on both servers.

In Midgard, there really isn't much difference between the two. Take that how you will :p

Hibernia Prydwen has a higher proportion of roleplayers, and these players (ooo I'm gonna make a huuuuuge generalisation) are more mature than the powerplayers I've seen on Hib Excal. So I preferred playing Hibernia on Prydwen.

Albion - excalibur has a LOT of complete tossers. Pardon my french. But it's true. I didn't go ten minutes without people leeching, and often resulting in harsh words when I asked them in /send to stop. Alb on Prydwen is generally much better - there are always a few who will leech at every opportunity, and there are some who consider themselves to 7337 to talk to little old me - but this is actually NOT the guild who have got a bad rep for it. SotL are actually pretty nice guys. Well, some of them anyway :p But not that Danyan, she smells of wee.

To be honest, if all realms were exactly equal, and it was just down to the players, I would probably play Exc Mid, and Hib Pryd. But I like my friar dammit!


:eek: How rude!

Definitely agree with the tossers thing on exc/alb, it's really really bad there.


Nice to see some people share this feeling.

Excalibur, having the largest number of players, attracts alot of what i call "weekendwarriors" (aka clueless noobs with a big mouth that don't take crap from anyone) and fps players (i however do not want to generalise since i do know quite some fps players that do seem to succeed in playing the game as it is imo supposed to) that either stick to their q3/cs/whatver name to play with or take some totally idiotic name (i want a stricter coc on player names!!!!, i want to report more morons!) to play with.

Prydwen is not the RP server, but i do get the feeling that people on prydwen are more (or at least act more) mature then the ones on Excalibur (age is not a valid indicator since i know alot of 20+ with the attitude of your average cs pwnz0r then i know , and quite some 15-16 year olds that act really mature (or at least mature'ish <wink>)

What I find terrible is that people that are on my "not even good enough to pee on"-list from excalibur join prydwen and act in the same "silly" way. Call me arrogant if you want, and sure, you pay for the game as much as I do, but ruining the fun for others with your behaviour i find even more arrogant then me accusing "you"
here of being a twat.

/casts a absorb-go-play-on-us-roleplay-server-reply-spell


excal > pry

Numbers are not as totally screwed as they are on Prydwen

Simple reason.


I have more friends on mid/Excal, so i like it there..

But if i just want to get away from it all i go to Alb/prydw, and yes i find (overall) the atmosphere more relaxed and enjoyable on Prydw. Its more laidback, but i do want to lvl in a good pace (30- sucks, its just so boring in those lvls :))


Originally posted by old.Tzeentch
excal > pry

Numbers are not as totally screwed as they are on Prydwen

Simple reason.

What numbers are you talking about? Population?

7902 alb Excalibur
4788 hib Excalibur
4690 mid Excalibur


5162 alb Prydwen
3143 hib Prydwen
4556 mid Prydwen

Alb have a numbers advantage on both servers but not nearly as much on Pryd...



The decision was taken in Beta for those in my guild to play Albion on Prydwen and Migard on Excalibur and that's what we've done.

Although I'm currently trying out Hibernia on Prydwen and I agreed wholeheartedly with every person who's said there seems to be more moron/asshole call em whatcha will, people in Albion on Excalibur.

The people in Alb on Pryd definitely seem to be more 'grown up' than their counterparts over on Excalibur. Seems to be less of the l33t d00d sp33k3rz on Pryd too.


I can't even imagine playing on a server where i haven't got pre-DAoC friends... personally so long as i'm in a guild of non-idiots and i basically always have at least one pre-DAoC friend to chat with, i couldn't care less how many idiots i have to wade through when i'm exping...
Alb/Pryd or Hib/Exc seem to be the most "together" realm-n-server combinations, as far as i can see.


Was easy enough for me

It was easy for me to choose. I prefer Norse mythology and Arthurian legend to Celtic myth - plus I'd just finished the Mabiniogion so was a bit overstuffed on Celtic (and partly Arthurian) lore. With only two English servers I decided on Midgard for my main realm (more variety in races there too) and Albion for alts (some great unique classes like Theurgist & Friar)

When choosing my server I noted from GOA's site and these boards that Albion was winning on Excalibur and Midgard on Prydwen - figuring d00ds would flock to the winning realms, and overcrowding on EQ was horrible, I went with the underdogs: Mid/Exc and Alb/Pry. I love battling "against the odds" ;)

Haven't regretted it so far - met a lot of nice people and haven't run into any beggars, d00ds or idiots yet - very different to the EQ server I'd just quit after 3 years. Plus some of my RL friends have just started playing DAoC and they wanted to play Midgard too so its worked out great.


Well, I used to look at the keep status etc for prydwen sometimes even tho I don't play there, and noticed a lot of times hib getting owned etc, and I think there has been a time when all 6 relics have been taken..

On excal however, everything is hotly contested.. the hibs can outzerg the mids and albs quite often now.. the relics change hands with difficulty, not ease.. overall, I think this makes Excal a better server.

