problem with my computer



Ok. There's a problem with the computer that I play on DAoC on mainly and have my ISDN connected through, so I want to get my comp back.

Ok, here are the details of what happens:

I start up my comp, and it's fine. Goes through the tiny screen. But then it goes through to the screen with TINY on. But then it goes to the safe mode screen, where you choose whether you want to go into
1)safe mode
2)safe mode with network
3)safe mode with command prompt
4)start from the last known point at which your comp was working
5)start windows normally

I have tried clicking on all of these and it always does the same thing. It goes through the Windows XP load screen, then goes onto the blue screen of death. This reads:

A problem has been detected and Windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer.


If this is the first time you've seen this Stop error screen, restart your computer (done). If this screen appears again, follow these steps:

Check to make sure any hardware (well my hardwares been working fine for the past year)or software(can't check because I can't get onto it :() is properly installed. If this is a new installation, ask your hardware or software manufacturer for any windows updates you might need.

If the problems continue, disable or remove any newly installed hardware or software. Disable BIOS memory options such as caching or shadowing(not sure how to do this :/). If you need to use safe mode(won't work :() to remove or disable components, restart your computer, press F8 to select advanced startup options, and then select safe mode.

Technical infomation:

*** STOP: 0x000000ED (0x80EA6488, 0x00000000, 0x00000000)

If you need anymore info just ask. Thanks in advance :)


Did anything in particular happen in between the time when it was working properly and the time it stopped working? Added new hardware? Installed a new program? Updated a driver? Had a nasty crash/power failure/got stepped on by a cow? A computer that is working fine doesn't usually stop working unless something happens to it (admittedly the cow one is rare) and these are the first things to look at.


I went ld on DAoC, and pressed esc to exit, as you do, and then it's just a black screen. went off for about 10 minutes waiting for it to load back into windows but it stayed on the black screen. It's done this about once or twice before. So I restarted my comp by the switch on the comp and started up again and it did this :( At least a cow didn't step/fall/crap on it :)


First make sure that your floppy disk drive and your cd-rom are empty when you boot (I doubt it is that but you never know).

You may need to follow the instructions here:;EN-US;q297185

If it is your filesystem that is damaged, that is very very bad. If CHKDSK cannot recover it, you may have lost everything on that hard drive and need to format and reinstall everything. :(


Beat the hell out of your CPU with a frozen Fish


Sounds like your harddrive is corrupted. Maybe a nasty virus? Or maybe the disk just decided to cancel it's contract with you and retire...

Try booting from a floppy and run scandisk.


im fairly certain its either a HD problem, or a XP problem.

if its HD, well, tough. Cant really do anything about that.

if its XP, the same step that work in W2K might work here.

but from your XP cd, and chose emergency repair. This will scan your windows installation, and possibly find and correct errors.

other than that, i hope you didnt have invaluable data, apart from your char configs :)


Had the same thing about 2 weeks ago. Put your ear on the HD when you boot.. can you hear anything unusual, like the HD being "stuck", trying to read but cant?

I was sure my HD was a goner, but booting from CD, formating (which took very long time, lotsa bad sectors there, I guess) and reinstalling windows worked.

Hmm.. you wouldn't happen to have an IBM Deskstar GXP, would you? They go booom a lot.


No. I've got some little tiny piece of rubbish which I got from one of those pay £10 a month for 12 months government sceme thingy. It seems to be ... how should I put it ... CRAP and never seems to lack problems. The only reason I use it alot is because if I can't sort it out I can just dump it on the computer technicians down the road who are obliged to help ;)

I decided to reboot and reinstall everything though being as I didn't have much important stuff on it. Only a few pictures and a few songs that I never played. Ah well :(


I decided to reboot and reinstall

Better be carefull, if that message is related to the mbr of your hard drive being kaboom, reinstalling might not be the option.
Might do as Sami says first, listen closely to your HD booting for ANYTHING unusual.

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