prolly nastiest experience in daoc to date...



rvr, normal night kill hibs lots of hisb and very few mids....dunno where u all were but was hardly any mids about, loads of hibs in our frontier also, and 5 albion keeps down, i suggest in cg getting all albions in emain together...about 60 or so and taking hib keeps in fast sucession, making hibs come into own frontier taking pressure off ppl in our frontier.

So i try my best to get albions to gether forces, my group is camping mmg, dunno y as there was about 10 mids in an hour thru i ask if they wanna come take keeps to help realm, , i dont udnerstand ppl wanting to camp a wall with 1fg when no mids about but still.... but what i find really insulting is to get kicked from group, i mean is rps more important to these ppl thans trying to help realm? especially when our own backyard is insuch a bad way? since i started playing this damned game i have never been kicked from a group once....i know all group is not at fault of course, but i think its gotta be most insulting thing especially when u r only trying to help albion...soo i gave up and am going to sleep =/ whats the point of trying to help a realm when a member of that realm kicks u from a group....if they wanted to camp mmg i would of prolem, but to be kicked imo is a new low =/

dunno what this realm is coming to

btw hope this makes sense, pretty tired and pretty pissed off makes me spell badly ...


well if u can do both at the same time i guess its bonus


its alb mate, thats what albs do

<shrug> either live with it, move realms or find sumthing better to do i.e go out clubbing every night :)


next time get those 60 albs back to our frontier to help us get the keeps back. thats what would take some pressure of our backs.

Sick and tired of finding more ppl in emain than in our fronteir.

And whats been pissing me off lately is the amount of ppl that keep going back to emain/odins when just outside the damn CS gate there are 5-20 hibs/mids ganking ppl . Would it hurt you guys that much if you could step off the damn teleporter, help clear the road and then go back to emain?? Why go all the way to their realm when they are just 20 meters away from you???

And do we have to let them get 5 keeps before we do anything about it? We should never have more than 2 keeps under enemy hands at all times. How lazy can we get ? Do we need to have excal under attack to make ppl come to forest sauvage ? Maybe we need to lose another relic so ppl start listening.


tbh sometimes i wish we did lose our remaining reics ... just so a lot of people pull there fingers out of there asses . and hopefully defend frontier more in future if relics were brought home again . hopefully it will get better in future patches when bindstone is at suavage . and when a patrol/guard is kille the guild who claimed the keep they from get spammed with dms and # of enemys .

hopefully that will bring more defenders out ,


Join the club Falcor... now you know what I've felt in all those times we defended our realm... I was there once again early that day getting back all the keeps from the Mids. Got em all back. And then later that night Hibs went on patrol and had taken keeps. I did a who emain and saw over 80 people there (probably one thing, zerging everywhere they see enemies and eventually get split up and get fried by hibs again). Sure you can do what yah want but one day mids or hibs come by again and get your precious relics, don't wait for people like me or Falcor to defend it or to get them back. If people wanna own relics they gotta work for it...

So Falcor just take a break and see what happens.. :)


lets set the record straight..........

After moaning for the last half hour, the group you were in got pissed off with you, and I kicked you. You didnt suggest taking back any keeps but wanted to move to amg. So on that score I think you can stfu. I play this game for fun and if you think I will put up with some one moaning and insulting both me and my friends you are badly mistaken. As for not careing about our realm, you are very mistaken. You will always see in at excal if its under attack or is very likely to, as we were last night. I wont ever group with some one who is not civil and to you were just being a prat.


Falcor is a reasonable guy and a good player... give him some slack...

People can do strange things in the spur of the moment... sometimes when i get heated i yell or do the wrong things too... but that's all in the moment..

As for the whole defending thing: Falcor's initiative to take pressure off sauvage meant he had the heart in the right place :)

However, defending albion is done in sauvage, snowdonia, pennines or hadrians...... not in emain...


