Whats the action like? Is there any at all?
Would i get atleast one descent fight if i log in and
go out with some solochar?
The server is shit now, has been for about 3 years only getting worst, no need to keep asking, you already know whats its gunna be like.
you are!
And best advice was from those saying try it for yourself. Personally speaking I found duvet great for solo action about a month ago, it just took a nose dive after labby.
Don't really like it when people say the server is shit and then have a sig they have sold or quit or both even. Do not say its shit if you do not play. Some of us are still here and have fun.
Hmm, if people have elft, what does that say about the server?
People leave 9/10 because they aint having fun, why pay 10quid a month just to be bored?
It doesnt make it right does it?
For you maybe and others you find the game dull and you have maybe quit or even sold your account. Fine goodbye but dont try and bring your bad feelings to us who are still here. I still wonder on why anyone would quit and sell and then still come here an say oh Daoc is shit, server is shit, balance is shit. I would rather they just say goodbye and be on their way.
It doesnt make it right does it?
For you maybe and others you find the game dull and you have maybe quit or even sold your account. Fine goodbye but dont try and bring your bad feelings to us who are still here. I still wonder on why anyone would quit and sell and then still come here an say oh Daoc is shit, server is shit, balance is shit. I would rather they just say goodbye and be on their way.
It doesnt make it right does it?
For you maybe and others you find the game dull and you have maybe quit or even sold your account. Fine goodbye but dont try and bring your bad feelings to us who are still here. I still wonder on why anyone would quit and sell and then still come here an say oh Daoc is shit, server is shit, balance is shit. I would rather they just say goodbye and be on their way.
so let me get this straight only ppl currently playing on this cluster is entitled to an opinion about the state of the english cluster ? cos then u would get a total biased pov, ofc every will say its rox cos ppl who find this cluster boring most likely have gone... if u have these good feelings about this game it doesnt matter if some1 says that its shit because u know its a good game so i dont rly see the prob, the guy is asking how the server is like, and ppl answer, if u dont like the answer dont look @ it... ohh and just 4 the record, these post's have been within FH COC and im sure they r paying their own FH subs ^^
The question was asked.
Someone who has QUIT/SOLD replies.
Think about it.
hmm i quit a month ago yet that didnt stop me from playing a m8s toon last week 4 a few mins to realise that it was pointless and i shouldnt resub... think about it...
Would things really have changed for you within a month of quitting?
So you play again someone elses account and think nope still shit. Find something else to do then.
oki ur very confusing atm, u say that things doesnt change within a month, yet some1 else who quit isnt allowed to post that he thinks it sucks, eventho u have no idear if he tried it again like i did and found it to suck or he quit a month ago 2...
and ye i have RL and playing on US so have plenty to do, but im not allowed to say that this cluster as of now sucks or should i keep my opinion hidden so u can get some more ppl subscribeing 4 a month and quiting again ?
Ok your right and I am wrong. Everyone DAOC IS SHIT give up now play something else.
It doesnt make it right does it?
For you maybe and others you find the game dull and you have maybe quit or even sold your account. Fine goodbye but dont try and bring your bad feelings to us who are still here. I still wonder on why anyone would quit and sell and then still come here an say oh Daoc is shit, server is shit, balance is shit. I would rather they just say goodbye and be on their way.
I play and say the server is shite. Why play then, you might rightfully ask? To craft and PvE ofc, what else...
People are entitled to have an opinion, wether they sold, quit, or whatever, unless you wanne be a nazi about it.
- I don't have beer in my house atm, so does this mean i can't say i like or dislike it?
- Gamah has never hade "real" sex before, yet he still thinks it's great.*
* Only hade some virtual sex with Vladm8'r!