Proper nudity!!!!!



when the gits gonna let us remove the undeerwear on our players, running around in pants only was the best thing about ultima online, Id love to leg it around emain in my pants. also KILL THE FUCKING SKIRTS ON HIGHLANDERS!!!!! i am scottosh and dont wear a kilt under any curcumstances, plz let us remove it, or dye it at least PLZ it ruins my sexy colours.

I think there should be a duelling zone, maybe some temple in the middle of nowhere to stop all the shit going on in sasuage, ban it in all towns or castles inside a realm, leave it in rvr zones tho to give bored keep defenders something to do. Also how about some team duells 1-1 is boring, grp duels would be fun also would be royal rymble type things, then maybe we could have some of the nude battle royal things like they have on legend of mir, could be done by a small zone that is just all v all when standing inside it etc..


Originally posted by hercules-df
when the gits gonna let us remove the undeerwear on our players, running around in pants only was the best thing about ultima online, Id love to leg it around emain in my pants. also KILL THE FUCKING SKIRTS ON HIGHLANDERS!!!!! i am scottosh and dont wear a kilt under any curcumstances, plz let us remove it, or dye it at least PLZ it ruins my sexy colours.

Err, you havent realized that DAoC doesnt take place in the 21th century yet? Im pretty sure when it takes place people used kilts. And the nudity would ruin the small amount of role playing this game has.


bet you 2plat those highlanders have nothing under that kilt..


well, on wizard epic, the semi-invisible femal ghost that appears in the tower, you can half see through the kilt. She is wearing white 'boxer-shorts' with hearts printed all over them...rofl Pretty hard to miss if you go in there (have to b on the epic to make her appear tho)

And no this aint a wind up, that kinda ruins the role-play aspect but sure as hell made me laugh :D I got a screenie but still not got webspace to put one up.


Originally posted by Trinilim
bet you 2plat those highlanders have nothing under that kilt..

I'll take that bet...

now gimme my 2 plat :)


Originally posted by kirennia
well, on wizard epic, the semi-invisible femal ghost that appears in the tower, you can half see through the kilt. She is wearing white 'boxer-shorts' with hearts printed all over them...rofl Pretty hard to miss if you go in there (have to b on the epic to make her appear tho)

And no this aint a wind up, that kinda ruins the role-play aspect but sure as hell made me laugh :D I got a screenie but still not got webspace to put one up.

get a highlander, remove leggings, adjust camera angle :)


Originally posted by Trinilim
bet you 2plat those highlanders have nothing under that kilt..

Damn Flim beat me to it.. :(

well if he dosent collect can i plz... or if anyone else is up for that bet im here, could use some extra plat...


Yesterday there was some yellowcon celt in front of atk and he was nude,all albs letted him live and just emoted him,then came few casters and whacked him down with staffs,comedy gold :D


Re: Re: Proper nudity!!!!!

Originally posted by Tobold

and just look what happened to that...

Nothing actually, they're STILL waiting for their (now legendary) Evil's Illusion patch :lol: Can't believe people are still playing it, with pirated servers around and shit, rofl :uhoh:


And what is so bad about being able to have some DECENT duelling?

the reason mir is so shit is because it allows for some FUN?
20 man nude dagger duells would be good and break up the boredom, as for what it was really like in the old days BOLLOCKS! how many templars did u see wearing a stupid dress over their platemail, it would limit your movement moreso, u ever tried on plate armour, also how many fucking wizards.clerics who magivcally healed people/etc.etc etc... did you see around in those days? NONE COZ ITS A FUCKING GAME, if you want it to be 100% accurate go find a realm or game with 100% tanks( no albion jokes plz :D) no magic whatsoever and 1 hit ends the game totally for the character.
And i spose everyone wore strange unremoveable undetgarments back in those days too, which were glued to their bodys, undyable, think of the stench!


Originally posted by hercules-df
And what is so bad about being able to have some DECENT duelling?

the reason mir is so shit is because it allows for some FUN?

If your definition of decent duelling is a game where a wizard can beat pretty much anyone with one press of a key, or fun is a warrior stealing items with an ability due to a bug in trading... Lots of other shit too, like client-side cheats that give you gold, fake stats on an item in trade-dialog...

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