I have read some threads about the low numbers of hibs etc showing for RvR or whatever... I'm basing my opionion on feedback I see from these boards.

- Pathfinder -

Prydwen is easily more "mature", or "laid abck", whicheevr you prefer. Having tested Albion/Excal for my own amusement, I can safely say it's the most deranged realm on the English servers :p


Well lets try this for a start...... I prefer ALB/Excal :)

Nearly all of the people I have played with on Alb/Excal have been good..... some of them play to level some of them play for rp / fun. Most of the people I have played with from the start, in a variety of guilds have continued playing even when some became disillusioned with the game, this probably makes it better. The game is about getting along with people even if there not like you :) so don't judge a realm/server too quickly there is good and bad in all...... and for one thing on Alb/Excal with all the zerging, leveling, chatting and crafting and probably most obviously bitching :) life is never dull ..... annoying and frustrating but rarely dull (and if it is goeth andeth roleplayeth somewhere elseth :p )

ALB/EXCAL - It's the mixture that makes it good.....


I only played in two realms and both are on Prydwen... I tried playing Hib / Excalibur but it didnt work out... its too damn green.

Anyhow my point of view is biased as usual but what the heck:

-- I personally pay a lot of attention to the public that plays the game primarily. then the realms environment. then prolly the strength of the realm.

When i first joined DaoC i chose Midgard/Prydwen... because i wanted to play Shadowblade, when i started off i made a lot of friends despite the fact that i was new to gaming <DaoC is the first RPG/not only MMORPG i ever played>. The majority of people that i have met in midgard were Scandinavian, but there was a proportion of UK gits as well j/k. Very good experience amazing and ready to help people.

My experience in Albion/Prydwen isnt too drastically different apart from finding a few folk i couldnt stand talking to, a few that had attitude problems <the most hated, by me, trait> and still managed to meet some really nice people, who have my respect and can count on me being there for them.

So ffrom Personal experience very hard to decide so Mid and Alb on PRYWEN all the way baby.

PS: Additionally must say that theres less begging in Albion, and less 911 Ambulance charging gits <to be honest havent met a single one>.


At the end of beta Alb/Excal was getting pretty bad in the muppetry department, this is what caused a lot of guilds to move to Alb/Prydwen like we did.

Initially in retail a lot of people thought that playing on Prydwen was a mistake. We had a hoard of power-gaming Middies (not that we didn't try ourselves but they were all experienced US players so we couldn't compete at first) who outlevelled everyone, took all the relics and basically owned the server for the first few months. Several people who you might know (Eleasias, Nilo, Licker etc.) left our guild and changed back to Excal because they wanted more of the beta RvR which simply wasn't happening at the time on Prydwen. It was a tough time because both Albion and Hibernia were being totally dominated and the Mids basically couldn't be touched in RvR because of their levels, experience and relic bonuses.

Gradually we started to get things together though. It was quite a baptism of fire because we were all such underdogs. I think this has in a way helped because nowadays the veterans of that era (if I can call them that :p) are seemingly much more resilient than a lot of people to all the random crap that can happen in this game.

Eventually people from Excal started coming back to our server or joining it for the first time. The general complaint about Excal was the volatlity of the guilds there and the lack of community from some immature people. This proved to be good for the server because after much talking and debating Nilo finally bit the bullet and lead the first successful non-Mid relic raid and managed to secure Albion the 3 strength relics in one morning :)

This was a watershed moment for the server I think because it marked the point where Midgards dominance stopped being absolute. From then until this very day things have evened up quite a lot such that with the patch and DF RvR is quite even now (at least in terms of what I've seen). The Mids still have the levels on us but we have learnt a lot from being slapped around by people who are red con and in much better gear.

Many of the Albion guilds have matured a lot as well. People do complain and there are quite a percentage of muppets on Prydwen too but they are diluted by a strong backbone of people from beta who have been there the whole time. It has been quite the experience but I am very glad I chose Prydwen. Things are nice and balanced (well Mid/Ab is, Hibernia suffers still) and most people are comfortable with the way things are going.

I'm sure Alb/Excal is great (I would love to have a higher population for instance like them) but balanced RvR and less muppets is preferable to me. I do see more people moving to us than moving away as well.


Has to be said there are a fair few muppets on Alb/Excal...

but if you find some nice people to group/guild with then it's cool :)

I'd like to thank my guildies for making our realm/server bearable :D


I love my realm. Lot of noobs thats a fact and a lot of jackasses too but there are also one of the the finest players to be found on a server and they should be remembered also.


Prydwen really is the way to go, The mids, hibs and albs alike all know each other on the whole and it all just feels right
The people are friendly and the idiots are few and far between (except in the 1st 10 level, altho im sure thats to be expected)


There really isn't any difference in reality. The only thing worth pointing out is that Excal has more people.

More people = More muppets.

Prydwen does generally have more roleplayers, but roleplayers can be muppets too :)

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