


k here it is..

i went to do my epic, since i was way behind i had low ones to do first.

im a kobold spiritmaster (lvl41), i had all the Glenlock pieces and i had to take them to the dwarves in muspelheim.

my journal said something along the lines of

"take the pieces to the dwarves in muspelheim, beware for they are not keen on strangers, you may have to kill skeletons to gain there trust"

so i look around and all i see is grey skeletons(every skeleton in there is grey so no other choice..), killed for about an hour and i go to the dwarves, there still aggro and i have to kill about 40greys which i barely survive :p .

so kill more skeletons and still no luck, i ask around and then i find out that killing greys doesnt change faction! (news to me :p)

so my question on earth can i complete this lowbie epic if the mob i need to talk to is aggressive to me? :(



yer gonna love me for saying this....

You can't! nah nah nah nah nah!


You have to kill green or higher for the faction to change, so im afraid your stuck unless theres some other mob that can raise your faction with them :(


No, seriously, I don't think you can. Your best bet is to RightNow(butinanotherspacetimecontinuum) and see if they can change it for you. I know for a fact the US CS team will change faction if it's a vital quest (such as your epic), so I would hope that EU CS will do it to.


You could try grouping with someone who has the mobs at green con, that might change your faction?

No idea if it does but might be worth a quick try


yeah that might work :)

going on holiday now anyway so ill try in 2 weeks :)


Surely the dwarves will be grey too? wouldn't think they'd attack if grey...


Whether they are grey or not is not the issue, the problem is that you can't talk to someone if they are aggressive to you, you just get 'xxxx gives you a dirty look' and nothing more. For this quest you actually have to talk to the dwarves to do it, but I was quite surpised that they attacked Mobius, but it really doesn't matter. If there was just 1 green dwarf to him, they would all have swarmed over him, even the greys.

- Pathfinder -

Are there no mobs green etc somewhere in Mid for you to gain faction on? If there aren't, you'll have to ask GOA to help you - if they don't you're in a miserable postion.


Dont know if this helps but I did part of my Bard epic(at least I think it was my epic I dont do quests very often :) when all the siabras were Aggressive to me, I had to talk to a guy called Macnol. All the siabras were aggressive but once me and some friends wiped them out, i could get in to talk to him.

Even he attacked me a few times, IF another siabra spawned and aggrod me first.

Might be completely different as I dont know the mobs in your realm but I did mine.


And to cap it all off with the Macnol one, I helped a friend by having him attack my chanter (he was gray to him) I then ran out of the forest where he was (with him following) then proceeded to stun the fella. For some reason this allowed my friend to speak to him.

Oh and we were not grouped to do this, so that's prolly why he could speak to him.


But in hib if there is a named mob that u have to speak with he is normaly nuetral eventhought all the mob is his/her same type are agro meebe mid is different?


nah, they had to make all quest mobs in mid aggro towards us because otherwise everything would be too easy for us.


we're just to 'ard for our own good.


iirc, to get a good faction with the Dwarves (Dreugs sp?) in Muspelheim you need to kill Seared Skeletons, some of which should be green still. I am pretty sure I bodyguarded some friends when I was lvl46 and some Seared Skellies were still green (not many tho). Just chain kill them (when you are back from holiday ;) ) and the dorfs will love you...


Thanks all :)

still in gran canaria, just found a web cafe at last :D

god spanish pcs teh suck

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by Vell
Whether they are grey or not is not the issue, the problem is that you can't talk to someone if they are aggressive to you, you just get 'xxxx gives you a dirty look' and nothing more.

Hmmm... don't know if this is completely correct.
Enchanters/NS/Bards basically get the same epic/trainer quest line.

At level 15 you are required to talk to Macnol, a Siabra - those are aggressive towards you by default. You can kill Curmodgeons and your faction with them goes up.
That's how I did it the first time, talked to Macnol who was neutral then... and quest could continue.

Not long ago, I did the same quest with my NS- with him I kill Siabras (they drop nice leather;)). So regardless how many curms I killed, my faction standing was ruined and I couldn't get anywhere near Macnol. Not even stealthed.

So I waited with this part of the quest until the Siabras around/and Macnol was gray to me. Still hostile but he talked to me... quest continued.

*shrugs* It worked fine for me.


by chance or what, I don't know - I had a friend who needed help with aggressive epic mobs, macnol..

With my higher levelled chanter, I stunned macnol which made it possible for him to talk to macnol for some reason...

Woth a try?

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