I have a problem with my computer (not DAoC related).
When I start up my PC the loading of windows takes far more longer then normal. After that it keeps loading and loading nothing for about 15-20 minutes. When it finally stops my screen freezes every 5 secs, but I can move the cursor.
When I start up DAoC right after windows is loaded, it takes 5 minutes till I can finally play, but the loading does stop. Not the freezining though... I get huge lag ingame with diches up to 5 secs, the fps thingy shows 2 red squares constantly, though I never go LD.
My system (1 year old):
Pentium 4 1700 Mhz
256 Mb RAM
Geforce 3
36,1 GB hd space, 12,7 GB free
4 profiles on the computer, every profile has the same problem.
I'm barely able to write this thread cause of the weird freezes, so I hope anysomebody can help me.
When I start up my PC the loading of windows takes far more longer then normal. After that it keeps loading and loading nothing for about 15-20 minutes. When it finally stops my screen freezes every 5 secs, but I can move the cursor.
When I start up DAoC right after windows is loaded, it takes 5 minutes till I can finally play, but the loading does stop. Not the freezining though... I get huge lag ingame with diches up to 5 secs, the fps thingy shows 2 red squares constantly, though I never go LD.
My system (1 year old):
Pentium 4 1700 Mhz
256 Mb RAM
Geforce 3
36,1 GB hd space, 12,7 GB free
4 profiles on the computer, every profile has the same problem.
I'm barely able to write this thread cause of the weird freezes, so I hope anysomebody can help me.