Preview Of TRTR



Yer, lets hope it doesn't run like a slideshow, like it does at the moment :mad:


hmmm maybe its about time i bought a nu graffix card.. :p or a nu processor? still, i can always download the screenies. nice


Nope, that doesn't look amazing at all! Nope! Looks like the same old game with a few new skins and maybe a few new models and OH WOW a few new maps! Jeepers!


Does look good. More vehicles for me to ram in my jeep!

My new tactic is to fill an axis jeep up with dynamite (can't use the allied jeeps it falls out to easily) then ram the nearest tank. And just when they think they're ok you detonate and ka-boom :) Can also use APC's if you put it on the bonnet and drive carfully.

And they thought they had gimped jeep ramming!


Actually I'm a little riled about this.


Six new maps from the Sicilian and Italian campaigns including Operation Husky (Sicily), and the battles for Anzio and Monte Cassino.
Eight new vehicles including the German BF-110 and British Mosquito fighter-bombers.
Two new fighting forces including the Free French forces and Italian army.
New hand-held weapons including the Italian Breda assault rifle, British Sten SMG and bayonets on rifles.
Proprietary Refractor 2 engine raises bar for graphics and 3D rendering.
Huge multiplayer component supporting up to 64 players that requires teamwork and cooperation from each member in order to achieve victory for the Axis or Allies.
Unique single player mode features no scripting, meaning the player gets different experience each time they play.

So, to summarise. 6 maps. 8 new vehicles (8 new vehicle models with essentially the same physics and skills required to use). 3 "new" hand-held weapons. And the rest of that is just advertising stuff that's already there. THIS SURE SOUNDS REVOLUTIONARY! They sure aren't milking this game for all they can, no sir! They're definitely doing this for our benefit entirely! It'd be very cool if they sold this addon pack for, say, £25 so that we can ensure with our money more quality products and service!

Scooba Da Bass

heh ehehehehe way to tell 'em Louster!

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