Problems with boot up


Cap'n Sissyfoo

Okay...I think this is due to an over heating problem but in a strange bizarro reverse way.

Recently, whenever I turn my computer on in the morning I get blue screens and crashes before I get into windows. I tend to have to reboot about 6-7 times before I finally get to scandisk and then into windows. After that everything works fine and I have no problems for the rest of the day while the computer is on. When I reboot after several hours the computer takes aaagggges to load up and I have to shut it down. I usually come back several hours later or in the morning and have to go through the same process again.

Any ideas on what might be behind this and is there a way I can overcome it?

Cheers for any help.


Sounds liek a nasty little problem... maybe some of your files have gotten corrupted when your PC dropped out.

I think the easiest and quickest way to fix your problem is simply... reinstall Windows. (prefferably from the ground up, not reinstal over the top of your old windows)


Agreed, a reinstall sounds in order.
However, run a scandisk to check your HD for errors as well.
My money's on either a Corrupt OS and/or a HDD with bad sectors.

I doubt it's an overheating problem, as it happens first thing in the morning as well.


One option to try before a reinstall is to reboot your PC (if you have Win2k or Winxp) , as it starts up, hit F8 and take the option "R" to repair windows installation, this quite often works.
You'll need your original Windows CD,as it copies files from it.

Also, you'll probably need to run Windows update again, as the updates will probably be lost.

Cap'n Sissyfoo

Groovy! Sounds like a good plan. Thanks for your help everyone. :)

Cap'n Sissyfoo


Scanned the HD/D for errors and it came up clean. I backed up all my data and formatted the hard drive and now it won't let me reinstall an OS. It basically gets to the 'press enter to install Windows XP' screen and the screen either goes blank or it freaks out and puts on a psychadelic coloured screeen show. I did the uber 2hr 55 min surface scan to detect and glitches on the drive but it again came back clean with no errors or bad sectors found.

I theeen tried using my slave drive as the master drive on its own and tried to boot up to windows 2000. This produced a very peculiar error just after the memory test. As soon as it had detected the Primary Master Drive and Secondary Master Drive (CD-ROM) the old slave drive started making loud whirring noises and filled the screen with '...01 01 01 01 01...'

I have tried changing the graphics card to see if this may have been causing the bizarre display problem when I was trying to reinstall the OS but this didn't help matters at all.

I know that the slave drive is okay because I have never had any problems in accessing it or booting up into it before and I am reluctant to tinker with it because my ENTIRE life since University is backed up onto it (including girlie pics!! :eek:).

Sooo...basically, I am fresh out of ideas and the urge to kill is rising. I would appreciate any help anyone can give me. :D

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