problems with dual logging


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
I have noticed that my BB goes LD a lot lately and there is a message at the start saying running 2 accounts is not supported, hidden buffbot nerf?


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 20, 2004
I'm getting the same, been reading through posts on here and sites to help fix it, but nothing has worked for me, seems I'm stuck with it until they sort it out. :<


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
There is a problem with two accounts on the same machine with patch 1.69, Mythic address this in 1.70 with a slash command - /clientsleep background, which makes the daoc window not draw itself unless it is in focus.

If you get your task manager up, you will probably see that the bot account is running at 0% cpu power, with the odd jump to 3% and back down.

I've come up with a solution that let me run two accounts through ML3 on hib/excal today, although it did get a bit strange when both zoned out of the dungeon. Load up both accounts, then get your system properties up and change the process scheduling to background tasks. With focus on the main account (first loaded), both were roaming between 40-60% cpu power and fairly smooth. Focussing on the background account gave a bit of lag for a few seconds, then smoothed out. This is on an AMD Athlon 64 3400 with 1Gb memory though, your system may (or may not) be able to cope.

If you notice the new warning, it basically says that some systems may not work and GOA will not offer technical support for two accounts on the same machine (which is fair enough..). Saving their own behinds until they get around to giving us New Frontiers and that command.

There are (unverified by me) reports of bots 'going ld' but buffs remaining until the escape button is pressed and the client exits.

Anyone with a Pentium class processor with Hyperthreading having any problems?


Loyal Freddie
Jan 31, 2004
Ajeroth said:
There are (unverified by me) reports of bots 'going ld' but buffs remaining until the escape button is pressed and the client exits.

Happened to me, thought is was pure coincidence.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Happened to me as well but this was long before 1.69 came out. I guess it is a bug because it basically gives you an invincible buffbot/PL toon ... s'pose I should have reported it but I didn't give it much thought at the time.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 6, 2004
Ajeroth said:
There are (unverified by me) reports of bots 'going ld' but buffs remaining until the escape button is pressed and the client exits.

That has happened to me. Left it a good 10 mins before hitting Esc on the 2nd account. I have no idea how long it will last before the toon finally does leave the game properly.


Loyal Freddie
May 19, 2004
^^ he doesnt, well never did for me on usa servers.

problem is everytime you have to rebuff, you have to "esc" the buffbot out, and log him back in, wich is a pain in the ass.

Mythic screwed something up with dual-loggin in 1.69, then acknowledged that even on vnboards etc.

the NF has a fix for it to put your "alt-tabbed" account on "sleep-mode" and it supposed to have fixed it.

Im not sure what the problem is/was. but i havent had it on 1.69 here, while i DID have it on 1.69 usa. :touch:

goanne be annoying, really nothing to do about it. 99% of the fixes i tried on usa 1.69 didnt work also.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Ajeroth said:
I've come up with a solution that let me run two accounts through ML3 on hib/excal today, although it did get a bit strange when both zoned out of the dungeon. Load up both accounts, then get your system properties up and change the process scheduling to background tasks. With focus on the main account (first loaded), both were roaming between 40-60% cpu power and fairly smooth. Focussing on the background account gave a bit of lag for a few seconds, then smoothed out. This is on an AMD Athlon 64 3400 with 1Gb memory though, your system may (or may not) be able to cope.

that seems to have worked, though its a little laggy in toa zones, havent tried with SI client yet. i run a athlon 2800 with 768 memory and a radion 9800 pro.

thanks for the tip :)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
Works fine for me, same as before 1.69

1gh duron, 768mb ram & gf2 mx gfx card


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Anyone with a Pentium class processor with Hyperthreading having any problems?

Dual CPU and hyperthreading machines seem to have no problem at all according to two friends of mine.

As for the " we don´t support blabla"... it´s indeed fair to say it. Running two instances of DAOC has always been an unsupported feature. However: Looking at the fact that a huge number of people actually *are* running and paying for two or more accounts, I think it´s about time to do something about it. The current situation is quite unsatisfying for the customers and "it´s gonna be fixed in 1.70" doesn´t help.


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
I've come up with a solution that let me run two accounts through ML3 on hib/excal today, although it did get a bit strange when both zoned out of the dungeon. Load up both accounts, then get your system properties up and change the process scheduling to background tasks. With focus on the main account (first loaded), both were roaming between 40-60% cpu power and fairly smooth. Focussing on the background account gave a bit of lag for a few seconds, then smoothed out. This is on an AMD Athlon 64 3400 with 1Gb memory though, your system may (or may not) be able to cope
Set them both to low priority?


Dec 23, 2003
Chronictank said:
Set them both to low priority?

yes, but doing so when rvr'ing your active window will lag like shit in emain and when inc, at least if you dont got ze über comp.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
2 clients seems better in 1.69 for me. I don't just play a main account and buffbot - more a duo type setup, so the 2nd account is generally tailing the 1st. Played both in Sob Eternal last night without lag - pre 1.69 that was a proper lag-festival. Hyperthreaded P4 here.

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