Originally posted by old.CrazyMuppet

However, defending albion is done in sauvage, snowdonia, pennines or hadrians...... not in emain...

Well siad couldnt have said it better myself


Its damn hard to get hibs out of our froniter by force....they can just aoe on lord if they defend keep and its damned hard to take em, there was 60 odd albs in way they would go alll go back to sauvage so if u start to take hib keeps with a lot of hibs in our froniter...then its puts them under pressure to defend there own keeps...ive defended our frontier loads, and tbh im sick of defence, we need to take the fight onto the hibs and mids more and dont give them the chance to pillage sauvage, take there damn keeps for a change....if u take Scaithaig...hibs wont care about keeps in our frontier...

what i find really annoying about this incident is the fact that ppl would rather camp mmg with a group killing 10 mids an hour if that.....

Elfslayer, maybe i did go on a bit, i dunno but not as much as ur implying and if i did it was for right reasons.....still gives u no right to kick me from group.... as for other group members....i spoke to a few and they had no idea u kicked me.....and for ure infomation, i DID say to take keeps and a repeated it many times in Emain CG, i dont see the point of camping mmg unless all u care about is realm seems simple fact to me? surely?
Tbh it seems to me like u did not want me interfering with "your" group....wish i had chat logs, i said very little, and gave u no reason to kick me.....i think it was also u or some1 else who said

"Taking keeps doesnt get you realm points, camping mile gates does" - exact words....if u really cared about ure keeps y did u continue to camp mmg, and no suicide as u saw the GoL group did? one reason, u only cared about the damned RP's....sad but im afraid very very true


Originally posted by falcor
Its damn hard to get hibs out of our froniter by force....they can just aoe on lord if they defend keep and its damned hard to take em, there was 60 odd albs in way they would go alll go back to sauvage so if u start to take hib keeps with a lot of hibs in our froniter...then its puts them under pressure to defend there own keeps...ive defended our frontier loads, and tbh im sick of defence, we need to take the fight onto the hibs and mids more and dont give them the chance to pillage sauvage, take there damn keeps for a change....if u take Scaithaig...hibs wont care about keeps in our frontier...

You do have a good point there...

now get online cos hibs are taking keeps again :rolleyes:


Can't understand people staying in emain when 5 keeps are down and a big hib-force moving in our fronteirs. However, they missed loads of RP's and a hell off a battle outside Excal :).


Write all the drivel you want, the fact still stands, if you moan and insult, I`ll boot.


The Important thing peeps must remember here is "its a game "
This is honestly not real .........

Yes i understand the frustration sometimes !!!

I have and will continue to help anyone.but i will add if someone bitches on /as about all the albs being in emain (i do think to myself well if they wanna be there then good for them !!)

If someone says to me politley or i see a msg to help ill be there in a flash.

But to be told to do this or do that is imo out of order.

Dont know the in's and outs of falcors bad experience but yes i can imagine to be booted from a group to be truly horrible :(

:( :( albs same old story......yawn :( :(


My worst rvr experience is this,

i got stun killed by a caster, it pissed me off because there was nothing I could do about it, I hope this hasn’t happed to anyone else.

Oh wait.......................


FC took back several keeps yesterday ... one alb keep was left in hib/mid hands (beno) but als were already en route to it so we respectfully declined and moved back to emain Only to hear minutes later that there was an event set up to wich we were not invited because it was only for the guilds who had taken back keeps (note first keep we took back was with 7 guildies only and we didnt have much help for the other 2 either) Later that day several keeps were taken again and some guildies went to assist in retakign them but we did NOT go as a guild. Oh and here is a top instead of taking the keeps AFTER they take em, block em somewhere BEFORE they get in our frontier or roam for em and take em out in the open.


Illuminati has taken loads of keeps back in alb frontier in the past, together with a few other guilds like DK, GoL and some others which names I don't recall atm. Always same peeps coming to defend and retake keeps. Now we've stopped caring and only go when we feel like.

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