Problem I've not encountered before...



Got an old Pentium2 400mHz here, 128mb of RAM, matrox mystique display card + voodoo2 3D card...
I turn it on, screen stays off for a few moments before receiving some input and coming on... I'm looking at the usual bios logo, its telling me what the CPU is and what speed etc etc.... all normal.
Then it counts the ram, says 128mb OK (130xxxxKB OK) and then says WAIT....
Normally I think it says that for a few secs then carrys on booting up. However now it just freezes.
Can't get into the bios since it never gets to the stage of initialising the keyboard... doesn't even complain if you turn it on with no keyboard attached...

Euhm, basically, I've never encountered a repeated lockup this early in boot-up before. Anyone got any ideas?


It may be worth doing a hard reset on the motherboard, there's usually a jumper you can use to clear the BIOS settings when you power up.

Probably not a very helpful idea, but it's the only thing I can think of at the moment :)


Nice Guy Eddie!

Yep, its a pain resetting the motherboard,

If your motherboard anything like mine, you need someone with very small hands, and is quite calm :D

Unless you take everything out the motherboard, so you have room,

There a setting you place the jumpers in for a few seconds,

Anyways, i had to do that, as i was missing around with my BIOS, and set it rong, and soon i turned my Computer on, it wouldent bleep, just kept re-setting itself..

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