Proc Preferances



This is a question to all you hibbies (and non hibbies who trespass in here ;) ) about what you think the ideal tank proc/reactive set up is.
Ok, it may have taken me a while..but i've finally got my champ his armour and settled on a sc template. (ok, maybe a bit slow as sc has been out for while...but i been on a break etc....:p ....ok plus i kept changin my mind :p )

Now i've come to the proc/reactives question. What is the best setup i should go for?
I was thinking that ablatives are a must and dot's are definately out because of unmezzability etc.. (these are my only 2 definates, everythin else is flexible)

So, one idea was to stick ablative reactives on all bits of my armour...or as a similar idea on every bit but boots/gloves as they don't get hit often. Then stick a charge or somethin on the boots/gloves. Lifedrain or af buff etc.

Then on my weapon i'm thinking either dd charge...or af buff. Most people seem to think dd as far as i can see but i would like some opinions on stickin an af buff on instead..droppin the chance of a bit of extra damage for teh chance of a bit of extra defence.

Originally i had been thinkin of going the reverse...ablative on my wep and dd's on my armour but i read the alchemy site and the proc ablative is half the strength of the reactive so i've kinda ditched that one.

Anyway.. i seem to be ramblin a bit now...over to you lot. :D


I was going for af proc on vest, ablatives on other bits. Dunno wether thats the best way, but I always was a n00b. Hell I don't even have an end spec for my chars till I get to around lvl 30. I didnt even have one for my dr00d :p

Oh and dot proc on weapon is good yes?


ablatives are essential imo. Have had a few solo fights with my champ and whenever i've met someone with an ablative charge or a proc that's gone off then they have pwned me. The damage i lose per hit is pretty decent. Not so sure about af, it's hard to see the effect of that without carefully takin account of how often i miss, so maybe it does have a big effect but not as noticable as ablatives.
So i was gonna go ablatives all over (or on the main bits) as it gives more chance of it going off and hence more chance of pwnin me. Err... know what i mean. :p


afaik the af doesn't affect the hit-rate.

It's to calculate the dmg done with weapons.


Uff thought it did. Ah well, still harder to notice than ablative effects as it doesn't tell u that 100 dmg has been absorbed..etc. :)


The more AF you have the more you miss. There is a very easy way to prove this - if I let some greycon mobs bash my little luwi eldritch without her AF buff they often hit. If I cast the AF buff they all miss.

AF does affect the miss-rate, and also damage taken.


I have ablatives on all crafted armour (would have prefered a crafted hauberk, but the legion one does the job, but stuck with crappy dmg shield), DoT proc's on my weapons and a handy AF buff on a crafted short bow. Can't say i have any complaints from that setup, and ablatives can be the difference between getting killed or the druid gettin that all too needed heal on you in time. :)


Originally posted by VodkaFairy
The more AF you have the more you miss. There is a very easy way to prove this - if I let some greycon mobs bash my little luwi eldritch without her AF buff they often hit. If I cast the AF buff they all miss.

AF does affect the miss-rate, and also damage taken.

Uhhh, af does not affect that at all, however in patch 1.53 they added something in the absorb buff that will make enemies miss you more.


Ablatives make such a difference, in rvr having it proc 3 times in a row is just what I need to keep me standing, number of times it's saved me at 1 hp then bang...insta heal :D

A must for most classes tbh, solo ones will profit more from dot and dd procs although a few reactives on the more commonly hit parts is still essential, I've done a few full reactive DOT proc suits for ns but never heard from them how useful it is, would be curious to know :)

From what I've seen af procs seem to be more use in pve, not sure they make so much of a difference in rvr that they are worth investing in heavily, ablatives seem to do a better job.

The dmg add charges (if they work this coming patch) might be quite nice too, going to get a crafted shortbow and play with that for a while :)


Had ablatives done on my vest, sleeves, legs and helm on my bard and druid and they rock :D

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