props to Darkaz!



Everyone is complaining about Albion and the behaivour and lack of manners of people in this realm. However, here´s an example that the albion people aren´t all ignorant morons.
Short story, I was levelling my alt Scout at Dunters when I saw Darkaz, a lvl 47 Armsman constantly pulling the entire camp of higher level Dunters around Cork. Since I wanted to xp there (best solo place for a scout of my lvl), I pm´ed him, asking what he´s doing there. He told me he´s farming Dunter Heads for his alt and when I asked him if it´s fun to cut off xp spots for mid lvl chars at prime time, he didn´t ignore me, nor performed the "stfu, this game is free for everyone" routine
he apologized and left the spot!!!!

I can´t give enough props to this guy. That´s exacty the attitude I´m missing more and more in Albion these days. THANKS!

/salute Darkaz
/salute <Paradise Lost>



HEHEHE..... if you read your own text just once.... do you sound as you are polite and well behaved ? Ingame id take you for a tedious little snott... no offence. Seeing your pleasant story on this forum tells me you are not at all the kind id take you for ingame :).

With a neutral question like " Are you planning on camping here long ?" You wont risk some1 being nasty just because they felt you were nasty.. if you know what I mean.

My point being : "Think how you might appear to others, before you judge their response".

Some rare occasions i've gotten the urge to be nasty,.... not that I nessecarily did anything about it, cept maybe logoff, walk through my house 5 times looking for something to kill, calm down... and realize.... maybe what I said could be misunderstood.

Probably repeated myself 10 times now :)

Asup Lvl 2 Fighter


Did we actually ever met ingame Asup? I`m never getting "nasty" (as you put it) ingame unless drastically provoced or for another good reason (.. if you know what I mean Tildi). Bein rude or ignorant is one of the things I just cant´stand, be it in this game or IRL. Trust me mate, I`m mature enough to control my temper and I do know how to communicate with others in style and with politeness.
This story was just a summary. The actual conversation in this situation was longer and I just extracted the key sentences.
And I remember situations in DF, when a high level char was farming seals for his alt and I asked him *VERY* politely, to continue farming but leave me one or two of them lilspawns occasionally... and got a "can´t you attack the soultorns?" reply before being ignored.

35 Scout


it´s true you know, thorwyn is frightfully polite, it's actually kinda scary.......


AHH ok I see you gave us the short version :). Funny enough this proves my point, I can sound alot worse than I really am. It was not any attack on you, just a funny observation based on what you told us in this post.

Btw I can't recall ever seeing you thorwyn, then again I havent really played for 4 months now :). Just in here when i'm on nightshift dreaming of returning to the world of Albion with all their great people.

The "good" guys in Excalibur/Albion are plentyful ( or was :) ), we just need to move our focus away from the %£^&"$%& rotten eggs.

I'm pleased to see that proper behaviour is appreciated and commended.

Asup, sword and board armsman
Audun, cleric
Turtle, fire wizzie
Shoot, scout gimp wannabe
Nonstop, musicbox
Kinetic, sorc wannabe

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