Well guys, Im very new to this and I'm also very remedial when it comes to computers, so be kind to the slow lady please? I've got an epson stlus color 680 printer, or so the writing on the side states, and the greedy little sod is on strike. He refuses to print me anything because I don't have a colour cartridge installed. Except I do. He's under the impression that its run out or dungeon mastered it out of there. Anyway, I dont even want to print in colour, and i certainly dont want to fork out for a new cartridge. I'm throwing myself at the mercy of your superior knowledge. I am braced for the mocking, and yes, it IS plugged in.
Btw, for those that know WPKenny, I'm the computer frustration he lives with. He's at work and Im really impatient. Yabededadad essays and deadlines.
Btw, for those that know WPKenny, I'm the computer frustration he lives with. He's at work and Im really impatient. Yabededadad essays and deadlines.